Data Science Courses in Europe (2016)

Type of course Higher Education/Professional Development Course Title Course link Course Provider Country Primary location (City, Online, Blended) Language Length of course Qualification or accreditation Study mode (FT, PT, Flexible) Department(s), Faculty Core modules/units/course content Data not available Techniques, tools, programming languages Placement Total cost EU (starting 2016) Cost non-EU (starting 2016) Subsidised Learning Target audience Listed, searchable? search term, tag Entry requirements? Frequency of course Start date/time Year established Industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Studies Danube University Krems Austria Campus Krems English, native language 5 semesters Master of Science FT, PT Arts, Culture and Building Data Literacy, Digital Methods, Dat Imagery, Digital Humanities, Data Methodology, Seminar Data Privacy Law, Practical Project Work, Information Management and Data Analysis, Module e-Presence, Scientific Theory, Research Methods, and Masters Thesis Seminar Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 14,850.00 Data not available Data not available Journalists, Engineers, Developers, Digital Humanities, Digital Curators, Librarians, Archivists, Media Scientists, Historians, Cultural Scientists, Art Historians, Technical Scientists, and Data Managers. Data not available data, humanities Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Academic Expert Higher Education Data Studies Danube University Krems Austria Campus Krems English, native language 3 semesters Akademische/r Experte/in, AE FT, PT Data not available Data Literacy, Digital Methods, Dat Imagery, Digital Humanities, Data Methodology, Seminar Data Privacy Law, Practical Project Work, Information Management and Data Analysis, Module e-Presence Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 9,850.00 Data not available Data not available Journalists, Engineers, Developers, Digital Humanities, Digital Curators, Librarians, Archivists, Media Scientists, Historians, Cultural Scientists, Art Historians, Technical Scientists, and Data Managers. Data not available data, humanities Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Certificate Higher Education Data Studies Danube University Krems Austria Campus Krems English, native language 3 semesters Certified Programme FT, PT Data not available Data Literacy, Digital Methods, Dat Imagery, Digital Humanities, Data Methodology Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 5,850.00 Data not available Data not available Journalists, Engineers, Developers, Digital Humanities, Digital Curators, Librarians, Archivists, Media Scientists, Historians, Cultural Scientists, Art Historians, Technical Scientists, and Data Managers. Data not available data, humanities Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Wirtschaftsinformatik (Business Informatics) Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz Austria Linz Native language 3 years Bachelor of Science FT Data not available Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Grundlagen der Informatik, Grundlagen der Mathematik, Statistik und formaler Methoden, Grundlagen der Rechts, Fachsprache Englisch, Soziale und geschlechterspezifische Aspekte der IT, Information Engineering, Data and Knowledge Engineering, Software Engineering, Ausgew�hlte Aspekte der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Spezialisierungsfach Wirtschaftsinformatik (mit Bachelorarbeit), Wahlfach Wirtschaftsinformatik oder Wirtschaftswissenschaften Typisch: Algorithmen and Datenstrukturen, Prozess- and Kommunikationsmodellierung, Mathematik und Logic, Datenmodellierung Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Graduates going into industry and business with IT, analysis and consulting specialisation computing, data Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Wirtschaftsinformatik (Business Informatics) Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz Austria Linz Native language 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available Pflichtprogramme: Spezialkompetenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Ausgew�hlte Aspekte der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Advanced Text Production in Business Informatics, Vertiefende soziale und geschlechterspezifische Aspekte der IT. Auswahl: Information Engineering & Management, Software Engineering, Business Intelligence, Business Engineering & Management Spezialkompetenz Wirtschaftsinformatik Spezialkompetenz Informatik Specialization Business Intelligence and Data Science: Service Engineering Advanced, Service Engineering, Semantic Technologies, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Strategische IT-Planung, Business Engineering and Management. Data not available Data not available Information Information Data not available Data not available computing, data Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Wirtschaftsinformatik (Business Informatics) Technikum Wien Akademy (University of Applied Sciences Vienna) Austria Vienna Native language 3 years Bachelor of Science FT, PT Data not available Aktuellen Lehrveranstaltungen Spezialisierungsm�glichkeiten: eGovernment, eFinance, eHealth, Mobile Computing, Open Source, Supply Chain Management, Cloud Computing, Security, Advanced Software Engineering, Social Media Management Data not available Internship in year 3 EUR 363,36 Studiengebb�hr, EUR 75,- Kostenbeitrag f�r Zusatzleistungen, EUR 19,20 �H-Beitrag Data not available Data not available School leavers computing University entrance qualification exam in a relevant field Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Information Systems Vienna University Austria Vienna English, native language 2 years Master of Science (WU) FT Department of Information Systems and Operations; Department of Business, Employment and Social Security Law; Department of Socioeconomics; Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics; Department of Strategy and Innovation Business Information Systems Business Process Management Database Systems Data Mining and Decision Support Systems Distributed Systems Information Systems Development Innovation Management Introduction to IT Law IT Governance and Controlling IT Strategy Theory of Computation User-Centered IS Design Specializations (up to 2 for choice): Information Systems, Engineering Information Systems, Service Management, Information Systems Processes Competence Areas (up to 2 for choice): ICT Law, Information Systems Management and Accountability, Spatial Business Intelligence, Sustainable Information Systems Master Thesis Data not available Data not available EUR 1,453.44 EUR 2,906.88 some discounts available Graduates going into industry and business with IT, analysis and consulting specialisation Data not available business, information systems, IT Bachelor Degree: Information systems and/or computer science OR Mathematics and/or statistics OR Business Administration and/or economics as well as information systems and/or computer sciences. English Annual Winter semester Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Applied Computer Science Free University of Brussels Belgium Brussels English 2 years Master of Science FT Engineering Fundamentals of Computer Science,Techniques of Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Web Technologies, Computer Systems, Operating Systems and Security, Operating Systems and Security, Scripting Languages, Algorithms and Data Structures, Advanced Programming Concepts, Technology and applications of micro-electronics and photonics, Modelling Languages, Data Representation, Reduction and Analysis, Distributed Computing and Storage Architectures Option Smart Cities: Sustainable Mobility and Logistics, Software and Engineering for Embedded Systems, Management and Performance Analysis of Sensor Networks, Navigation and Intelligent Vehicles. Option Digital Health: Statistical Foundations of Machine Learning, Medical Informatics, Algorithms in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Biomedical Signals and Images Optional Elective Modules, Optional Entrepreneurship Modules, Optional Internship, Masters Thesis Data not available Optional EUR 890.00 EUR 5900 some discounts available students who have already completed an academic bachelor�s or master�s degree in a field of exact sciences or engineering, with little or outdated computer science related contents. Data not available Data not available Bachelor Degree in Science or Engineering Annual Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Statistical Data Analysis Ghent University Belgium Ghent English 1 year (FT), 2-3 years (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Data not available Statistical Computing, Principles of Statistical Data Analysis, Major Statistical Science: Analysis of Continuous Data, Statistical Inference, Categorical Data Analysis, Major Computational Statistics: Statistical Modelling, Big Data Science, Programming and Algorithms, Databases Bayesian Statistics, Analysis of High Dimensional Data, Computational Biology, Computer Intensive Statistical Methods, Experimental Design, Spatial Statistics, Econometrics, Epidemiology and Clinical Trials, Causality and Missing Data, Statistical Genomics, Survival Analysis, Analysis of Clustered and Longitudinal Data Data not available Data not available EUR 2,930.00 EUR 2,930.00 no scholarships Data not available Data not available Data not available Master of Science degree in related discipline, with basic statistics and maths knowledge Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science: Data Science University of Antwerp Belgium Antwerp English, native language 2 years Master of Science FT Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Major Data Science: Database systems, Information retrieval, Modelling of software-intensive systems, Data mining, Distributed computing, Scientific English, Research Internship*2 Project databases, Bioinformatics, Current trends in information retrieval. Options Dutch Language (depend on campus): Bioinformatics, Big Data Algorithms, Data Science Project, Current Trends in Data Science, Case Studies in Data Science, Statistische modellen en data-analyse, Text-based information retrieval, Complexiteit, Fundamenten van databases, Web-informatiesystemen Option Dutch Language, Management and entrepreneurship: Financieel management en juridische aspecten, Management en organisatie, Strategische bedrijfscommunicatie, Innovatie en entrepreneurship, Procesmanagement en kwaliteitszorg Data not available Compulsory research internship*2 EUR 1,550.00 EUR 1,550.00 no scholarships Competent professionals with a scientific background data science BSc in Information Sciences, Computer Science, or Engineering Sciences: Computer Science Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Applied/Business Computing University of Dubrovnik Croatia Dubrovnik Native language 3 years Bachelor of Science FT Electrical Engineering and Computing Department Core Modules Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Information Systems European University of Cyprus Cyprus Nicosia English 18 months Master of Science FT, PT School of Sciences Requirements: Engineering and Management Project Management Strategic Information Systems Integrating the Enterprise Research Methodology Information Systems Project E-Business Start-up, Building E-Business Computer Networks and IT Infrastructure Human Computer Interaction Decision Support Systems Data and Knowledge Management Systems Information Visualization Data not available Data not available EUR 314 per module EUR 322 per module Scholarships and Financial Assistance Intermediate Data not available Data not available Successful completion of a Bachelor�s degree at a recognized institution, or equivalent professional qualifications. twice a year October, February Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Intelligent Systems University of Cyprus Cyprus Nicosia English 2 years Master of Science FT, PT Data not available Artificial Intelligence, Electronic Games Software Engineering, Digital Video Processing, Information Retrieval and Search Engines, Multi-Agent Systems, Machine Learning and Data Mining, Computational Logic, System Analysis and Verification, Constraint Solving Methods, Computational Bioscience, Neuroinformatics, Research Methodologies in Computer Science, Temporal Information Systems in Medicine, E-Health Distributed Systems, Foundations of Web Technologies, Advanced Software Engineering, Advanced Computer Architecture, Networks and the Internet, Visual Computing, Advanced Databases, Data Management for Mobile Computing, E-Commerce, Learning Technologies and Open and Distance Learning, Advanced Parallel Processing, Computer Graphics: Modelling and Realism, Wireless Computer Networks, Design with Embedded Processors, System Analysis and Verification, Machine Vision, Algorithmic Game Theory, System and Network Security, Web Services and Service Oriented Computing, Software Architectures, Component-Based Systems, Special Topics in Computer Science Data not available Data not available EUR 4,100.00 EUR 4,100.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available twice a year Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Geoinformatics Technical University of Ostrava Czech Republic Ostrava English 3 years Bachelor of Science FT Faculty of Mining and Geology Photogrammetry, Introduction to Geoinformatics, Introduction to Geography, Spatial Problems Algorithm Development, Principles of Informatics, Digital Terrain Models, Introductory field practice, Basics of Mathematics, Principles of Physics, Geodesy, Database Systems, Sources of Spatial Data, Global Navigation and Positioning Systems, GIS and GNSS Field Works, Bachelor Physics, GIS Data Processing, Thematic Cartography, Programming I, Remote Sensing, Geodata processing practice, Interpretation of geodata, Quantitative methods in geography, Computer Graphics Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 3,500.00 EUR 3,500.00 Data not available Students who would like to get knowledge about work with spatial data Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Geoinformatics Technical University of Ostrava Czech Republic Ostrava English 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Mining and Geology Digital Processing of Remotely Sensed Data, Modelling and Simulation in Geosciences, Planning of Geoinformation Technologies Applications, Spatial Problems Algorithm Development, Thesis Seminar I, II & III, Selected Chapters of Physics, Cartography and GIS Excursion, Professional Practice, Programming III, EntrepreneurshipIntroduction to ManagementMobile Geoinformation Technologies, Field Work, Spatial Databases, Entrepreneurship, Introduction to Management, Mobile Geoinformation Technologies Logic for Practice, Elements of the Hydrometeorology, Human Geography, Data and Model Uncertainty, Web Pages Development and Design, Numerical Methods and Statistics, Traffic Telematics, Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Programming IV, Spatial Data Publishing on WWW, GeoComputation Data not available Data not available EUR 4,000.00 EUR 4,000.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science - Software and Data Engineering Charles University Prague Czech Republic Prague English 3 years Master of Science FT Data not available Introduction to Complexity and Computability, Data Structures I, Operating Systems Query Languages I, II, Transactions, Stochastic Methods in Databases, Querying with Preferences, Data Mining, Retrieval of Multimedia Content on the Web, Big Data Management and NoSQL Databases, Data Visualization Techniques, Text Search Techniques, Probabilistic Methods, Introduction to Machine Learning, Concepts of Modern Programming Languages, Design Patterns, Programming in Parallel Environment, Recommended Programming Practices, High Performance Software Development, Advanced Programming Praxis, Computer Networks II, Principles of Distributed Systems, Introduction to Software Engineering, Development and Monitoring, Software System Architectures, Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems, Data Integration and Quality, Web Services, Software Engineering in Practice, Virtualization and Cloud, Computing, Cloud Application Development, Advanced Technologies for Web, Applications, Formal Foundations of Software, Engineering, Data Structures II Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Intelligence Aarhus University Denmark Aarhus English 2 years Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration FT School of Business and Social Studies Business Forecasting IS Development & Implementation in a Business Context Data Warehousing SAS and SQL for Business Analytics Data Mining for Business Decisions In Advanced Market Research Bayesian Networks Project Management: A Practitioners Approach - including PRINCE2 Electives up to 30 credits Data not available Internship possible No fee EUR 10,000.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Business Administration (HA/BSc(B)) or variants hereof from Aarhus University; Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Commercial Law (HA(jur.)) or variants hereof with commencement of study September 2012 or later from Aarhus University; Other relevant BSc degrees English language proficiency Annual August/ September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Digital Media Engineering: Data Science; Technical University of Denmark Denmark Kongens Lyngby English 2 years Master of Science FT Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Data Security Algorithms for Massive Data Sets Computational Data Analysis Social Data Analysis and Visualization Computational Tools for Big Data High Performance Computing Knowledge based entrepreneurship Social graphs and interactions Personal data interaction Introduction to machine learning and data mining Advanced project in digital media engineering Business model design for growth entrepreneurship Graph theory, Error-Correcting Codes, Dynamical Systems 1, Database Systems, Applied Cryptography_, Language Based Security, Computationally Hard Problems, User Experience Engineering, Data Logic_, System Integration, Stochastic Processes, Multivariate Statistics, Time Series Analysis, Stochastic Simulation, Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Modeling, Non-linear Signal Processing,Cognitive Modelling, Advanced Machine Learning, Advanced Image Analysis, Health Technology_Mathematical Biology, Biological Data Analysis and Chemometrics, Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Geographical Information Systems, Mathematical Programming with Modelling Software, Social Graphs and Interactions Data not available Data not available No fee EUR 13,500.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Students from the following BSc Eng educations from DTU are accepted automatically: The BSc education in IT and Communication Technology, Software Technology, Electrotechnology, Mathematics and Technology. International applicants for the MSc program in Digital Media Engineering should hold a BSc degree in relevant areas such as e.g. information and communication technologies or computer science. We expect applicants to master at least one programming language, have solid skills in engineering math and a strong interest in the technologies underlying either web and social interaction or computer graphics. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Geoinformatics Aalborg University Denmark Aalborg English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available Geospatial Information Technology Spatial Data Infrastructure Land Administration Project: GI Technology and Information Systems Geocomputation and Spatial Decision Support Systems Geovisualisation Project: GeoDesign Data not available Data not available Internship possible No fee EUR 12,573.00 Data not available Those with Geography Domain Expertise. Beginners in Data Science. Data not available Data not available Bachelor degree in Surveying, Planning and Land management, Geography or study programmes with similar content. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Engineering Aalborg University Denmark Aalborg English 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Engineering and Science, From Reality to Models in Data Engineering, Data-intensive Systems, Programming Paradigms, From Models to Reality in Data Engineering, Advanced Algorithms, Advanced Programming, Specialisation course in Database Systems, Entrepreneurship, Pre-specialisation in Data Engineering Advanced Topics in Machine Intelligence, Mobile Software Technology, Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems, Web Engineering Data not available Internship possible No fee EUR 12,573.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Bachelors degree in computer science, software or a closely related discipline. English language proficiency. Undergraduate mathematics as found in science or engineering degrees. Some programming and design experience. A solid computer science background that includes courses on: Theory of Computation (Automata Theory, Computability, Turing Machines), Computer Systems (Processors, Memories etc.), Algorithms and Data Structures (Lists, Trees, Graphs, sorting, searching, complexity), Object Oriented Analysis and Dsign (UML etc.), Object Oriented Programming (Java or C++), Programming Languages and Semantics, Compiling Techniques, Operating Systems, Concurrent Programming, Networks twice a year September and February 2011 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Algorithms, Data Analysis And Machine Learning University Of Helsinki Finland Helsinki English 2 years Data not available Data not available University Of Helsinki data mining probabilistic models information-theoretic modelling unsupervised learning string algorithms approximation algorithms Design and analysis of algorithms Introduction to machine learning String processing algorithms Probabilistic models Data mining Data Compression Techniques Randomized Algorithms Approximation Algorithms Information Theoretic Modelling Course in Advanced Machine Learning Introduction to Computational Creativity Data not available Advanced Internship or Vocational Orientation Studies required. No fee Subject to fee after 2017 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Bachelors degree or equivalent education. The previous degree should be completed in the same or related field of study as that to which the applicant is applying Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer, Communication and Information Sciences: Machine Learning And Data Mining Aalto University Finland Helsinki English 2 years Master of Science (Technology) FT School of Electrical Engineering and School of Science Machine Learning: Basic Principles, Machine Learning and Neural Networks, Machine Learning: Advanced Probabilistic Methods, Algorithmic Methods of Data Mining, Kernel Methods in Machine Learning, Information Visualization, Research Project in Computer and Information Science Computer Vision Speech Recognition Statistical Natural Language Processing High-Throughput Bioinformatics Artificial Intelligence Digital Image Processing Principles of Pattern Recognition Special Assignment in Computer and Information Science Special Course in Computer and Information Science Data not available Data not available No fee Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available bachelors degree in Computer Science, Communications Engineering, or Electrical Engineering. Annual Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computational Big Data Analytics University of Tampere Finland Tampere English, native language 2 years Master of Science FT School of Information Sciences Master's Seminar and Thesis, Introduction to Bayesian Analysis 1, Algorithms Advanced Courses in Methods of Computational Data Analytics: Neurocomputing, Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning Algorithms, Advanced Course in Computer Science Advanced Courses in Methods of Statistical Data Analytics: Introduction to Bayesian Analysis 2, Statistical Modeling 1, Statistical Modeling 2, Learning from Multiple Sources, Dimensionality Reduction and Visualization, Time Series Analysis 1, Advanced Regression Methods, Statistical Inference 2 Data not available Data not available No fee No fee Data not available Data not available data Applicant who has a completed suitable university level bachelors degree or equivalent in Mathematics, Statistics, or Computer Science or in a closely related field. The degree needs to include a sufficient amount of studies in Computer Science, Mathematics and Statistics. Applicants must submit evidence of a good command of English for academic purposes. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Engineer-Data Scientist Telecom Sudparis, ENSAE ParisTech France Evry, Paris English, native language Data not available BEng Data not available Telecom Sudparis and ENSAE ParisTech Mathematics, Electronic systems and functions, An introduction to Unix � algorithms and programming, An introduction to telecommunications, Probabilities, Financial management and marketing. Data analysis � Digital analysis, Radiation and aerials � Guided propagation, Hardware and software architectures � IT projects, Data networks � Queues � Operator Networks, Signals: tools and applications,Enterprise economics and company law. An introduction to statistics � Optimisation methods � Optimisation in graphs, Optical telecommunications systems � High-frequency circuits � Systems and applications integration, Object design and programming � Databases � Organisational information systems, Corporate networks - TCP/IP: Interconnection and applications, Information theory � Digital Communications. Four semesters following the general engineering program Telecom SudParis, then three semesters followed in the ENSAE ParisTech Engineer program including the teachings of the specialization track "Data Science". Data not available Data not available EUR 4,300 EUR 8,300 Yes, grants available For students attracted to mathematics and statistics, for the management and analysis of massive data but also information technology and especially the manipulation of databases. Data not available Data not available Admission is subject to validation of the first 4 semesters of general engineering program at Telecom Sudparis. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Informatics: Data Science Specialization Grenoble INP, Universite Grenoble Alpes France Grenoble English, native language 2 years Master of Science FT Grenoble INP Ensimag school of engineering in Applied Mathematics and Informatics and the Departement of Informatics and Mathematics of Universit� Grenoble Alpes, IM_AG Principles of Operating Systems, Mathematics for Computer Science, Programming Languages and Compiler Design, Software Engineering, Image and Signal Processing, Algorithms and Program Design, Data Base Foundations, Adaptive Computing Systems, Computer Network Principles, Intelligent Systems: Reasoning and Recognition, 3D Graphics, Introduction to Robotics and Perception, Introduction to Cryptology and Coding, Introduction to Human Computer Interaction, Introduction to Distributed Systems, Introduction to Image Analysis, High Performance Computing with mathematical models, Introduction to Distributed systems, Large-scale data management, Efficient methods in optimization, Machine learning Fundamentals, Advanced Learning Models, Fundamentals of probabilistic data mining, Advanced algorithms for data mining and machine learning Information visualization, Computational biology, Stochastic modeling for neuro-sciences, Monte Carlo methods in financial engineering, Information retrieval, Object Recognition Data not available Data not available EUR 465.00 Data not available Some scholarships available For students with a strong technical background. Data not available Data not available To be admitted to the program, candidates must have previously completed their undergraduate studies and been awarded a Bachelor degree in either Science (BSc) or Engineering (BEng) that includes courses in computing and solid practice in programming. Applications of candidates with bachelor in Computer Science or Computer Engineering will be preferably considered. Skills in mathematics (algebra, probability theory) and Informatics (C/C++/JAVA, algorithms, Computer architectures, Operating Systems principles), Data bases and software engineering are required. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Automatic Data Processing Telecom Sudparis France Evry English, native language 2 years Diplome National de Master: Sciences pour l'Ingenieur, Specialite Traitement de l'Information et Exploitation des Donnees FT Computer science Fundamentals of probability and statistics Application of statistical methods Optimisation methods Effective Communication French as a foreign language, Image and Sound Acquisition and Coding Pattern recognition and Biometrics Operational Systems Computer Vision Signal Processing : Main Basics and Signal Enhancement Methods 1 project (Micro-project, 200 equivalent hours) French as a foreign language, Pattern recognition and neural networks Sensors Image Processing Advanced statistical modelling Industrial applications Data mining Implementation of pattern recognition and neural methods Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Telecom Paris Tech France Paris Native language 36 months Mastere Specialisee FT Telecom Paris Tech Data security Statistics SQL Databases Right values __and personal data Hadoop NoSQL, Big Data Ecosystem Visualization Advanced Databases Red string Massively parallel and distributed systems Machine Learning Red string, Advanced Machine Learning Web Data Red string, Internship and professional thesis Data not available Data not available EDF, GDF, Suez, Capgemini, Zexia, Toucancoco EUR 17,000.00 EUR 17,000.00 Loan available from BNP Paribas Advanced. Professionals with considerable experience in their field, students coming from their Masters. Students must be curious, motivated, and have a passion for data. Data not available Data not available Holders of: - an engineering degree in computer science or telecommunications, or - a scientific or technical university master in computer science or applied mathematics, or - a degree (bac + 4) scientific or technical computer science or applied mathematics and have at least 3 years of professional experience, or - of foreign qualifications equivalent level (bac + 5), MSc and MBA in applied mathematics or computer. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Analytics for Business IESEG France Lille English 1 year Master of Science FT SEG Center for Marketing Analytics Director Business: Introduction to Business Analytics, Project Management, Communication Skills, Leadership Skills and Ethical Behaviour; Technology: Advanced Spreadsheet Analysis, Business Analytics and Decision Making Tools (Commercial and Open Source), Business Reporting Tools, Big Data Tools; Methodology: Descriptive and Predictive Analytics, Forecasting, Social Network Analysis, Connected Vision Tour; Marketing: Marketing Research, Recommendation Tools, Clickstream and Web Analytics, Social Media Analytics, Search Engine Optimization; Finance: Credit Scoring, Financial Data Services (Bloomberg); Operations: Business Process Management, Optimization Techniques Data not available Data not available 4-6 month internship EUR 13,000.00 EUR 13,000.00 International Scholarship Program Student with background in Business Administration, Engineering, IT, Statistics or similar, and interested in a new and expanding field. Data not available business analytics Bachelor in Business Administration, Engineering, IT, Statistics or similar. Proof of English languge level Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education International Master in Big Data (Business Analytics: Architecture, Data Exploration and Optimization) EISTI France Cergy or Pau English 2 years Data not available Data not available Graduate School In Computer Science And Mathematical Engineering Data exploration, Mathematics for Computer science, Software and Architecture, Engineering Science, Research Initiation, Project Management, Languages an other courses Computer technologies, Data exploration, Operations Research, Research Initiation Initiative, BI Architecture, Languages and workshops Data not available Internship (min. 22 weeks) EUR 14,000.00 Data not available Scholarships available International students, "free movers" or those from our partner universities or for high-potential foreign engineers who are looking for an international career in the domain of Business Analytics. Data not available Data not available Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or equivalent or for high-potential engineers looking for an international career in the domain of business analytics, business intelligence or big data. Proof of English language level. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science: M2 Data & Knowledge Universite Paris-Saclay France Paris English 2 years Data not available FT Data not available Year 1: Foundation Year 2 (Specialised): Web Data Models, Semantic Web Data Warehousing, Machine Learning and Data Mining, IoT, Big Data Processing, Novel Architectures for Big Data Analytics Knowledge Base Construction, Natural and Artificial, Intelligence, Information Integration, Social and Uncertain, Data Management, Dynamic Content Management, Data Mining Theory and Practice, Managing Very Large Data and Knowledge in Bioinformatics, IoT Big Data Stream Mining, New trends in Data&Knowledge Data not available Internships offered Check website for fees Data not available Scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available Certificate of French level, Courses list of previous years , Letter of motivation Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science: M2 Machine Learning, Information and Content; Universite Paris-Saclay France Paris Native language 2 years Data not available FT Data not available Data not available Apprentissage avanc� Apprentissage � partir de donn�es structur�es D�cision distribu�e et th�orie des jeux Extraction d�information : des documents aux interfaces Reconnaissance et interaction vocale Indexation d'image et recherche par le contenu Interpr�tation d'images Apprentissage pour les donn�es scientifiques et techniques Mod�les graphiques pour l'acc�s � l'information � grande �chelle Apprentissage par renforcement Optimisation avanc�e Learning from the Web Data not available Internships offered Check website for fees Data not available Scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available Certificate of French level, Courses list of previous years , Letter of motivation Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science: M2 Decision Support and Business Intelligence (DSBI) Universite Paris-Saclay France Paris English 2 years Data not available FT Data not available Year 1: Foundation Year 2 (Specialised): Data Mining and Machine Learning, Corporate Semantics and Semantic Web, Visual Analytics, Decision Modelling, Introduction to Innovation and Research, Humanities Data not available Data not available Internships offered Check website for fees Data not available Scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available Certificate of French level, Courses list of previous years , Letter of motivation Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science: M2 Data Management in a Digital World (DataScale) Universite Paris-Saclay France Paris Native language 2 years Data not available FT Data not available Data not available Gestion et analyse de donn�es spatio- temporelles, Agr�gation contextuelle et personnalis�e, Confidentialit� des donn�es et vie priv�e, Gestion de donn�es ambiantes et internet des objets, Gestion de donn�es et de services dans le cloud, Fouille de donn�es et analyse predictive, SI d'aide � la d�cision : architectures et mod�lisations, Langages et outils pour donn�es semi-structur�es, Framework pour le d�veloppement d�applications avanc�es, S�ret�, S�curit� Informatique et Fiabilit� Data not available Internships offered Check website for fees Data not available Scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available Certificate of French level, Courses list of previous years , Letter of motivation Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Bachelor 3 Data Science and Big Data Data ScienceTech Institute France Nice and Paris Native language 1 year Assistant-engineer in Data Science FT Data Science Tech Institute Applied Industry and Mathematics (150 hours), Advanced Algorithms (100 hours), English (200 hrs), Big Data and Data Infrastructure (150 hours) Data not available Data not available 6 month internship (April-September) EUR 4,500.00 EUR 4,500.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available 2-year higher education background. Graduates with a french �dut informatique�, �GEII� or �STID�. Any other degree or higher education certificate in science, technology or business and management Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Bachelor 4 Data Science and Big Data Data ScienceTech Institute France Nice and Paris English 1 year Junior engineer in Data Science FT Data Science Tech Institute Foundations of it for big data (250 hours), Foundations of machine and deep learning (250 hours), Ethics and Law (50 hours), English (50 hours) Data not available Data not available 6 month internship (April-September) EUR 4,500.00 EUR 4,500.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available 3-year higher education background. Graduates with a french �dut informatique�, �GEII� or �STID�. Any other degree or higher education certificate in science, technology or business and management Annual autumn 2017 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Applied Data Science & Big Data Data ScienceTech Institute France Nice and Paris English 1 year Data not available Data not available Data Science Tech Institute Information systems (150 hours), Applied Data Science and Big Data (300 hours), Business and Industrial Applications (125 hours), Ethics and Law (25 hours) Engineering Project (200 hours) Data not available Work placement offered EUR 12,000.00 EUR 12,250.00 "Conge Individuel de Formation scheme available Designed for students looking building a career in Big Data Analytics jobs. Advanced. Data not available Data not available DSTI bachelor 4 graduates, Applicants with a 3-year BA, BSC OR BENG degree and 3 years work experience, applicants with a 4-year BA, BSC-BENG OR MA-MSC-MENG degree and work experience, applicants with a 5-year MA, MSC � MENG or chartered engineers twice a year autumn and spring Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Designer Data Science Tech Institute France Nice and Paris English 2 years Masters FT, PT Data Science Tech Institute Year 1: Information systems (150 hours), Applied Data Science and Big Data (300 hours), Business and Industrial Applications (125 hours), Ethics and Law (25 hours) Year 2: Advanced Information Systems (125 hours), Machine and Deep Learning (200 hours), Advanced Business and Science Applications (175 hours), Ethics and Law (100 hours) Year 1: Engineering Project (200 hours) Year 2: Engineering Project (200 hours) VBA, R, SPARQL, OpenGraph, LAPAGE, Oracle, MS SQL, MySQL, SAS, SPSS, Weka 6 month internship possible EUR 8,000.00 EUR 8,250.00 Contrat de Professionnalisation available. Designed for students to become the real Full-Stack Data Science Designers for business and industry. Advanced. Data not available Data not available DSTI bachelor 4 graduates, Applicants with a 3-year BA, BSC OR BENG degree and 3 years work experience, applicants with a 4-year BA, BSC-BENG OR MA-MSC-MENG degree and work experience, applicants with a 5-year MA, MSC � MENG or chartered engineers Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Analyst Data Science Tech Institute France Nice and Paris English 2 years Masters FT, PT Data Science Tech Institute Year 1: Information systems (150 hours), Applied Data Science and Big Data (300 hours), Business and Industrial Applications (125 hours), Ethics and Law (25 hours) Year 2: Advanced Information Systems (25 hours), Big Data Tools (275 hours), Advanced Business and Industrial Applications (200 hours), Ethics and Law (100 hours) Year 1: Engineering Project (200 hours) Year 2: Engineering Project (200 hours) HADOOP, Hive, Mahout, COBOL, PL/I and the Job Control Language (JCL), Oracle Data Miner & MSSQL BI, SPSS, Amazon AWS, MS Azure. 6 month internship possible EUR 8,000.00 EUR 8,250.00 Contrat de Professionnalisation available. Designed for students to become the real Full-Stack Data Science Designers for business and industry. Advanced. Data not available Data not available DSTI bachelor 4 graduates, Applicants with a 3-year BA, BSC OR BENG degree and 3 years work experience, applicants with a 4-year BA, BSC-BENG OR MA-MSC-MENG degree and work experience, applicants with a 5-year MA, MSC � MENG or chartered engineers Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Specialisation ENSAE Paris Tech France Paris Native language 15 months Mastere Specialise de Modelisation Economique et Statistique Data not available ENSAE Paris Tech Core: Duration Models, Advanced Econometrics of Limited Dependent Variables, Simulation Methods and Resampling, Public Policies Evaluation; Quantitative Marketing: Marketing, Marketing Models and Forecasting, Credit Scoring; Public policies: Labour Markets and Employment Policies, Public Finance; Quantitative Sociology: Sociological Models of Purposive Action, Sociology and Statistical Survey, Seminar on Quantitative Sociology Advanced Econometrics of Qualitative Data, Apprentissage statistique, Computational Statistics, Development economics 1, Duration Models, Dynamic Statistical Models with Hidden Variables, Economics of Education : empirical evidence and public policies, Elements logiciels pour le traitement des donnees massives, Empirical Industrial Organization, Entrepreneuriat 1, Experiments in Economics and Social Sciences, Health Economics, Labor economics, Macroeconometrics, Methodes statistiques de l'econometrie, Modeles a chaine de Markov cachee et methodes de Monte Carlo sequentielles, Modeles d'acteur en sociologie, Python pour le Data Scientist, Semi and Non-Parametric Econometrics, Sociologie de la famille, Sondages, Statistical learning theory, Theory of Industrial Organization, Analyse des donnees approfondie, Applications du bootstrap et autres techniques de re-chantillonage, Apprentissage statistique par agregation, Bayesian Statistics, Competition Policy in Practice : Cases, Consumer economics and pricing strategies, Copules et applications, Demographie, Economics of Education and Human Capital, Economics of Innovation and Intellectual Property, Empirical Corporate Finance, Entrepreneuriat 2, Gestion humaine dans l'entreprise, Histoire de la statistique, Macro econometrie appliquee, Outils pour l'analyse des donnees massives, Projet informatique, Seminaire de sondage, Sociologie de l'Integration et des inegalites ethniques, Sociologie de la consommation et des modes de vie, Sociologie des inegalites, Sociologie des migrations internationales Sociologie des pratiques culturelles, Sociologie et enquete statistique, Statistique et econometrie spatiale, Stochastic Volatility: GARCH Models, Structural Econometrics, Techniques avancees d'apprentissage Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data ENSAI - National School for Statistics and Information Analysis France Bruz English 1 year Master of Science (Master International) FT Data not available Statistics Track: Advanced Topics in Probability and Statistics, Advanced Topics on Data Analysis Computer Science Track: Advanced Computer Science, Computer Networks Common Courses: Data Mining and Statistical Learning, Databases, High-Dimensional Statistics, Operating Systems, French as a Foreign Language (if needed) Complex Data Modeling, Efficient Sampling and Parsimonious Representations, Computer Science for Big Data, Statistical Software, IT Security, Big Data Project Data not available Data not available Internship (5 months) 8000 (normal tuition), 10000 (professionals) EUR 10,000.00 Reduced fees for Academic Partner Institutions Intermediate Program welcomes students with varying academic levels and skills in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics. data science All applicants must have a minimum of 4 years of higher education (at least a 4-year bachelors degree or the first year of a Master's). A strong mathematical and/or computer science background is required. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science and Engineering EURECOM France Sophia Antipolis English 2 years Master of Science FT Graduate School and Research Centre in Telecommunication Systems Teaching Units: Fundamentals In Data Science, Systems And Mathematical Methods, Fundamentals In Business, Innovation And Project Management, Machine Learning, Applications, Software And Mathematical Methods Flexible curriculum: Students can design their own curriculum by choosing the most relevant courses within each teaching unit. Industry partners: SFR, Orange, ST-Microelectronics, SAP, BMW Group, Monaco Telecom, Symantec, IABG Year 2: Paid internship (March-August): choice from EURECOM database EUR 5,000.00 EUR 11,000.00 Scholarships and funding Intermediate data science A bachelors degree (minimum 3 years of higher education) with high academic records in a relevant field is required: computer sciences, telecommunications, applied mathematics, electrical engineering. A B2 level in English or equivalent is required. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Sciences & Business Analytics ESSEC Business School and Centrale-Supelec France Paris English 1 year Master of Science FT Data not available Big Data Analytics, Signal Processing / Sparse Coding / Optimization, Machine Learning, Strategic Business Analytics, Massive Data Processing, Business Intelligence, High Performance and Parallel Computing, Supply Chain Analytics & Tools BUSINESS ANALYTICS:Predictive Analytics with SAS, Case studies with Accenture, Marketing Analytics, Econometrics. DATA SCIENCES: Neural Information Processing, Distributed Optimisation and Computing, Deep Learning, Geometric Data Analysis Data not available Internship possible EUR 20,000.00 EUR 20,000.00 Cergy branch of LCL offers loans. Intermediate. Data not available Data not available A strong degree (Bachelor/M1) in engineering, mathematics, statistics, business, economics. Applicants must undergo a Management Aptitude test and and English proficiency test. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Extraction of Knowledge from Data Universite Lyon France Lyon Native language 12 months Master Informatique - parcours Data Mining FT Departement Informatique et Statistique Graphical models, Text mining, Graphical models, Model-based learning, Advanced supervised learning, Manifold learning Big data management & analytics, Parallel computing for data science Data not available Data not available Internship or lab placement Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data Mining, Big Data, Statistical Learning Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Universitaet Mannheim und Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen Germany Online English, native language 24 months Master of Science PT Department of Computer Science Programming for Data Science Mathematical Foundation for Big Data Data Mining Business Intelligence and Warehouse Databases for Big Data Web Data Integration Large Scale Data Analysis and Parallelization Decision Support Optimization Techniques for Data Analysis Machine Learning Text Mining Business Process and Big Data Use Cases In-Memory Databases / OLAP Web Mining Semantic Web Technologies Data Privacy & Data Compliance Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 18,580.00 EUR 18,580.00 Data not available Intermediate. Distance learning aimed at professionals. data Bachelors degree, minimum 1 year experience, some professional qualifications will also be considered. Annual October 2015 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics Albstadt-Sigmaringen University Germany Data not available Native language 18 months Master of Science FT Department of Computer Science Business Process Management and Data Compliance, Semantic Web, Cyber Security, Business Intelligence, Data and Webmining, Advanced Statistics, Large Scale Data Analysis and Parallelization, Distributed Enterprise Applications, Innovation and Transfer Competence, Strategisches IT Management. Data not available OLAP, DWH, ETL, Java Persistency API Data not available EUR 87,20 per semester plus health insurance Data not available Data not available Advanced Data not available Data not available Bachelors im Bereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik, der Informatik oder anderer affiner Fachgebiete an einer deutschen Hochschule oder Berufsakademie oder ein vergleichbarer Abschluss an einer ausl�ndischen Hochschule mit einer Abschlussnote von 2,5 oder besser. German language competency. Annual October 2014 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data and Web Engineering Chemnitz University of Technology Germany Chemnitz English, native language 24 months Master of Science FT Department of Informatics Databases and web techniques Databases and KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases) Databases and object orientation Information retrieval I Information retrieval II Information systems Software engineering - intensification Architecture of distributed systems Protocols of distributed systems Management of distributed systems Seminars and work placements Elective subjects Data not available Data not available Placements possible No fee Data not available Data not available Advanced data Bachelor Informatics or Applied Informatics at Chemnitz University of Technology; The board of examiners decides on entry requirements for applicants from other universities. Twice yearly October and April Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Certificate Higher Education Data Science University of Applied Sciences, Brandenburg Germany Brandenburg Native language 18 weeks (8 weeks per module) Certificate FT Data not available Data Preparation and Data Wrangling Quantitative Methods und Data Mining Storytelling Data not available Azure ML, Blue Mix, R, RFID and GIS Daten. Data not available EUR 5997 Data not available Some discounts available Intermediate. Aimed at those who are already involved in data analysis. Der Kurs richtet sich an alle, die bereits jetzt mit Datenanalysen befasst sind, also insbesondere an �konomen, Ingenieure und Informatiker. Data not available Bachelors degree from a recognised university or technical college and at least one year work experience. October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Data Analysis and Management TU Dortmund Germany Dortmund Native language 3 years Bachelor of Science FT Faculty of Statistics, Faculty of Information Technology Descriptive Statistics, Statistics, Programming With Statistics Program Package I, Elementary Probability, Statistics II, Programming With Statistics Program Package II, Analysis, Vectors And Matrices, Estimating And Testing, Statistical Methods, Logic And Information Systems, Data Structures, Algorithms, Programming, Linear Models, Numerical Analysis, Representation, Processing And Acquisition Of Knowledge, Case Studies, Applications Of Data Analysis And Data Management, Knowledge Discovery. Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 262,57 per semester Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Science Journalism: Data Analysis and Statistics TU Dortmund Germany Dortmund Native language 1 year Master of Science FT Institute of Journalism Study unit science journalism (24 credits) Second subject: data analysis and statistics (6 credits) Master�s thesis with accompanying seminars (30 credits). Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 262,57 per semester Data not available Data not available For graduates of journalism courses or those with experience in the profession. Data not available Data not available Practical journalistic experience and the technical knowledge of the bachelor course. Thus the Bachelor degree in science journalism with final grade better than 2,5 and a one-year editorial traineeship are obligatory conditions for enrolling in the master course. The Master's program science journalism is not a postgraduate course for scientists, physicians or engineers. A central requirement for admission is the journalistic education as it is in the bachelors degree program science journalism mediated through seminars, internships and the integrated internship. Annual September 2007 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data And Knowledge Engineering Otto Von Guericke University Magdeburg Germany Magdeburg English, native language 2 years Master of Science FT Institute for Technical and Business Information Systems Underpinnings/Fundamentals: basics of data mining, database processing, data/image/multimedia engineering, Models: knowledge representation, knowledge modeling and knowledge processing, Methods I: knowledge discovery, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Methods II: information processing and retrieval, Applications 3 optional focus streams: "Mining", "Big Data", "Business" Data not available Data not available EUR 94,50 per semester Data not available Data not available Intermediate/Advanced. A solid background in computer science. Background in machine learning and data mining is not a prerequisite, since such domain knowledge can be acquired in the first semester of the Master DKE. Master DKE students that bring such knowledge from their previous degree have a larger selection of advanced courses from the first semester on. Reading and understanding English is important: Data and Knowledge Engineering is an area of intensive research, a large part of the scientific literature is on English. not on findamasters or data science Better-than-average graduates with a Bachelor degree in Computer Science or a closely related field with a minimum grade point average of 2,6 on the German scale. The duration of the Bachelor degree must be at least 3 years (six semesters), it must include at least 10 Computer Science courses (up to 4 courses on applied statistics are acceptable within these 10). twice a year October or March Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computational and Data Science Friedrich-Schiller-Universitaet Jena Germany Jena Native language 2 years Master of Science FT Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science Elements of compute- and data-driven science Scientific Computing I Scientific Computing II Algorithm Engineering Parallel Computing I Parallel Computing II Big Data Databases and Information Systems Management of Scientific Data Statistical methods Niche method of nonlinear optimization Convex optimization Mathematical models for optimization problems Visualization Algorithmic basics of machine learning Algorithmische Algebra, Approximationstheorie 1, Bootstrap-Verfahren, Codierungstheorie, Computational Finance, Differentialgeometrie, Distributionen, Finite Elemente f�r partielle Differentialgleichungen, H�here Analysis 1, Hyperbolische Erhaltungss�tze und Wellengleichungen, Klassische Differentialgeometrie, Komplexit�t stetiger Probleme, Molek�ldynamik, Monte-Carlo-Methoden, Nichtparametrische Kurvensch�tzung, Optimale Steuerung - wird nicht mehr angeboten, Primzahltests und Faktorisierungsalgorithmen, Sobolevr�ume, Wavelets, Algorithmische Geometrie 1, Automatisches Differenzieren, Fortgeschrittene Visuelle Objekterkennung, Grundlagen der Rechnerarithmetik, Hochleistungsrechnen, Informationstheorie, Intervallarithmetik, Mustererkennung, Parallele Algorithmen, Rechnersehen 1, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, Deklarative Programmierung, Grundlagen der Algorithmik, Grundlagen informatischer Probleml�sung, Objektorientierte Programmierung Data not available Data not available EUR 200 per semester Data not available Data not available Intermediate. An interest in applying data science/analysis to other subjects is mandatory. A nackground in Computer Science or numerate subjects is desirable. Data not available Interesse f�r interdisziplin�re Zusammenh�nge und ein entsprechendes Ma� an fach�bergreifendem Vorwissen in Informatik, Mathematik, Natur- oder Ingenieurwissenschaften erwartet. Insbesondere sind Kenntnisse in Linearer Algebra, Analysis, Stochastik und Numerik sowie in Programmierung, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen w�nschenswert. Twice yearly October or April Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Engineering Jacobs University Germany Bremen English 2 years Master of Science FT Department of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering The Big Data Challenge Data Analytics Big Data Bases and Cloud Services Principles of Statistical Modeling Data Acquisition Technologies Big Data Management Machine Learning Semantic Web and Internet of Things Data Visualization and Image Processing Document Analysis Internet Security and Privacy Legal Aspects of Data Engineering and Data Ethics Data not available Data not available Students team up with industry professionals in focused training courses and projects. EUR 20,000.00 Data not available Scholarships available Beginners/ Intermediate. and data Bachelor degree certificate; university transcript; two letters of recommendation; English language proficiency test (not required if English was the language of instruction at the undergraduate level). Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science TU Dortmund Germany Dortmund Native language 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Statistics, Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Mathematics Multivariate Statistics, Optional Computer Statistics,, Model-Supported Analysis And Optimization, Case Studies II Seminar, Foundations Of Theoretical Computer Science, Master Work Data Security, Optimization, Algorithms and Data Structures / Efficient algorithms, Applications of Data Science Data not available Data not available EUR 262,57 per semester Data not available Data not available Data not available Not on or Data not available Relevant bachelors degree with good final grade. twice a year Winter or Summer semesters Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer and Information Science (Data Mining and Big Data) University of Konstanz Germany Konstanz English 12 months Master of Science FT Department of Information and Computer Science Algorithmics Bioinformatics and Information Mining Computer Graphics and Media Design Databases and Information Systems Databases, Data Analysis and Visualisation Distributed systems Human-Computer Interaction Multimedia Signal Processing Software engineering Data mining 1 Multimedia database systems Digital signal processing Introduction to economics Data mining 2 Information visualisation 1 Inorganic chemistry and analytical chemistry 1 Business intelligence: from reporting to analytics Algorithms for the analysis of large volumes of data Drawing of graphs Stochastics Text mining Master project KNIME and Powerwall Data not available EUR 150 per semester Data not available Data not available Beginners/ Intermediate. Designed to provide students interested in the development of complex information and analysis systems with the requisite knowledge. This coure also welcomes graduates from business, geology, natural sciences, physics or related degrees. data 3-year minimum and above average degree (B.Sc./M.Sc./Dipl.) in Computer Science, Information Engineering or a related subject from a recognised higher education institution. English proficiency. twice a year October or April Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Analytics Track (Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business Informatics, Information Systems Management) TU Berlin Germany Berlin English, native language 24 months Master of Science FT Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Data Analytics options (�18 ECTS) Scalable Data Management options (�12 ECTS) Applications options (�6 ECTS) Project (9 ECTS) Seminar (3 ECTS) and Master Thesis (30 ECTS). Example Data Analysis options: Econometric Analysis of Longitudinal and Panel Data Machine Intelligence II Machine Learning 2 Microeconometrics Monte Carlo Methods in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Multivariate Analysis/Business Statistics Numerische Mathematik f�r Ingenieure II Praktikum Maschinelles Lernen Probabilistic and Bayesian Modelling in ML and AI Stochastische Modelle Time Series Analysis Treatment Effect Analysis �konometrie Data not available Data not available EUR 207 per semester Data not available Data not available Advanced. Data not available Bachelor�s degree in Computer Science from a university. Students following the Data Analytics track (DAT) must be enrolled in one of the Master�s Programmes listed below 1 at Technische Universitat Berlin: � Computer Science/Informatik (StuPo2015) � Computer Engineering/Technische Informatik (StuPo2015) � Information Systems Management/Wirtschaftsinformatik (StuPo 2013) 2013 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Management and Data Science Leuphana Universitat Luneburg Germany Luneburg English 2 years Master of Science FT Leuphana Universitat Luneburg Foundation in Mathematics, skills in the use of Data Analysis Tools and Data Economics. Storage and Mining Of Massive Datasets, Probabilistic Modeling, Analyzing Networks, Forecasting And Simulation. Geo Information Systems, Semantic Web, Information Retrieval and Unstructured Data, Visualization and Communication, Parallelization and High Performance Computing. Alternatively, students can choose a maximum of two optional modules from other Management & Entrepreneurship majors. Data not available Data not available EUR 330 per semester Data not available Data not available Graduates with a bachelor�s degree in business information systems, computer science or natural sciences and also in economics or business administration. Foreign and domestic graduates with comparable degrees are welcome � the study program is completely taught in English. and data Bachelor�s degree (or its equivalent) and at least 60 CP in one or two of the following fields of study: - Business Administration - Business Informatics - Business Psychology - Economics - Economic Sciences - Informatics - Natural Sciences English language proficiency. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Athens English 1 year (FT), 2 years (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Informatics Department Probability and Statistics for data analysis, Practical data science, Large Scale Data Management, Machine Learning and Computational Statistics, Numerical optimization and Large Scale Linear Algebra, Data vizualisation and communication, Legal, ethical and policy issues in data science Data mining, Bayesian Statistics and simulation methods, Advanced Large Scale Data Management, Big Data Systems and techniques, Statistical methods for Big data, Time series and Forecasting methods, Optimization, Text analytics, Data science and optimization for operations management, Marketing and sales analytics, Data Science for medicine, Information retrieval, Data curation Data not available Data not available EUR 5500 (FT); EUR 7500(PT) EUR 9,000.00 Some scholarships available Excellent recent graduates, or midcareer professionals looking to upskill, with strong technical/math skills, from engineering, mathematics, statistics, finance, economics, operations research, and computer science. Data not available Data not available Basic programming skills and facility with basic mathematical concepts and quantitative techniques are necessary. All applicants should have demonstrated academic success as evidenced by undergraduate courses and grades. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics, Big Data and Data Science Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Athens English 1 year (FT), 2 years (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Department of Management Science and TechnologyRSSTwitterFacebookLinkedIn Data Management and Business Intelligence, Information Systems & Business Process Management, Large Scale Optimization, Mining big Datasets, Statistics for Business Analytics I, Statistics for Business Analytics II, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (short course), Analytics Practicum, Big Data Systems, Enterprise Information Systems, Social Network Analysis (short course), Big Data Content Analytics, Business Analytics Use Cases, Data Privacy and Data Protection (short course), Analytics Practicum II. Data not available IBM, SAS, R, Hadoop, Spark, Redis, MongoDB, Neo4j and Python. Data not available EUR 7,200.00 Data not available Some financial aid available. Data not available Data not available Data not available Bachelors in management science, business administration, mathematics, physics, statistics, engineering and computer science are a natural fit for the program. But other degrees are also considered. Some knowledge on basic IT concepts, such as basic programming, is assumed. Proficiency in English language. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Statistics and Actuarial, Financial Mathematics: Statistics And Data Analysis University of the Aeagean Greece Samos English 18 months Master of Science FT Department of Mathematics Mathematical and Bayesian Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Simulation Techniques with Matlab, Exploratory and Data Analysis, Applied Multivariate Analysis, Linear & Generalized Linear Models Non-life Insurance, Time Series Analysis, Theory of Extreme Events, Survival Analysis and Actuarial Modelling, Research Methodology, Measure Theory, Statistical Quality Control, Computational Statistics, Modern Techniques in Forecasting and Modelling, Categorical Data Analysis, Statistical Methods for Data Mining, Data not available Data not available No fee Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Information and Data Management Specialisation National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece Athens Native language 18 months Master of Science FT Department of Informatics and Telecommunications. Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge technology, Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems, Database Systems Topics, Advanced Programming Techniques: Object-Oriented Systems and Languages, Web Applications, Technology Electronic Commerce, Big Data Management, Large-Scale Data Analysis Techniques Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 1000 per semester Data not available Data not available Advanced Data not available Data not available Candidates can be graduates of Higher Education Institutions in Greece or corresponding recognized Institutes and current students who are in the last six months of compulsory schooling and expected to obtain their degree until the registration period. The program is primarily intended for candidates backed by IT Departments, Tel / munications, Computer Science and Computer Engineering. Once admitted, candidates coming from other departments (and in special cases, candidates coming from those listed) will go through the background of the special preparatory course of undergraduate aid courses. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Information Systems: Analytical Business Intelligence Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungary Budapest English, native language 12 months Master of Science FT Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics Mathematical Statistics, Operation Research, Accounting, Controlling, E-Law, Project Management, Finances, Data Security, Network and Database Technologies, Data Mining Techniques, Business and Financial Analytics, Customer Analytics, Trend Analysis and Visualization, Media and Text Mining, Risk Analysis and Management, Processing of Personal and Public Data, Engineering Management Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 3,200.00 EUR 3,500.00 Discount for Bachelor graduates of the same university. Data not available Data not available Data not available Annualy April Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics Central European University Hungary Budapest English 10 months Master of Science FT, PT Business School, Department of Economics 1. Tools for Analytics Lab - R-track, 2. Tools for Analytics Lab - SPSS, Accounting, Big Data Computing, Data Analysis for Economic Policy 1, Data Analysis for Economic Policy 2, Data Science for Business, Data Visualization, E-leadership, Global Financial Markets, Health Policy, Information Lifecycle Management, IT for Managers, Marketing, Microeconomics for Policy and Business, Network Science, Operation Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Programming Tools 1, Security and Data Protection, Statistical Methods in Network Science and Data Analysis, Technology Innovation, The Economics of Trade Policy Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 12,000.00 EUR 12,000.00 Scholarships available Data not available data A minimum of four years spent in higher education. A bachelors (or higher) degree from a reputable institution in business, economics, statistics, computer science, engineering. mathematics, social sciences, the physical sciences or other quantitative-oriented fields is generally required. Annualy September 2015 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics University College Dublin Ireland Dublin English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Masterof Science FT, PT Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School Quantitative Methods, Numerical Analytics and Software, Project Management and Decision Analytics, Applied Probability and Statistics, Analytics Research and Implementation Simulation Modelling and Analysis, Data Mining for Business Analytics, Analytical Business Modelling, Network Software Modelling, Decision Support and Business Intelligence Data not available Data not available EUR 12850 (FT), EUR 7000 per year (PT) EUR 17900 (FT), EUR 8950 per year (PT) Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Second class honours primary degree (or equivalent) which includes quantitative techniques and some computer programming element. For example graduates of Engineering, Computer Science, other Sciences. For Business studies background students, applicants need to have a background in MIS-Management Information Systems subjects, Maths or other quantitative courses with some computer programming content. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computing: Applied Data Science & Analytics Institute Of Technology Blanchardstown Ireland Online English 2 years Master of Science PT Institute Of Technology Blanchardstown Business Intelligence Data Mining Algorithms, Data Pre-processing & Exploration Business Intelligence & Data Mining Applications Text Mining & Web Content Mining, Geographical Information Systems Mining, Multimedia Mining, Programming for Big Data, Statistics Data not available Data not available EUR 4,000.00 EUR 4,000.00 Data not available Advanced. Holders of a primary degree in computing, IT, or equivalent, working as IT professionals. It is also of value to individuals with a computing degree background who wish to develop their career towards working within a research-oriented environment at a postgraduate level. Data not available Data not available 2nd Class Honours Grade 2 (GPA 2.5 or equivalent) in an NFQ level 8 degree in Computing, Science, Engineering, Business with IT or equivalent. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science: Data Analytics National University Of Ireland, Galway Ireland Galway English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT College of Engineering and Informatics Foundation: Statistics & Probability, Programming for Data Analytics, Digital Signal Processing, Research Fundamentals. Advanced: Large Scale Data Analytics, Web-Mining; Information Retrieval, Machine Learning & Data Mining, System Modelling & Simulation, Embedded Signal Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Data Visualisation. Data not available Data not available Student project can be undertaken with an industry partner. EUR 6,800 (FT), EUR 3,455 per year (PT) EUR 13,750.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Graduates of Computer Science and closely related areas. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computing: Data Analytics Dublin Institute of Technology Ireland Dublin English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science. Students can choose to exit with a Postgraduate Certificate on completion of 30 ECTS or a Postgraduate Diploma on completion of 60 ECTS. FT, PT School of Computing, School of Mathematical Sciences Probability and Statistical Inference, Machine Learning, Data & Database Design for Data Analytics, Data Management, Data Mining, Visualisation, Problem Solving, Communication and Innovation, Case Studies in Computing, Research Writing and Scientific Literature, Research Methods and Proposal Writing Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Databases, Ubiquitous Computing, Universal Design, Man and Machine, Bioinformatics, Programming for Big Data Data not available Data not available EUR 5600 (FT), EUR 460 per 5 Credit Module (PT), EUR 680 Res. Proj & Dissertation (PT) EUR 12,500.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available B.Sc. (Honours) in Computer Science, Mathematics or other suitably numerate discipline with computing as a significant component. The degree should be at the level of Honours 2.1 or better or at Honours 2.2 or better with at least 2 years of relevant work experience. Annual September 2010 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computing: Data Analytics Dublin City University Ireland Dublin English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT School of Computing Data not available Professional & Research Practice, Cryptography & Number Theory, Forensic Computing, System Software, Network Security, P-Key Cryptography & Sec Protocols, Secure Programming, Formal Programming Software Process Quality, Mathematical Methods/Computational Science, Statistical Data Analysis, Concurrent Programming, Cloud Architectures, Cloud Technologies, Practicum (Cloud Computing), Practicum (Human Language Technology), Data Management and Visualisation, Data Analytics and Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data Analytics Practicum Data not available Data not available EUR 4950 (FT) EUR 15800 (FT) Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available 2.1 or higher in computer science or related discipline. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Analytics National College of Ireland Ireland Dublin English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science. Students may also elect to exit early with the Postgraduate Diploma in Science in Data Analytics at level 9 on the NFQ. FT, PT Data not available Statistics for Data Analytics Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Strategic ICT & eBusiness Implementation, Advanced Data Mining Data Visualization Research in Computing Managing the Organisation, Data Storage and Management, Industry Based Research Project, Research Project, Analytical CRM Data not available Industry placement possible. EUR 8950 (FT), EUR 4475 per year (PT) EUR 13,000.00 Data not available Advanced. Graduates that are looking to progress into the emerging data analytics market to increase their employment potential. The course is suitable for graduates who have technical or mathematical problem solving skills. Data not available Data not available An honours (level 8) primary degree with a 2.2 award or higher. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Diploma Higher Education Science in Data Analytics National College Of Ireland Ireland Dublin English 12 months Higher Diploma in Science of Data Analytics PT National College Of Ireland Introduction to Data Analytics, Business Analysis and Problem Solving Techniques, Business Data Analysis, Programming for Big Data, Data and Web Mining, Advanced Business Data Analysis, Communication Skills � Enhance Your Personal Impact, Project Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 4,500.00 EUR 9,000.00 Data not available Beginners. Aimed at those with numeracy skills who wish to work as data analysts, business analysts or to enter into management roles across a range of sectors. You do not need to have previously studied programming. Data not available Data not available Honours degree (level 8 or equivalent) in any discipline will be considered. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data and Computational Science!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=T306 University College Dublin Ireland Dublin English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Simulation Modelling and Analysis, C and Fortran programming, Parallel computing using MPI, Mathematica for Research, Linear Models, Statistical Data Mining, Data programming, Multivariate Analysis, Bayesian Analysis Cryptography and Coding Theory, Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Weather and Climate, Financial Mathematics Data not available Data not available EUR 7130 (FT), EUR 3890 per year (PT) EUR 17900 (FT), EUR 8950 per year (PT) Data not available Advanced. Data not available Data not available Upper Second class honours degree or higher, or the international equivalent, in a highly quantitative subject such as Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Engineering. Annual September 2016 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Analytics University College Dublin Ireland Online English 3 years Master of Science PT UCD School of Mathematical Sciences. Time split between Statistics and Computing modules. Data Analytics, Advanced Data Analytics, Monte Carlo, Predictive Analytics, Multivariate Analysis, Time Series, Stochastic Models Data not available Monte Carlo, R, C, Java, Python, SAS Data not available 119.6 per credit 119.6 per credit Data not available Intermediate. Data not available Data not available Applicants with a degree in a numerate subject. An upper second class honours or international equivalent is required. Those without this requirement, but with equivalent experience in industry, will also be considered on a case-by-case basis. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Diploma Higher Education Data Analytics University College Dublin Ireland Online English 1 year Professional Diploma PT UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics Time split between Statistics and Computing modules. Data Analytics, Advanced Data Analytics, Monte Carlo, Predictive Analytics, Multivariate Analysis, Time Series, Stochastic Models Data not available Data not available Data not available 162.20 per credit 162.20 per credit Data not available Intermediate. Data not available Data not available Applicants with a degree in a numerate subject. An upper second class honours or international equivalent is required. Those without this requirement, but with equivalent experience in industry, will also be considered on a case-by-case basis. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Diploma Higher Education Data Business Irish Management Institute Ireland Dublin English 6 months Diploma in Data Business (academically equivalent to a Postgraduate Certificate (level 9) Minor Award on the National Framework of Qualifications). Validated by University College Cork. PT Irish Management Institute Data Business Analysis, Innovation Management, Enterprise Data Management Data not available SAS, EMC Data not available EUR 7,990 (Corporate Member), EUR 8,990 (SME), EUR 9,990 (Non-IMI Member) Data not available Data not available Professionals who have a role in transforming the existing information supply chain of their business or being a change agent in developing a new data business. Data not available Data not available A primary degree from a recognised third level institution (NFQ level 8) will typically be required with at least 3 years relevant industry experience, however, prior workplace learning will be recognised where applicants do not meet the academic requirement. Alternatively at least 5 years relevant experience at an appropriate managerial level is the requirement where the degree is not in the appropriate area (Information Systems/Information Technology). This experience may come from a general business or organisational background, involving information technology or experience in data management. May Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Business Irish Management Institute Ireland Dublin and Cork English 15 months (6 months at IMI, 9 months in Cork) Master of Data Business. Validated by University College Cork. PT Irish Management Institute, University College Cork Data Business Analysis, Innovation Management, Enterprise Data Management, Data Business Analysis, Innovation Management, Enterprise Data Management, Applied Research Methods, Big Data & Analytics, Agile Project Delivery, Data Driven Design, Research Seminars in Data Business, Design Thinking & Process Improvement Data not available SAS, EMC Data not available EUR 21,740 (Corporate Member), EUR 23,940 (SME), EUR 26,240 (Non-Member) Data not available Data not available Professionals who have a role in transforming the existing information supply chain of their business or being a change agent in developing a new data business. Data not available Data not available A primary degree from a recognised third level institution (NFQ level 8) will typically be required with at least 3 years relevant industry experience, however, prior workplace learning will be recognised where applicants do not meet the academic requirement. Alternatively at least 5 years relevant experience at an appropriate managerial level is the requirement where the degree is not in the appropriate area (Information Systems/Information Technology). This experience may come from a general business or organisational background, involving information technology or experience in data management. June Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science and Analytics University College Cork Ireland Cork English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT College of Science, Engineering and Food Science Core Modules: Data Mining, Foundations of Statistical Data Analytics, Generalised Linear Modelling Techniques. Database Modules: _Students who have adequate database experience take: Database Technology, Information Storage and Retrieval. Students who have not studied databases take: Introduction to Relational Databases, Database Design and Administration. Programming Modules_: Students who have adequate programming experience take: Large-Scale Application Development and Integration l, Large-Scale Application Development and Integration ll. Students who have not studied programming take: Programming in Python, Programme in Python with Data Science and Applications. Optimisation, Analysis Networks and Complex Systems, Programming in Python, Large-Scale Appication Development and Integration, Internet Computing for Data Science, Stochastic Modelling techniques, Multivariate Methods for Data Analysis, Operations Research, Stochastic Decision Science Python Data not available EUR 7,000.00 Data not available Data not available Professionals who have technical experience and want to develop a more business/holistic view of data strategy and non-technical professionals who need to have a strategic understanding to manage data and collaborate with the data analysts. Data not available Data not available Candidates must have: 1. Obtained either a second class honours level 8 primary degree (or equivalent) in computer science or mathematical sciences or 2. a second class honours level 8 primary degree (or equivalent) with a strong numerate content (e.g. engineering, finance, physics, biosciences or economics). In such cases the programme team must be satisfied that the numerate content is sufficient for entry to the programme and that applicants have an aggregate grade of a 2H2 in appropriate modules. Applicants will also be considered if they have an undergraduate degree (at Level 7 or > Level 8) and a minimum of 5 years verifiable relevant industrial experience. Applicants who do not have a primary degree will only be considered with a minimum of 10 years verifiable relevant industrial experience. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Information Systems Management National University Of Ireland, Galway Ireland Galway English 12 months Master of Science FT, PT College of Business, Public Policy, & Law Web Design and Development, Interactive Systems Design, Business Data Communications, Systems Development and Project Management, Database Systems, Business Applications Programming, Information Systems Management, Enterprise Systems, Applied Systems Analysis, Project, Information Systems Strategy and Innovation, Information Systems Security and Ethics, Decision Systems and Business Analytics and Advanced Applications Programming. Data not available SQL, Visual Basic, Java, HTML, CSS, XML, PHP, Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop, Visual Paradigm, DBDesigner, Microsoft Visio, UML, Linux, database design, business process modelling, usability / accessibility principles and software quality techniques. Data not available EUR 4,250 (FT), EUR 2,150 (PT) EUR 13,250.00 Data not available It is expected that successful applicants will come from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds, with prior exposure to information technology and/or business. Data not available Data not available Applicants should normally hold a qualification from a university or other internationally recognised academic institution or authority, corresponding to Level 8 of the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), to a minimum standard of Second Class Honours (or equivalent). Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics National University Of Ireland, Galway Ireland Galway English 12 months Master of Science FT College of Business, Public Policy, & Law Database Systems, Business Applications Programming, Strategic Management, Decision Systems & Business Analytics, Statistical Techniques for Business Analytics, Decision Theory & Analysis, Advanced Applications Programming, Enterprise Systems, Information Systems Security & Ethics, Information Systems Strategy & Innovation, Applied Customer Analytics, Data Science & Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence with SAP, Project Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 6,755.00 EUR 13,250.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available A qualification from a university or other internationally recognised academic institution or authority, corresponding to Level 8 of the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), to a minimum standard of Second Class Honours (or equivalent). The qualification must include an element of quantitative techniques, for example, graduates of Business Studies, Engineering, Computer Science, other Sciences, Mathematics or other courses that have some quantitative content. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Business Analytics University College Dublin Ireland Dublin English 3 Years (4 with Internship) Bachelor of Science FT UCD Lochlan Quinn School of Business Business Economics, Mathematical Modelling In Sciences, Introduction To Analysis, Introduction To Business Analytics, Programming For Business Analytics, Linear Algebra With Applications To Economics, Financial Accounting 1, Advanced Calculus, Statistical Modelling,ICT For Decision Support, Linear Models 1, Project Management, Analytics Modelling, Graphs And Networks, Probability Theory, Business Live, Management Accounting, Computational Modelling 1, Global Ops & Supply Chain, Information Management, Decision Analytics, Computational Modelling 2, Business Intelligence And Big Data, Supply Chain Analytics, Market Analysis, Advanced Data Management, Data Mining. Internship Data not available Top performing students are invited to apply to a 9-12 internship. Data not available EUR 17,400.00 Data not available Beginner Data not available Data not available Irish applicants: Irish, English, a third language, Mathematics (Minimum HC3 in Leaving Cert), Two other recognised subjects Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Informatics University Of Pisa Italy Pisa English, native language 2 years Master of Science FT, PT University Of Pisa Introduction To Logistics Data Mining Decision Support Databases 6 Ectsmarketing Research Business Organization Cost Management Business Administration Business Management Planning And Management Control Economia Politica Algorithmics and laboratory - Courses: (A, B), Data Analysis, Social Network Analysis, Analisi e gestione dei costi, Analysis and marketing research, Machine Learning: fundamentals, Principles of Data Bases - Courses: (C, D), Decision Support Databases, Database structures and algorithms, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence and Performance Management, Data Mining, Diritto dell'informatica, Business Administration, Economia e gestione delle imprese - Corso B, Software Engineering - Courses: (A, B), Programming Internet Applications, Database laboratory, Logic of Programs - Courses: (A, B), Introduction to logistics, Network optimization methods, Business organization, Pianificazione e controllo gestionale, Introduction to programming. - Courses: (A, B), Introduction to networking: theory and practice - Courses: (A, B), Mathematical programming - Courses: (A, B), Peer to Peer Systems, Visual Analytics, Introduction to Geographical Information Systems,Technologies for Web Marketing, Laboratory on Algorithms for Big Data, ICT Risk Analysis, Model Driven Decision Making Data not available Internship possible with affiliated companies EUR 407.00 EUR 2,354.00 Fee reductions available Intermediate. Preparatory courses are possible prior to starting. Data not available Data not available Italian First cycle qualification (Laurea) or foreign equivalent in the same or related subject area, with possible extra work if required competences are lacking. Annual April Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Analytics and Social Mining University of Pisa, CNR of Pisa Italy Pisa English, native language 1 year Master of Science FT Department of Computer Science, Institute of Science and Technology and the Institute of Informatics and Telematics Big Data Technology, Big Data Sensing & Procurement, Big Data Mining, Big Data Story Telling, Big Data Ethics, Big Data for Social Good, Big Data for Business Data Management for Business Intelligence, High Performance & Scalable Analytics, NO-SQL Big Data Platforms, Analytical Web Crawling, Web Search and Information Retrieval, Text Annotation, Big Data Sources and Crowdsensing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Social Network Analysis, Mobility Data Analysis, Web Mining, Nowcasting, Sentiment analysis, Visualization, Visual analytics and Data Journalism, Privacy-by-design, EU-Data Protection Regulation, Data Scientist�s Responsibility, Analysis of mobility by mobile phone data, traces of satellite navigation systems, sensors, smart-city, etc.). Opinion diffusion, reputation, sentiment and engagement in social media. Big data and official statistics, Big data in finance and economics, Recommendation Systems, novel CRM applications, Data journalism and the use of Big Data electronic publishing. Data not available Internship or "boot-camp" at a company for half of the course credits. EUR 3,000.00 EUR 3,000.00 Some discounts available Advanced. Professionals with experience and expertise in the field. Data not available Data not available Participation in the Master is allowed to those who before the start date of the master are in possession of Science, Specialist or the Old Regulations (Master of Science). The master is strictly interdisciplinary, since the formation of "data scientists" requires a mix of multi-disciplinary expertise to deal with the technological, analytical, narrative and ethical Big Data. Annual January 2015 No evidence of industry partners
Doctorate Higher Education Business Intelligence & Big Data Analytics University Of Milan-Bicocca Italy Milan English 12 months Master of Science PT University Of Milan-Bicocca Web data analytics, Statistics for the company, Data Mining, Application for Business Intelligence, Introduction and Business Intelligence Techniques Data not available MySQL, Neo4j, OpenRefine, Talend, QlickView, Tableau, SAS/STAT, SAS Enterprise Miner, RapidMiner, Microsoft PowerBI, Microsoft Azure,, Hortonworks Internship possible EUR 7,100.00 Data not available Data not available Intermediate. Data not available Data not available A coordination committee selects students based on CV. Candidates who have a title of degree (three-year-Masters V.O.), preferably in scientific, technical and economic. As Auditor (without final certificate) is sufficient high school diploma. Annual April Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science BAICR Italy Online, blended learning programme Native language 12 months Master of Science FT, PT BAICR Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Data Security and Privacy, Big Data, Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning, Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Social Network Analysis, Text Mining, Web Marketing, Legal Informatics, Labs on data analysis, Labs on Informatika, Computational Linguistics, Geographic Information Systems, Statistics, Design and Implementation of Social Investigations Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 5,000.00 EUR 5,000.00 Scholarships available Intermediate. The Master is aimed at professionals but open to any graduate or professional who recognizes the centrality of the data within its field of action and for this reason wants to get more specific knowledge and skills. Data not available Data not available bachelors degree level I or the old system in Law, Humanities, Economics, Political Science, Communication Sciences, Engineering, Statistics or possession of a specialist or magister degree (level II) under the same disciplines or other degree the same level deemed appropriate by the Academic Board of the Masters. Annual April Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Sapienza Universita Di Roma Italy Rome English 24 months Master of Science FT Departments of Informatics (DI), Computer Science (DIAG), Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET) and Statistics (DSS). Algorithmic Methods Of Data Mining And Laboratory, Fundamentals Of Data Science And Laboratory, Statistical Methods In Data Science And Laboratory, Statistical Methods In Data Science And Laboratory 1, Statistical Methods In Data Science And Laboratory 2, Networking For Big Data And Laboratory, Statistical Learning, Quantitative Models For Economic Analysis And Management, Data Management For Data Science, Cloud Computing, Data Mining Technology For Business And Society, Data Monitoring Analysis And Communication, Intellectual Property Competition And Data Protection Law, Economics Of Network Industries, Optimization Methods For Machine Learning, Statistical Methods For Official Statistics, Data Privacy And Security, Social And Behavioral Networks, Signal Processing For Big Data, Network Infrastructures, Efficiency And Productivity Analysis, Probability And Stochastic Processes For Data Science, Digital Epidemiology, Earth Observation Data Analysis, Economics Of Information, Bioinformatics Data not available Internship possible EUR 6128 Data not available Scholarships available Data not available data Must hold a 3-year bachelors degree (laurea trienale) Must have acquired at least 90 credits in the following scientific sectors: Mathematical sciences, Informatics, Physics, Economical and statistical sciences, Industrial engineering, Computer engineering. Must possess basic knowledge from some of the following areas: Matematics: Differential calculus and integration in one or multiple real variables, basic notions of linear algegra and analytical geometry in the Euclidean space Probability: Random variables, distributions and mean values, basic distributions, convergence of sequences of random variables Informatics: Programming principles, knowledge of at least one of the following programming languages: C, C++, C#, Java, Python Must know the english language at a level of at B2 Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science for Complex Economic Systems Colegio Carlo Alberto Italy Turin English 12 months Master of Science FT Colegio Carlo Alberto Preliminary Courses: Introductory Statistics, Mathematics for Economics, Coding in Python. Ideas and Instruments: Theory Empirics, Microeconomics of Complex Economies, Complex Networks, Modelling complex systems, Complexity And Agent-Based Models, Econometric Theory, Econometrics in R, Data Mining, Machine learning. Topics and Applications: Theory Empirics, Innovation System: entrepreneurship and technology strategy, Consumption Systems: marketing and risk strategy, Smart Urban Systems and IoT, Innovation Systems Lab: patent and technology analysis, Consumption Systems Lab: marketing and risk analysis, Smart Urban Systems Lab: the geography of web and social media analytics Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 8,000.00 Data not available Scholarships available Welcomes students from different disciplines (e.g. economics, physics, computer science and political science). Data not available Data not available Applicants for the Master must be university graduates (four or five-year degree). Undergraduates in their last year of studies will also be considered. Different disciplines are considered. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Stochastics and Data Science University of Turin Italy Turin English 24 months Master of Science FT Department of Mathematics, ESOMAS Department, Department of Computer Sciences Stochastic Differential Equations, Analysis, Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, Programming for Data Science, Stochastic Processes Statistics for Stochastic Processes, Stochastic Modelling for Statistical Applications, Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Databases and Algorithms, Bayesian Statistics, Statistical Machine Learning, Complex Networks, Computational Methods for Statistics, Decisions and Uncertainty, Econometrics, Game Theory, Information Theory, Introduction to Data Mining, Simulation, Simulation Models for Economics Data not available Data not available EUR 3,200.00 Data not available Scholarships available Data not available data Bachelor degree or an equivalent title in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Engineering, but also in Computer Science, Economics or related with a sufficient quantitative background. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education International Master in Business Analytics & Big Data (BABD) MIP - Politecnico di Milano, CEFRIEL- Politecnico di Milano Italy Milan English 12 months Master of Science FT School of Management General Management, Data management and Warehousing, Foundamentals of Statistics and Data Visualization, Predictive Analytics and Business Applications, Analytics for Management and Electives Analytics for Finance, Analytics on customer experience, Social Media Marketing, Analytics for Supply Chain Management Data not available Data not available EUR 14,000.00 Data not available Financial aid options available Programme is ideally suited for recent University graduates and those in the initial stages of their career. data 3 or 4 year bachelors degree in the areas of Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Management, Mathematics, Science or Statistics from Accredited Institutions are eligible for the programme. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Management LUISS Business School, Oracle Italy Rome English 12 months Master of Science FT LUISS Business School Preparatory Courses: Economics of Strategy, Introduction to Big Data Infrastructure, Data Management for Big Data Introduction, Introduction to Big Data Programming, Introduction to Statistics for Data Scientist Core courses: Accounting, Strategy, Financial Management, Business Law, Organizational & HRM, Access Tools and Informational Discovery, Econometrics, Machine Learning, Advanced Programming, Economic Forecasting, Advanced Visualisations, Marketing Analytics Data not available RDBMS and Hadoop, Linux and VM, R and Python, Data not available EUR 14,000.00 Data not available Financial aid options available Data not available data Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science: Data and Knowledge Engineering Free University of Bozen - Bolzano Italy Bozen English 24 months Master of Science FT Department of Computer Science Advanced Database Management Technologies, Data Mining, Theory of Computing, Seminars in Human Machine Interaction, Statistical Methods, Advanced Internet Technologies, Data and Process Modeling, Information Search and Retrieval, Technical and Scientific Communication, Semantic Technologies, Seminars in Data and Knowledge Engineering, Research Methods Empirical Software Measurements, IT and Service Management, Lean Start Up, Requirements and Design of Software Systems, Software Factory, Software Process Management, Temporal and Spatial Databases. University of Trento: Big Data and Social Networks, Laboratory of Applied Robotics, Real-Time Operating Systems and Middleware. University of Innsbruck: Computer Vision, Vehicular Networks, Advanced Compiler Construction Data not available Internship possible EUR 1,343.50 Data not available Data not available Data not available data Italian Bachelor degree (�diploma di laurea�) in Computer Science (Scienze e tecnologie informatiche, classe L-31) or Information Engineering (Ingegneria dell�informazione, classe L-08);equivalent Italian degree obtained according to the regulations previously in force; other degrees in the field of Computer Science awarded in Italy or abroad and recognized as suitable. Italian Bachelor degree (�diploma di laurea�) in Physics (Scienze e tecnologie fisiche, classe L-30) or Mathematics (Scienze matematiche, classe L-36); equivalent Italian degree obtained according to the regulations previously in force; other degrees in the field of Physics or Mathematics awarded abroad and recognized as suitable. English language proficiency. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science: Data Management and Analytics Ca' Foscari University of Venice Italy Venice English 24 months Master of Science FT Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics Advanced Algorithms And Programming Methods, Advanced Databases, Artificial Intelligence, Information Retrieval And Web Search, Cloud Computing And Distributed Systems, Bioinformatics, Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Human Computer Interaction And Information Visualization, Network Science, Calculus And Optimization, Statistical Inference And Learning, Data Design And Nature-Inspired Computing, Statistics For Spatio-Temporal Data Compilers, Networks In Economics And Social Science Data not available Internship possible EUR 2,100.00 EUR 2,100.00 Data not available Data not available data Students with diverse academic backgrounds, such as computer science, engineering, statistics, mathematics and related disciplines. Candidates require a good background on fundamental topics in computer science and engineering, such as programming languages and software engineering, algorithms, computer architecture, operating systems, databases, and computer networks. Further requirements include basic knowledge of calculus, discrete mathematics, and probability and statistics, foundations of computer science. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Applied Informatics Vytautas Magnus University Lithuania Kaunus English 2 years Master in Applied Informatics FT Faculty of Informatics Operations Research and Management, Machine Learning, System Analysis and Modelling, Signal Processing and Recognition, ICT Infrastructure and Electronic Commerce, Data Visualization, Distributed and Cloud Computing, Neural Networks, IT Strategies in Knowledge Society, Digital Image Processing Neural Networks, IT Strategies in Knowledge Society, Digital Image Processing, Adaptive and Intelligent Systems, Intelligent Web Services and Applications, Gaming Environments and Technologies, Natural Language Technologies, Supply Chain Management and Logistics, Multimedia Data Mining, Information Retrieval, Secure Digital Environments Data not available Data not available EUR 3,700.00 EUR 3,700.00 Data not available Data not available data Bachelor or equivalent degree in Informatics, Informatics Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Mathematics. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Marketing Analytics Vilnius University Lithuania Vilnius English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available Compulsory Courses: Principles of Marketing Management, Supply Chain Management and Analysis, CRM Systems, Analysis of Data in a Company, Research Methods, Integrated Marketing Communications, Predictive Modelling, Models of consumer behaviour and measurements, Social Media and Web Analytics, Marketing Analytics Capstone, Master Final Thesis Sales Management, Methods of Qualitative Research, Marketing Specifics in Selected Sectors, Pricing, Statistical Analysis of Research Data (with SPSS), Product Mix Management Data not available Data not available EUR 2,600.00 EUR 3,400.00 Data not available Data not available data bachelors degree or its equivalent with no less than 30 ECTS credits in the fields of economics, management and business administration or other social sciences. The selection criterion is based on the weighted average of relevant grades recorded in the transcript of the student�s academic record. Priority will be given to students with more courses and/or higher grades in management and business administration. All applicants have to prove their English proficiency. Annual September 2015 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Information and Computer Science (Adaptive Computing) University of Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg English 2 years Master of Science FT Computer Science and Communications Research Unit Basic Algebraic Structures, Foundations of Computing, Communication Theory, Networking, Distributed Systems, Intelligent Systems - Agents and Reasoning, Intelligent Systems - Information Retrieval and Learning, Intelligent Systems - Problem Solving, English for Computer Science, Information Security Basics, Principles of Software Development, Computational Statistics, Machine Learning, Parallel and Grid Computing, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Optimisation for Computer Science Algorithmic Decision Theory, Information Theory and Coding, Intelligent Agents I, Autonomous Robot Software, Intelligent Agents II, Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Stochastic Models in Intrusion Detection Systems Data not available Data not available EUR 600.00 Data not available Some financial aid opportunities available. Intermediate. Aimed at graduates. Data not available Data not available Basic education in computer science as given in a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. This includes e.g.: mathematical foundations as given in (Linear) Algebra, Analysis, etc. and good programming skills in at least one programming language. English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Master Information Technologies for Business Intelligence - IT4BI Universite Libre de Bruxelles/Vrije Universiteit Brussel (ULB) (coordinating institution), Ecole Centrale de Paris (ECP), Universite Francois Rabelais de Tours (UFRT), Technische Universitaet Berlin (TUB), Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC-Barcelona Tech) Multiple: Europe Multiple: Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available Data Warehouses, Business Process Management, Applied Operational Research, Advanced Databases, Database Systems Architecture, Humanities, Advanced Data Warehousing, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, XML and Web Technologies, Information Retrieval, Business Intelligence Seminar. Masters Thesis Option Decision Support and Business Intelligence (BI): Visual Analytics, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Corporate Semantics and Semantic Web, Decision Modeling, Introduction to innovation and research Option Service-Oriented Business Intelligence (BI): Service Oriented BI, BI Project, Web Services, Viability of Business Projects Option Distributed and Large-Scale Business Intelligence (BI): Big Data Analytics Seminar, Implementation of a Database Engine, Heterogeneous and Distributed Information Systems, Large Scale Data Analysis and Data-Mining, Big Data Analytics Projects Data not available Data not available EUR 8000 EUR 16000 EUR 24.000 per year for non-European students and EUR 11.500 per year for European students Data not available Data not available Data not available bachelors degree with a major in computer science Annual autumn Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education European Master in Data Mining and Knowledge Management University of Pierre and Marie Curie Paris 6, University of Lyon Lumiere Lyon 2 (coordinating institution), PolytecNantes, University of East Piedmont, Technical University of Catalonia Multiple: Europe Multiple English 2 years European Master FT D�partement Informatique et Statistique Logic & Knowledge Representation, Optimization, Statistics & Probability, Multidimensional Data Analysis, Big data management, Language, Symbolic learning, Methodology and tools for research Specialisation (Year 2): E-Science, by the University of Paris 6 (UPMC, France); Digital Humanities, by the University of Lyon 2 (ULY2 France); Specialisation (Year 3): Knowledge and Decision, by Polytech�Nantes (EPUN, France); Statistical Modelling and data mining, by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, Spain) Data not available Internship or lab placement 5,000 EUR /year 5,000 EUR /year No scholarships are available. Students from all over the world. Data not available Data not available Bachelor�s degree (or equivalent) in the fields of computer science, mathematics or statistics, as well as a good level of English. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Machine Learning and Data Mining Multiple: University Jean Monnet, University of Alicante Multiple: Europe Saint-Etienne English 2 years Double diploma Master of Science FT, PT Data not available Semester 1: Advanced algorithmics, Calculability and Complexity Theory, Introduction to Machine Learning, Data Analysis, Semantic Web, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Foreign Language; Semester 2: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning - Fundamentals and algorithms, Computer Vision, Computer Networks and Security, Optimization & Operational Research, End of year project; Semester 3: Multi Agent Systems, Advanced Machine Learning, Data Mining for Big Data, Computer Vision Project, Machine Learning and Data Mining Project, Research Methodology & Project Management Data not available Data not available Year 3: Internship or lab placement (February - June) EUR 1,500.00 EUR 1,500.00 Scholarships and mobility grants available Intermediate data science BSc degree level (i.e. 180 ECTS) or equivalent, in computer science, statistics or mathematics. English language requirements. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education EIT Digital Master's Programme in Data Science Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), Politecnico di Milano Multiple: Europe Madrid, Amsterdam, Nice, Milan English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available UPM entry point: I&E, Cognitive systems, Intelligent Data Analysis, Cloud Computing and Big Data Ecosystems Design, Big Data, Intelligent Systems, Information Retrieval, Extraction and Integration, Deep learning, Data Science Seminars Specializations: Infrastructures for Large Scale Data Management and Analysis at UPM Multimedia and Web Science for Big Data at UNS Business Process Intelligence at TU/e Distributed Systems and Data Mining for Really Big Data at KTH (Sweden) Design, Implementation, and Usage of Data Science Instruments at TUB (Berlin, Germany) Data not available Internship possible No fees EUR 8,000.00 Some scholarships available Data not available data A B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering/ electronics, computer engineering, computer science or information technology is required. The studies should include at least 60 ECTS courses in computer science, computer architecture, or programming, and mathematics including calculus, algebra and mathematical statistics. Proof of English language proficiency. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education EIT Digital Master's Programme in Data Science Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), Politecnico di Milano Multiple: Europe Madrid, Amsterdam, Nice, Milan English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available UNS entry point: Networking and traffic analysis, Virtualized cloud computing, Internet & network programming, Wireless networking, Cryptography & security, Problem solving, Analysis&indexing of images&videos in big size systems, Graph & linear programming, Probability & Statistics, Web semantic & reasoning, Technologies for big data, Data mining, Parallelism and Big Data distributed Systems, Intelligent data analysis Specializations: Infrastructures for Large Scale Data Management and Analysis at UPM Multimedia and Web Science for Big Data at UNS Business Process Intelligence at TU/e Distributed Systems and Data Mining for Really Big Data at KTH (Sweden) Design, Implementation, and Usage of Data Science Instruments at TUB (Berlin, Germany) Data not available Internship possible No fees EUR 8,000.00 Some scholarships available Data not available data A B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering/ electronics, computer engineering, computer science or information technology is required. The studies should include at least 60 ECTS courses in computer science, computer architecture, or programming, and mathematics including calculus, algebra and mathematical statistics. Proof of English language proficiency. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education EIT Digital Master's Programme in Data Science Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), Politecnico di Milano Multiple: Europe Madrid, Amsterdam, Nice, Milan English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available TU/e entry point: Introduction to process mining, Web information retrieval and data mining, Advanced Algorithms, Visualization, Statistics for Big Data Specializations: Infrastructures for Large Scale Data Management and Analysis at UPM Multimedia and Web Science for Big Data at UNS Business Process Intelligence at TU/e Distributed Systems and Data Mining for Really Big Data at KTH (Sweden) Design, Implementation, and Usage of Data Science Instruments at TUB (Berlin, Germany) Data not available Internship possible No fees EUR 8,000.00 Some scholarships available Data not available data A B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering/ electronics, computer engineering, computer science or information technology is required. The studies should include at least 60 ECTS courses in computer science, computer architecture, or programming, and mathematics including calculus, algebra and mathematical statistics. Proof of English language proficiency. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education EIT Digital Master's Programme in Data Science Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), Politecnico di Milano (MIP) Multiple: Europe Madrid, Amsterdam, Nice, Milan English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available MIP entry point: Data Bases 2, Software Engineering 2, Computing Infrastructures, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Distributed Systems, Recommender Systems, Principles Of Programming Languages, Data Mining And Text Mining, Advanced Algorithms And Parallel Programming Specializations: Infrastructures for Large Scale Data Management and Analysis at UPM Multimedia and Web Science for Big Data at UNS Business Process Intelligence at TU/e Distributed Systems and Data Mining for Really Big Data at KTH (Sweden) Design, Implementation, and Usage of Data Science Instruments at TUB (Berlin, Germany) Data not available Internship possible No fees EUR 8,000.00 Some scholarships available Data not available data A B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering/ electronics, computer engineering, computer science or information technology is required. The studies should include at least 60 ECTS courses in computer science, computer architecture, or programming, and mathematics including calculus, algebra and mathematical statistics. Proof of English language proficiency. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Advanced Analytics: Big Data Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) Poland Warsaw English 2 years Master of Science FT School of Economics Business Law, History of Economic Thought, Advanced Macroeconomics I, Advanced Optimization Methods, Basic and Advanced Programming in SAS with Statistics, Big Data, Data Mining Basic and Advanced with Text Mining, Data Warehouses II or Graph Theory and Social Networks, Databases Build and Exploitation, Event History Analysis with SAS, Institutional Economics, Labour Economics, Logistic Regression with SAS,Querrying, Data Presentation, Data Visualisation and Reporting, Statistical Learning Methods Actuarial Statistics and Risk Theory, Advanced Simulation Modelling, Advanced Statistical Analysis Methods, Advanced Statistical Analysis Methods with SAS, Algebra and Mathematical Analysis, Applied Econometrics, Artificial Intelligence, Bayesian Econometrics, Business Intelligence, Credit Scoring and SAS Macro-programming, Credit Scoring in SAS Enterprise Miner, Database Systems II, Decision Theory, Development of Business Applications, Econometrics of Panel Data, Financial Econometrics II, Integrated Management Information Systems, Mathematical Logic, Mathematical Statistics I, Methods of Statistical Analysis II, Microeconometrics, Multi-agent Modelling, Multivariate Statistical Analysis using SAS, Nonlinear Econometric Models, Numerical Methods, Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes, Statistical Methods of Multivariate Comparative Analysis, Time Series Econometrics,Text Mining SAS Data not available EUR 7,200.00 EUR 7,200.00 Data not available Data not available business Translated proof of qualifications/degree certificates. Proficiency in English language. Annual September 2016 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Advanced Analytics Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal Lisbon English 2 years Master of Science FT School of Information Science Data Mining I (Descriptive Models), Data Warehousing, Descriptive Analytics / Statistics I: Inference and Methods Descriptive, Computational Intelligence for Optimization, Business Intelligence, Data Mining II (Predictive Models) / Predictive Models, Inferential Analytics, Big Data Data not available Data not available Best students are offered 6 month placements in partner organisations: Accenture, SAS and NOVA IMS EUR 5,600.00 EUR 5,600.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available The selection process includes the analysis of the applicant's academic and professional curriculum and an interview. Proficiency in English is a requirement. Annual September 2016 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Information Management: Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence Universidade Nova de Lisboa Portugal Lisbon English 2 years Master of Science FT Information Management School Business Intelligence I, Data Mining I, Decision Support Systems, Research Methodologies, Business Intelligence II, Data Mining II, Knowledge Management Architectures for Information Technology, Banking and Insurance Operation, Big Data Applications, Business Process Management, Cartographic Sciences, Customer Relationship Management Systems, Customer Satisfacion and Loyalty Management, Data Analysis, Data Collection Methods, DataBase Management Systems, Econometrics Methods, Enterprise Resource Management Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, Experiential Marketing, Forecasting Methods, Geographic Data Bases (Advanced), Geographic Information Systems Modules, Data Mining, Geo-Spatial Data: Models and Operations, Geospatial Free Open Source Software, Geostatistics, Information Project Management, Information Systems Governance, Information Systems Management, Information Technologies Services Management, Innovation, Change Management and the New Healthcare Client, Leadership and People Management, Market Research, Marketing Digital, Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behaviour, Principles of Financial Management, Quantitative Methods for Marketing - Descriptive Methods, Quantitative Methods for Marketing - explanatory methods, Remote Sensing, Research Methodologies, Risk Management, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Intelligence, Solvency Models, Spatial Databases, Statistics, Survey Methods, Value Quantification Technics, Web Analytics, Web Marketing and E-Commerce Data not available Best students are offered 6 month placements in partner organisations: Accenture, SAS and NOVA IMS EUR 5,350.00 EUR 5,350.00 Some discounts available Intermediate. Graduates in a compatible field (Management, Engineering, Economics, Marketing, Statistics and Information Management, Sociology or Psychology). Those who have roles in Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence, Data Warehouses Managers as well as managers and leaders looking managers looking for added value provided from data warehouses of the organizations in which they develop their activity. This program also aims at technical staff and managers that need to work together to launch BI initiatives. and data A degree in a compatible field; The selection process includes the analysis of the applicant's academic and professional curriculum and an interview. Proficiency in English is a requirement. Annual September 2016 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Analytics - Modelling, Data Analysis And Decision Support System University of Porto Portugal Porto English 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Economics and Management Data Mining I, Data Bases and Programming, Optimization, Applied Statistics, Data Analysis, Data Mining II Risk Analysis, Forecasting Methods and Time Series, Stochastic Processes, Decision Support Systems and Business Intelligence, Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation of Organizations Data not available Data not available Portuguese students: 1.500EUR (FT), 1.125EUR (PT) International students of portuguese speaking countries: 2.500EUR (FT), 1.875EUR (PT) International students 5.000EUR (FT), 3.750EUR (PT) Data not available Intermediate. Decision-makers wishing to add value to their strategic capabilities by taking advantage of information decision support and data analysis techniques, as well as specialists in information processing wishing to participate in the development of computational systems for business intelligence and decision support. data 2012 Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Integrated Systems for Decision Support: Business Intelligence ISCTE Portugal Lisbon Native language 2 years Master of Science FT School of Technology and Architecture Data Warehouse System I, Integrated Business Intelligence Systems, Data Analysis for Business Intelligence, Strategic Information Systems and Performance Management, Business Intelligence Systems Project Management, Business Intelligence Applications I, Business Intelligence Applications II, Data Warehouse System II, Business Data Mining, Dissertation in Integrated Business Intelligence Systems Fundamentos de Bases de Dados (MSIAD), T�picos Avan�ados em Business Intelligence, Aprendizagem Autom�tica, Algoritmos para Big Data, Processamento Computacional da L�ngua, Modela��o Computacional dos Sistemas Sociais Complexos. Database fundamentals (MSIAD), Advanced Topics in Business Intelligence, Machine learning, Algorithms for Big Data, Computational Language Processing, Computational Modelling Social Complex Systems. Data not available Data not available EUR 4,500.00 EUR 5,600.00 Data not available Intermediate. Students and professionals considered. Data not available Data not available Candidates are judged according to 3 criteria: 1. Academic and scientific background. 2. Professional experience. 3. Interview. Once every 2 years September 2005 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Artificial Intelligence University Politechnica of Bucharest Romania Bucharest English 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers Knowledge representation and reasoning, Type systems and functional programming, Data Mining, Multi-agent systems, Natural language processing, Symbolic and statistical learning, Self-organizing systems, Neural networks, Software Verification and Validation Categories and Computer Science, Computer Vision (in English), Computational Geometry, Technical Scientific Writing (in English), Transaction Processing Systems (in English), Criptografy, Complementary mathematics, Introduction to robotics (in English), Advanced securing of computer systems, Object-Oriented Design and Implementation (in English) Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available data Bachelor degree in Computers and Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunications, Systems Engineering, Applied Engineering Sciences, Informatics, Mathematics and Informatics Applicants are required to pass an admission exam. The admission is based on the admission mark, calculated as: 50% Bachelor grades, 50% admission exam. The applicants are admitted in the limit of each program�s seats number, by considering them in the decreasing order of the admission mark. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Analysis and Modelling University Babes-Bolyai Romania Cluj-Napoca Native language 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Analysing big data-sets, Intelligent data warehouses and applications, Parallel programming paradigms, Machine learning, Applied robotics, Research methodology, Monte Carlo Modelling, Information retrieval, Natural language processing, Text mining. Data analysis, Machine learning, Modelling and simulation in applied computer science, Model-based simulation, Information extraction, Modelling using agents, Cryptography, Game theory, Robotics Data not available Placement with a company is possible for the Masters thesis EUR 5,000.00 EUR 7200 Data not available Graduates in Computer Science, Mathematics, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Physics, Data analysts data Candidates are selected on the strength of their overall three/four-year undergraduate average grade and a personal portfolio, for candidates with a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Computer Mathematics or Economical Computer Science Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education High Performance Computing and Big Data Analytics University Babes-Bolyai Romania Cluj-Napoca English 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Programming Paradigms, Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems, Formal Modelling of Concurrency, Advanced Methods in Data Analysis, Functional parallel programming for big data analytics, Models in parallel programming, General Purpose GPU Programming, Workflow Systems, Resource-aware computing, Data Mining, Grid, Cluster and Cloud Computing, Knowledge Discovery in Wide Area Networks Practice of Education. Data not available Data not available EUR 5,000.00 EUR 7201 Data not available Graduates in Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, data Candidates are selected on the strength of a three/four-year undergraduate average grade and a personal portfolio, for candidates with a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Computer Mathematics or Economical Computer Science. Other candidates perform a written test, and submit a personal portfolio. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Applied Computational Intelligence University Babes-Bolyai Romania Cluj-Napoca English 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Advanced methods in data analysis, Machine learning, Statistical methods in computational intelligence, Knowledge discovery in wide area networks, Simulation methods, Scientific data visualization, Unconventional computation for real world problem solving, Knowledge based systems and language technology, Cooperative intelligent agents, Declarative programming in machine learning, Applications of computational linguistics, Applications of computational intelligence in software engineering Practice of Education. Data not available Data not available EUR 5,000.00 EUR 7202 Data not available Graduates in Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, data Candidates are selected on the strength of a three/four-year undergraduate average grade and a personal portfolio, for candidates with a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Computer Mathematics or Economical Computer Science. Other candidates perform a written test, and submit a personal portfolio. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Information Systems Slovak University of Technology Slovakia Bucharest Native language 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology Team Project 1, Management of Information Systems, Architecture of Information Systems, Advanced Database Technology, Research Systems Dejiny Dizajnu, Marketing, Bezpe_nos_ a mana_ment Informa_n_ch Syst�mov, �_tovn�ctvo, Vedenie _ud� v projektov_ch t�moch, R�torika, Finan_n_ mana_ment, K�dovanie, Z�klady kryptografie, Generick_ predmet matematiky 1, Grafov� algoritmy, Algebra, Stochastick� modely, Vybran� _asti z matematickej anal_zy, Generick_ predmet matematiky, Kvalita programov_ch a informa_n_ch syst�mov, Vyh_ad�vanie inform�ci�, Objavovanie znalost�, Vizualiz�cia d�t. History of Design, Marketing, Security and Management Information Systems, Accounting, Leadership in project teams, Rhetoric, Financial Management, Encryption, Basics of Cryptography, Mathematics 1, Graph Algorithms, Algebra, Stochastic Models, High-Quality Programming and Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Knowledge Discovery, Data Visualization Data not available Data not available EUR 1,600.00 EUR 1,600.00 Data not available Intermediate. Students are admitted with assumed understanding of basics in computer science and mathematics but a conversion course is offered (1 year) if this is not the case. Data not available Data not available Bachelors degree in a related field. Annual October 2013 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Informatics Technical University of Kosice, Technicka Univerzita v Ko_iciach Slovakia Kosice English 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Team Project, Applied Statistics, Heuristic Optimization Processes, Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning, Decision making and complexity, Diploma Project 1, Engineering Econometrics, Technologies for Big data processing, Knowledge Management, Management information systems, Software Systems Evolution, New trends in Business Informatics, Labour and Commercial Law Control and Visualization Systems, Cloud Systems, Distributed control systems, Electronic Business, Architectures of industrial information systems, Computer Vision, Economic Analysis of the Firm, Economic Information Systems, Humanoid Technologies, Semantic and Social Web, Business Ethics, Current Trends in Development of Modern Societies, Effective social communication Etiquette, Image and Business Protocol, Leadership, Sociology of Business Entreprise Successful Professional Carrier, Team Work, Topical Problems in Current Philosophy Data not available Data not available EUR 12000 EUR 12000 Some scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available Bachelor Diploma with a certified translation of list of subjects taken along with their contents, extents and results attained. Proficiency in English language is necessary. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics and Big Data IE University Spain Madrid (+Dubai when PT) English 10 months (FT), 17 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT IE School of Human Science and Technology, IE Business School. Business Transformation, Big Data Technologies, Professional Skills, Data Science Introduction to Big Data and Analytics, Transforming Financial Services Using Analytics, Transforming Telco & Utilities Using Analytics, Transforming Retail & Consumer Goods Using Analytics, Big Data & Genomics: Transforming the Future of Medicine, Smart Cities and Governments, Financial Analytics, Marketing Intelligence, Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing, Database Modelling for Analytics Programming, SQL for Analytics, Mastering the Hadoop Ecosystem, Applied Tools for Analyzing Big Data, Innovative Technologies for Data Storage, Stream Processing & Real-Time Analytics, The Knowledge Discovery Process Mathematics and Statistics for Data Analysis, Basic Algorithms for Data Mining, Statistical Models for Data Mining, Building the Data Science Toolkit Forecasting Time Series, Machine Learning Algorithms for Business Recommendation Engines, Analyzing Social Networks, Natural Language Processing & Text Mining Data Visualization, Statistical Programming in R, Statistical Programming in Python Python, R, SQL Data not available Data not available EUR 30,200.00 Data not available Recent graduates and professionals* *Professional experience is reviewed on a case-by-case Background of previous candidates include Business: Economics, Finance, Marketing, Business Administration; Quantitative: Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, applied Sciences and Social Sciences; Technology: Computer Science, IT Data not available Data not available Evidence of completion of a Bachelor degree (or equivalent) from an accredited university. IE Global Admissions Test (you may provide a GMAT or GRE instead). Proof of English language proficiency. Annual October (FT), January (PT) Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Spain Barcelona English 9 months Master of Data Science FT Data not available Statistical Modelling and Inference Deterministic Models and Optimization Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Computing Lab Economics for the Era of Big Data, Machine Learning Financial Econometrics Stochastic Models and Optimization Data Visualization, Topics in Big Data Analytics Social and Economic Networks Quantitative Methods for Policy Evaluation Stochastic Finance, Text Mining for Social Sciences Quantitative Methods of Market Regulation Public Policy in the European Union Topics in Big Data II Data not available 3 month industrial internship selected from partner organisations. EUR 18,000.00 EUR 18,000.00 Some scholarships available Intermediate. Aimed at: Graduates in Economics or Business with a solid economics grounding, and keen interest in quantitative methods. Graduates in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or Statistics with the ambition to work on real-world problems and data. Programming professionals looking to acquire analytical and quantitative tools to leverage their experience. Aspiring PhD students looking for rigorous training in quantitative and analytical methods. and data An Undergraduate/bachelor/grado/laurea, or equivalent degree from an accredited college or university (for Bologna degrees, a minimum of 180 ECTS are required). A typical applicant would hold a University Diploma in Economics, Finance, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics or Business Administration. See our Student Profile for more detailed information. An advanced level of English language skills. GRE exam is mandatory. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Certificate Higher Education Data Science University of Barcelona Spain Barcelona English 2 weeks Certificate in Data Science FT Barcelona Graduate School of Economics The Data Science Toolbox, Introduction to Machine Learning for Recommender Systems, Advanced Data Science and Machine Learning Topics . Memory based collaborative filtering, Model-based collaborative Filtering, Matrix Factorization, Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Context-aware collaborative Filtering, Tensor Factorization, Factorization Machines, Learning to Rank for Collaborative Filtering, Diversification, Content-based recommendations. Introduction to Python for Machine Learning & tools for Data, Pandas, scikit-learn, numpy through case studies, Basic SQL (interfaces to R, Python, data extraction etc.), Introduction to R for Machine Learning and packages such as dplyr, tidyr, reshape2, ggplot2, through case studies. Unsupervised Learning, k-means clustering, spectral methods, hierarchical clustering, Gradient Boosted Models, Deep Neural Networks, from Logistic Regression to Deep Belief Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks Pandas, sci-kit learn, Python, R, SQL Data not available EUR 1,800.00 EUR 1,800.00 Reduced fee available. Intermediate. Data not available Data not available Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of Linear Algebra, basic computing skills and familiarity with any kind of programming language (not necessarily R, python). Working knowledge of English. Annual June Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Data Science Harbour Space Spain Barcelona English 3 years Bachelor of Science FT Harbour Space: University for Art, Technology and Design Foundations Of Programming: C/C++, Calculus � 1, Foundations Of Mathematical Logic, Combinatorics And Graphs � 1 And 2, Object Oriented Programming: Python, Calculus � 2, Algorithms And Data Structures � 1 And 2, Linear Algebra -1 And 2, Computer Organisation And Systems, Combinatorics And Graphs � 1,2 And 3, Operating Systems, Calculus � 3, Capstone Project � 1, Seminars & Workshops - 1 Probability Theory, Introduction To Statistics, Java Programming, Practical Unix, Parallel And Distributed Computing, Introduction To Optimization, Machine Learning � 1, R, Matlab, Spss, Stochastic Processes, Introduction To Computer Networking, Database Systems Principles, Computational Complexity Theory, Introduction To Cryptography, Convex Optimization, Python For Massive Data Analysis Information Theory, Mapreduce, Machine Learning � 2, Stochastic And Hugescale Optimization, Bioinformatics, Big Data & Emerging Technologies, Performance Oriented Computing, Text Mining, Software Development Process, Computational Genomics, Image Analysis, Technical Project Management, Web-Graphs, Data Visualization, Neural Networks, Leadership And Group Dynamics, Writing, Documentation, Tex, Javadoc, Academic, Introduction To Interaction Design All students must undertake Capstone projects which provide them with a chance to solve a real-world problem with a real world dataset. MapReduce, Python, R, C++, Matlab, SPSS There are breaks within the programme designed to allow students to take on internships. Courses are taught by industry leaders aa well as visiting professors from top universities around the world EUR 19,900.00 EUR 19,900.00 Data not available Candidates for enrolment into Bachelor�s are most often high school graduates and transfer students. Successful candidates would normally demonstrate highest intellectual capabilities which enables them to successfully accomplish the demanding learning phase. Such students are expected to achieve top results in national surveys at high schools, particularly with high grades in arts, sciences, mathematics, computers or technology. Participation in relevant international Olympiads and other competitions is a strong plus. Data not available Data not available A strong foundational knowledge of mathematics is needed. If your Math level is not sufficient, you may first join an intensive, one year preparatory Math as a Second Language (MSL) course before starting the math intensive degree studies. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Harbour Space Spain Barcelona English 2 years Master of Science FT Harbour Space: University for Art, Technology and Design Combinatorics And Graphs, Object-Oriented Programming (C++), Data Structures and Algorithms, Databases, Theory of Probability and Statistics, Practical Unix, Introduction to Interaction Design, Discrete Optimization, Master's Machine Learning, Python, Networks, Java Programming, Big Data Analysis/Machine Learning � 2, R, Convex Optimization, Leadership and Group Dynamics, Technical Writing and Presenting, _omplexity Theory, Technical Project Management, Nonlinear Optimization, Statistical Data Analysis Parallel and Disrtibuted Computing, Software Design, Stochastic and Huge-scale Optimization, Foundations of Cryptography, Map Reduce, Distributed Databases, Text Mining, Game Theory, Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Social Network Analysis, Time Series, Robust Optimization, Image and Video Analysis � 1, Information Retrieval, Auctions, Information Theory, Image and Video Analysis � 2, Machine Translation, Data Visualization, Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Spectral Graph Analysis and Data Science Applications, Web Graphs, Capstone Projects, Seminars & Workshops Data not available MapReduce, Python, R, C++, Java There are breaks within the programme designed to allow students to take on internships. Courses are taught by industry leaders aa well as visiting professors from top universities around the world EUR 22,900.00 EUR 22,900.00 Financial support available: Scholarships and student teaching opportunities. The candidates for the Master�s program typically have already gone through the Bachelor�s programme and many have accumulated a few years of professional experience. These candidates are expected to be familiar with the area they intend to study and have a well-founded desire to deepen their skills. Data not available Data not available A strong foundational knowledge of mathematics is needed. If your Math level is not sufficient, you may first join an intensive, one year preparatory Math as a Second Language (MSL) course before starting the math intensive degree studies. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Intelligent Interactive Systems: Big Data Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Spain Barcelona English 18 months Master of Science FT Department of Information and Communication Technologies Research Methodology, Machine Learning, Natural Language Interaction, Web Intelligence, Autonomous Systems, Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing, Pattern Recognition, Data-driven Social Analytics Signal Processing, Algorithm Design, Advanced Topics in Intelligent Interactive Systems, Computer Basics in Audiovisual Systems, Education, Games and Entertainment, Advanced Concepts and Methods in Cognitive Systems, Cognitive Science & Psychology: Mind, Brain and Behaviour, Audio and Music Processing Data not available Internships possible EUR 3,301.80 EUR 4,902.00 Limited number of scholarships available Advanced. This is a highly technical programme, and students are expected to have prior knowledge of mathematical language and computer science. Data not available Data not available Students must hold an undergraduate degree in computer science, mathematics, physics or engineering, or have a similar background. Annual Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Management - Business Analytics Barcelona School of Management Spain Barcelona English 1 year Master of Science FT Barcelona School of Management Analytical Tools: Applied Statistics, Managerial Accounting and Finance, Corporate Finance Management Theory: Marketing Management, Organizational Behaviour Business Analytics Methods: Benchmarking and Management Control, Methods of Marketing Research, Quantitative Methods in Management Business Analytics Applications: Marketing Analytics, Pricing and Revenue Optimization, Operations Management Data not available Internship is optional EUR 17,500.00 EUR 17,500.00 Some financial aid available Advanced. Graduates and professionals. Data not available Data not available Recent graduates and junior professionals with the following academic backgrounds: Economics, Business Administration, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics. Applicants with a different academic background will be asked to provide proof of sufficient quantitative and analytical training by presenting a GMAT score of 600 or higher. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science and Computer Engineering University of Granada Spain Granada Native language 2 years Master of Science FT School of Engineering and Architecture High Performance Computing (Specialty: Engineering Computer Networks), Specific Application Systems (Specialty: Engineering Computer Networks), Advanced Model Data Sciences (Specialty: Science And Technology Intelligent Data) Big Data And Cloud Computing (Specialty: Science And Technology Intelligent Data), Intelligent Technologies And Computer Intelligence (Specialty: Science And Technology Intelligent Data), Science Data Applications and Intelligent Technologies (Specialty: Science And Technology Intelligent Data), Entrepreneurship And Transfer Of Knowledge, Introduction To Data Science, Research Methodology Miner�a De Datos: Aprendizaje No Supervisado Y Detecci�n De Anomal�as, Miner�a De Datos: Preprocesamiento Y Clasificaci�n, Servidores Seguros, Sistemas Empotrados Y Co-Dise�o, Extracci�n De Caracter�sticas En Im�genes, Miner�a De Datos: Aspectos Avanzados, Modelos De Ciencia De Datos No Num�ricos. Aplicaciones En Redes Sociales, Web Y Gesti�n De Procesos, Modelos Gr�ficos Probabil�sticos, Series Temporales Y Miner�a De Flujos De Datos, Sistemas De Recuperaci�n De Informaci�n Y De Recomendaci�n, Cloud Computing y Big Data. Data Mining: Unsupervised Learning Troubleshooting And Mining Data: Preprocessing And Classification, Secure Servers, Embedded Systems And Co-Design, Feature Extraction Images, Data Mining: Advanced Aspects, Data Models Of Science No Number. Networks Applications, Web And Process Management, Probabilistic Graphical Models, Time Series And Data Mining Flow, Information Systems And Recovery Of Recommendation, Cloud Computing and Big Data Data not available Data not available EUR 2,500.00 EUR 2,500.00 Some scholarships available Data not available data Graduates, senior engineers, graduates in Information Technology, Telecommunications, Electronics, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, and graduates from basic training in engineering, justify prior knowledge of computing, communications and / or mathematics. Annual 2014 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computational Statistical Information Processing Universidad Complutense de Madrid (coordinadora), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Spain Madrid Native language 1 year Master of Science FT, PT Faculty of Mathematical Sciences Classical optimization methods, methods classics Statistical Techniques Intelligent Computing, Data Mining T�cnicas Estad�sticas Avanzadas, T�cnicas Estoc�sticas Avanzadas, Tecnolog�as de la Informaci�n y la Decisi�n, Redes y Se�ales Advanced Statistical Techniques, Advanced Statistical Techniques, Information Technology and Decision Networks and Signals SAS, MATLAB, SPSS and R Internship offered as part of course. Fees calculated per credit. 2015/2016: EUR 45,48 - EUR 55,58 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available A degree with substantial mathematical content or other evidence of mathematical courses. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Analytics Carlos III University of Madrid Spain Madrid English 12 months Master of Science FT Graduate School of Engineering and Basic Sciences Applied mathematics for data analytics, Statistical Modeling and Data Analysis, Fundamentals of Big Data software and hardware technologies, High-performance computer systems and architectures, Back-end of Big Data analysis, Bayesian analysis for Big Data, Dynamic models for predictive analytics, Machine learning II, Business Applications of Big data Analytics, Web data analytics and usage, Advanced technologies for data storage transmission and retrieval, Linear models for Big Data, Multivariate data analysis and classification, Optimization Problems and Large-Scale Data Analysis, Machine learning I, Machine learning II Information security and risk policies, Data Analytics for the Smart Society, Advanced network architectures for information storage and retrieval, Graph analysis and data visualization applications Data not available Data not available EUR 4,800.00 EUR 7,200.00 Scholarships available Advanced. data Bachelor�s degree in any of the following areas: Computer Science, Telecommunications Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, Physics, Industrial Engineering. Candidates with other backgrounds (like Business/Administration, Economics, Medicine or Health Sciences) could also be considered, but they should justify required levels of knowledge in the fields of Mathematics (Algebra and Calculus), Statistics (Probability and Inference) and Computer Science (basic programming skills). Professional experience is not required, but it will be considered as an asset within the admissions process. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Executive Masters Programme in Business Intelligence and Big Data Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Barcelona, MBIT School Barcelona Spain Barcelona English 10 months Master of Science FT Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences The Context of Business Intelligence (BI) and Big Data, BI Architectures and Big Data, Implementation of BI and Big Data Solutions, Data Analysis and Knowledge Extraction, Visualization and Reporting Data not available Data not available Placements in industry as part of thesis. EUR 8,940.00 EUR 8,940.00 Data not available Aimed at IT professionals (or those working in another industry who have excellent technological skills) with at least 3 to 5 years' professional experience. and data Annual November Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Executive Master's Degree in Big Data Business Decisions Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Barcelona, MBIT School Barcelona Spain Barcelona English 7 months Master of Science FT Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences The Context of BI and Data Analysis, Relevant Languages and Tools, Big Data Environment and Architectures, Design of Experimentation in Analytics, Data Analysis, Data Visualization and Reporting, Tools for Analysing Big Data, Introduction to Data Science, Introduction to R, Differences Between Traditional Statistical Analysis and Automatic Learning, Statistical Analysis, Regression Models, Supervised Learning Techniques, NoSQL Databases, Hadoop and Horton Ecosystems, Real-Time Environments: Sparky Storm Data not available Hadoop, R, NoSQL, HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB, Node4J, Pig/Hive Data not available EUR 6,000.00 EUR 6,000.00 Discounts available Data not available and data Students should have some experience with the following skills: 1. Data analysis and traditional statistical methods. 2. Basic knowledge of programming and algorithms, preferably Java. 3. Knowledge of databases: Relational databases (SQL) administration of databases and operating systems. The admission process includes a personal interview with the person responsible for the training programme. Annual November Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Intelligence and Big Data EOI Business School Spain Blended Native language 11 days in Madrid (in June), 1 year online Master of Science PT Data not available Module Leveling And Tools, Basics BI, BA and Big Data, Strategy Based Management Data, Data Warehousing, analytical databases, Web data, Introduction Machine Learning and Data Mining, Technologies Scalable Storage, Text mining and web links, parallelization data, Project Methodology, data acquisition Real Time, Case Financial Analytics, Customer Analytics Case, Case Marketing analytics, data analytics Open Case, Case Analytical Operations Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 9,200.00 EUR 9,200.00 Discounts available Geared to three student profiles: Technical (in any branch of ICT), statistics (mathematical or professionals from different scientific fields) or business (professional of any area who want to train as a data analyst and business analysts). data Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Intelligence OBS Business School Spain Online Native language 12 months Master of Science PT Data not available Data Management and Information Society, Strategic Management Systems Business Intelligence, decision support system, Business Analytics, Assessment and Selection Tools BI, Project Management Business Intelligence, Practical Workshop: QlikView, CRM and Business Intelligence, Change Management, Ethical and Legal aspects of Business Intelligence, Master Thesis: Development and Management of a Business Intelligence project Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 5,800.00 EUR 5,800.00 Scholarships available Data not available data Annual November Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data and Business Intelligence�n&utm_medium=CPC&utm_campaign=Masters%20Portal Next International Business School, University of Zaragoza Spain Madrid Native language Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Intelligence (BI for Analytics) Dalarna University Sweden Borlange English 1 year Master of Science FT Data not available Probability Theory and Markov Processes Economics of Leadership Statistical Computing with R Artificial Intelligence Data Collection and Data Quality BI Generalized Linear Models Data Mining Master Thesis in BI Mathematics for Microdata Analysis, Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, Data Analysis and Statistics 1, Intermediate Microeconomics, Database Systems for Master's Programme in BI, Intelligent Agents for Distributed Problem-Solving, Statistical Modelling and Inference, Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks, Spatial Data and GIS, Economic Geography Data not available Data not available No fee 270,180.00 SEK Scholarships available. Individuals who want to have an impact on decisions that affect the daily operations of companies and organizations by supplying data and analyses will find their calling in our BI programme. Successful candidates to the programme must have a bachelors degree (in any field) from an internationally recognized university. Candidates who have previously completed coursework in Statistics, Microeconomics, Computer Information Systems or IT are strongly encouraged to apply to this programme. Data not available Data not available Bachelors degree or equivalent, and at least three of the following courses:; Calculus for advanced statistics, undergraduate level 2, 7.5 credits; Micro economics, undergraduate level 2, 7.5 credits; Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, undergraduate level 1, 7.5 credits; Data analysis and statistics, First cycle level 1, 7.5 credits or equivalent knowledge; Database management, 7,5 credits or equivalent knowledge; or equivalent knowledge.; In addition documented language proficiency knowledge equivalent to English B at Swedish upper secondary school. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Machine Learning KTH Royal Institute Of Technology Sweden Stockholm English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available Applied Machine Learning, Computational Biology, Quantitative Systems Biology, Omic Data and Systems Biology, Advanced Individual Course in Computational Biology, Applied Bioinformatics, Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems, Introduction to Biomedicine, Introduction to the Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology, Degree Project in Computer Science, Second Cycle, Degree Project in Optimization and Systems Theory, Second Cycle, Degree Project in Mathematical Statistics, Second Cycle, Machine Learning, Advanced Course, Introduction to the Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Database Technology, Visualization, Algorithms and Complexity, Computer Security, Neuroscience, Advanced Individual Course in Computational Biology, Applied Bioinformatics, Image Analysis and Computer Vision, Image Based Recognition and Classification, Artificial Neural Networks and Other Learning Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Multi Agent Systems, Statistical Methods in Applied Computer Science, Foundations of Cryptography, Modern Database Systems and Their Applications, Search Engines and Information Retrieval Systems, Speech Technology, Speech and Speaker Recognition, Applied Estimation, Pattern Recognition, Optimization, Parallel Computations for Large- Scale Problems, Regression Analysis, Probability Theory, Time Series Analysis Data not available Data not available No fee EUR 15,500.00 Data not available Data not available data A Bachelor�s degree, or equivalent, corresponding to 180 ECTS credits, with a level in Mathematics and Computer Science equal to, or higher than, that of the following courses at KTH:Linear algebra (or SF1624), SF1625 Calculus in one variable, SF1626 Calculus in several variables, SF1901 Probability theory and statistics, DD1337 Programming, DD1338 Algorithms and Data Structures (or DD1320, DD1321, DD1340, DD1344). English language proficiency. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Statistics And Data Mining Linkoping University Sweden Linkoping English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available Statistical Methods, Advanced R Programming, Introduction to Advanced Academic Studies, Introduction to Machine Learning, Bayesian Learning, Philosophy of Science, Computational Statistics, Visualisation, Probability Theory, Multivariate Statistical Methods, Web Programming and Interactivity, Data Mining, Optimisation, Database Technology, Advanced Machine Learning, Learning Systems, Visualization, Multivariate Statistical Methods, Probability Theory, Statistical evidence evaluation. Web Programming and Interactivity, Neural networks and learning systems, Data Mining Project, Text mining, Optimization, Database Technology. R, Python, Thesis is written within the context of an industry placement. No fee EUR 10,400.00 Data not available Data not available data A bachelor�s degree in one of the following subjects: statistics, mathematics, applied mathematics, computer science, engineering or a similar degree. Courses in calculus, linear algebra, statistics and programming are also required. Letter of intent, written in English must be submitted with the application. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science (120 ECTS) University of Skovde Sweden Skovde English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available Analysis of Complex Data, Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Programming, Business Intelligence, Data Driven Decision-making, Data Mining, Master Degree Project in Informatics with Specialization in Data Science, Information Fusion, Big Data Programming, Data Science Project, Scientific Theory in Informatics, Visual Data Analysis. Data not available Data not available Data not available No fee EUR 13,460.00 Data not available Data not available data A Bachelor degree of at least 180 higher education credits (equivalent to 180 ECTS) within the fields of informatics or computer science or similar. Proficiency in English language. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science (60 ECTS) University of Skovde Sweden Skovde English 1 year Master FT Data not available Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Programming, Data Mining, Master Degree Project in Informatics with Specialization in Data Science, Big Data Programming, Scientific Theory in Informatics, Visual Data Analysis. Data not available Data not available Data not available No fee EUR 13,460.00 Data not available Data not available data A Bachelor degree of at least 180 higher education credits (equivalent to 180 ECTS) within the fields of informatics or computer science or similar. Proficiency in English language. Annual August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Administration (MBA): Big Data & Business Analytics Universiteit van Amsterdam The Netherlands Amsterdam English 24 months MBA PT Amsterdam Business School Analytics: Statistics for Big Data, Econometrics, System Optimization, Quantitative Marketing; Business Courses: Big Data Strategy & Implementation, Financial Accounting, Law & Ethics for Big Data, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Amsterdam Leadership Programme, Corporate Finance, Entrepeneurship, Competitive Strategy, Valuation, Consumer Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Marketing Strategy, Financial Modelling, Risk Management & Financial Institutions, International Study Trip Silicon Valley; Computer Science Courses: Machine Learning, Information systems for Big Data, Data visualisation Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 40,000.00 Data not available Some discounts to UvA alumni. Data not available Data not available Data not available Bachelor or Master degree in relevant field; Three years of relevant business work experience; GMAT minimum 630 (or GRE equivalent); English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam The Netherlands Amsterdam English 2 years Master of Science FT Data not available Applied Stochastic Modelling, Data-Mining Techniques, Applied Analysis, Business Process Optimisation, Statistical Models, Research Paper Business Analytics, Scientific Writing in English, Business process optimization Computational intelligence Financial risk management Data not available 6-month internship possible if candidate selects Professional Track. Industry partners: Deloitte, KLM, Logica, AMC, Zwitserleven, Watson Wyatt, ING, AM Wonen, Politie Haaglanden. EUR 1,951.00 EUR 12,000.00 Data not available Data not available business analytics Dutch and International Students with a Bachelor�s degree in the same or an equivalent field and who are in possession of sufficient mathematical and computer skills. English language proficiency required. Twice a year February or September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Information Management and Business Intelligence Maastricht University The Netherlands Maastricht English 1 year Master of Science FT School of Business and Economics Business analysis I, Business analysis II, Business intelligence case studies Cases in Management Information Systems, Data Management, IT Project Management, Managing ICT in a Global Environment Purchasing Management, Supply Chain Strategy Assurance Services, Cases in Management Information Systems, International Competitive Analysis and Strategy, Organisational Change and Consultancy, Corporate Governance and Restructuring, Internal Control, Relationship Management, Customer Analysis, Financial Research Methods, Business analysis, Shareholder Value & Market Based Assets, Retailing and Distribution, Intellectual Property Rights in a Digital Economy, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Organisational Learning and Development, Institutional Investors, Corporate and Venture Finance, Return on Marketing, Data Management, Business intelligence case study, Strategic Performance Analysis, Supply Chain Operations, Psychology and Economics, Leadership, Alliances and Mergers & Acquisitions, Behavioural Finance, Fixed Income Management, Financial Accounting, Value-Based Marketing, IT Project Management, Managers @ Work, Real Estate Finance, Risk Management, Managing ICT in a Global Environment, Marketing Innovation Management, Supply Chain Metrics, Business Innovation and Sustainable Development, Financial Product Development: A Marketing-Finance Approach, Operational Strategy, Management Control, Sustainable Finance, Management, and Strategy, Entrepreneurial Finance, Sustainable and Responsible, Investments Data not available 8-20 week internship is possible. The school maintains an extensive database of potential placements. EUR 1,951.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Motivation essay. Bachelor�s diploma with Grade Point Average to allow the Board to evaluate the level of statistics and mathematics knowledge. English language proficiency. Twice yearly February or September. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Journalism Tilburg University The Netherlands Tilburg English, native language 1 year Master FT Tilburg School of Humanities Choice, Judgement and Decision Making Data Journalism Practice Interactive Visualization Intimacy, Privacy and Authenticity Journalistic Data Analysis Precision Journalism Social Data Mining Social Intelligence Social Signal Processing Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 1,984.00 Data not available Scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available The academic background of the students in our Master's program varies a lot. You are certainly eligible to apply if you have a bachelors degree in a relevant discipline, such as general Communication Studies, Linguistics, or a modern language. However, students with a bachelors degree in a different subject area are also most welcome to apply. With a prior education in the Netherlands at a higher education institution, you can get an indication of your eligibility at An adequate knowledge of English is required. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science: Data Science and Technology Track Delft University of Technology The Netherlands Delft English 2 years Master of Science FT Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Advanced Algorithms, AI Techniques, Cyber Security Analytics, Data Visualisation, Distributed Computing Systems, Embedded Real-Time Systems, Multimedia Computing, Pattern Recognition, Software Architecture, Web Science and Engineering Bioinformatics, Cyber Security, Information Architecture Data not available Internships offered as part of the programme EUR 1,951.00 EUR 8,678.00 Some financial aid available Intermediate. Offer bridging programme to applicants from other backgrounds. Data not available Data not available A BSc degree closely related to the Masters qualifies for direct admission into the programme. However, if the Master�s programme does not follow directly from the undergraduate programme, additional courses may be offered as a "bridging programme". Proof of English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Radboud University The Netherlands Nijmegen English 2 years Master of Science FT Institute for Computing and Information Sciences Machine Learning in Practice, Information Retrieval, Bayesian Networks, Research Seminar in Data Science, Philosophy and Ethics for Computing and Information Science Data Science Theory and Tools: Statistical Machine Learning, Natural Computing, Machine Learning; Data Science Applications: Computer Aided Diagnosis in Medical Imaging, Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, Bioinformatics, Principles of Systems Biology, Pattern Recognition for the Natural Sciences, Text Mining; Data Science Aspects: Law in Cyberspace, Foundations of Information Systems, Cognition and Representation, Business Rules Specification and Application, Artificial Intelligence at the Webscale Data not available Internship to be undertaken in: A company, which can be either an SME, such as Orikami, Media11 or FlexOne, or a multinational, such as ING, Philips, ASML, Capgemini or A governmental institute, such as the Belastingdienst or ESA. Any department at Radboud University or another university with data questions. EUR 1,951.00 EUR 1,951.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Bachelor degrees in: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence or a related programme. Bachelor degree in: Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Science preferably with a minor in computing science, may be eligible, possibly after completing a premaster programme. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science: Business and Governance Tilburg University The Netherlands Tilburg English 1 year Master of Science FT Tilburg School of Economics and Management, Tilburg School of Law, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and the Tilburg School of Humanities Data Science Regulation & Law, Research Skills: Data Processing, Social Data Mining, Research Skills: Statistical Programming with R, Master thesis (Data Science in Action), Analytics for Business and Governance, Research Skills: Web Analytics, Research Skills: Machine Learning Governance and Policymaking, Business Intelligence & Data Management, Causal Analysis in Data Science, Data Science: Sustainability, Privacy and Security, Business Process Integration, Psychology and Sociological Measurement in Data Science Data not available Data not available EUR 1,984.00 EUR 14,000.00 Scholarships available Intermediate. University offers a Premasters course to prepare students from different backgrounds. business analytics bachelors degree in a relevant discipline, such as: Communication and Information Sciences Public Administration Global Law International Business Administration Economics Sociology Organization Studies Psychology Liberal Arts and Sciences (major Business and Social Sciences) Business informatics Proficiency in English language. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Operations Research and Management Science: Business Analytics and Operations Research Tilburg University The Netherlands Tilburg English 2 year Master of Science FT School of Economics and Management Core courses: Data Science Methods, Optimization, Simulation, Supply Chain Analytics, Professional Business Analytics Skills, and Decision Making with Business Analytics. Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 1,998.00 EUR 14,000.00 Some university-wide scholarships available Intermediate. University offers a Premasters course to prepare students from different backgrounds. business analytics bachelors degree in a relevant discipline. Transcripts from Bachelors degree are needed to assess whether the student is required to enrol in the Premaster course. Proficiency in English language. Twice yearly January or August Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science and Entrepreneurship Tilburg University, Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands The Netherlands English 2 year Master of Science FT Jheronimus Academy of Data Science Data Architecture and Integration, Data Mining and Data Analysis, Data Visualization and Decision Making, Data Entrepreneurship, Supporting Data Functions (Law, Governance) Innovation Services, Entrepreneurial Marketing, Venture and the Law, Signal Processing, Data Visualization, Data Entrepreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Supercrunches Data not available Data not available EUR 14,000.00 EUR 14,000.00 Data not available Intermediate. Ideal for students eager to bring data science into effective use in business but students come from a wide variety of backgrounds. data Bachelor�s degree from an accredited university is required in the field of mathematics, statistics, programming or business and entrepreneurship. Annual August 2016 No evidence of industry partners
Doctorate Higher Education Data Science and Entrepreneurship Tilburg University, Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands The Netherlands English 2 year PDEng FT Jheronimus Academy of Data Science and Data Science Centre Eindhoven Students in the program are responsible for their own learning process. Combines techniques from statistics, computer science, mathematics, and design theory with the business acumen to explore data sets, gather insights, visualize results, and communicate meaningful findings, whilst taking account of underlying ethical and legal constraints. Students in the program are responsible for their own learning process. In cooperation with the program�s industrial partners, students are provided with the resources, directions, and opportunities to be engaged in purpose-driven training projects, generalist and specialist courses, and extensive one-week workshops and assessments. Blended learning is part of the educational structure, where knowledge is acquired from open source courses from Coursera, eBooks, and GitHub. Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Candidates hold an MSc degree in fields such as mathematics, statistics, computer science, engineering, econometrics, geophysics, bio-informatics, and computational chemistry. They aim for a career in a big data environment that truly leverages their academic experience and talents in the fast growing in-demand field of Data Science. Data not available Data not available MSc in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, or in a relevant application field of Data Science such as Econometrics and Bio-informatics. Candidates must perform a thorough assessment by means of a Data Challenge Week and an application interview. Data challenge weeks are organized twice each year, in February and October. The program selects the top 25% from the pool of candidates. Interview. 2017 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computer Science and Advanced Data Analytics: Advanced Data Science Leiden University The Netherlands Leiden English 2 year Master of Science FT Department of Computer Science Advance in Data Mining, Databases and Data Mining, Evolutionary algorithms, Complex Networks, Social Network Analysis for Computer Scientist, Muticriteria Optimization and Decision Analysis, Multimedia Information Retrival, Seminar Distributed Data Minining, Seminar on Constraint Data Mining, Bayesian Networks, Neural Networks Advanced Statistical Computing, Introduction to Data Science, Linear & Generalized Linear Models and Linear Algebra, Multivariate and Multidimensional Data Analysis, Statistical Learning Theory. Research project. Masters thesis project. Data not available Data not available EUR 1,984.00 EUR 17,800.00 Data not available Data not available data BSc degree Computer Science or a BSc degree with a major in Computer Science from Leiden University. Students holding such degree will directly be admitted to the programme. English language proficiency. Twice yearly September or February Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Advanced Computer Science (Data Analytics) Leeds University United Kingdom Leeds English 12 months Master of Science FT School of Computing Big Data Systems, Data Science, Algorithms, Parallel and Concurrent Programming, MSc Project Bio-Inspired Computing, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Cloud Computing, Semantic Technologies and Applications, Image Analysis, Scheduling, Scientific Computation, Graph Theory: Structure and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Information Visualisation, User Adaptive Intelligent Systems, Distributed Systems, Combinatorial Optimisation, Secure Computing, Graph Algorithms and Complexity Theory Data not available Data not available GBP 10,000.00 GBP 18,500.00 Scholarships available Programming competence, some prior experience of systems development and knowledge of data structures and algorithms are expected. Data not available Data not available A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in computing or a related subject with a substantial computing element. Relevant work experience will also be considered. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Advanced Computing - Machine Learning, Data Mining and High Performance Computing University of Bristol United Kingdom Bristol English 12 months Master of Science FT Faculty of Engineering Introduction to Machine Learning, Research Skills, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Uncertainty Modelling for Intelligent Systems Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, Cloud Computing, Computational Bioinformatics, Computational Geonomics and Bioinformatics Algorithms, Computational Neuroscience, High Performance Computing, Image Processing and Computer Vision, Robotics Systems, Server Software, Web Technologies Data not available Data not available GBP 8,100.00 GBP 18,600.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science or related discipline. Applicants with a mathematics or statistics background may also be considered. Reasonable knowledge of programming is a prerequisite. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Applied Data Analytics Bournemouth University, SAS Institute United Kingdom Bournemouth English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Data Science Institute Data Mining & Analytic Technologies Advanced Data Management Research Methods & Professional Issues SAS Programming Individual Masters Project Business Intelligence Analytics for Data Streams Web Mining and Analytics Big Data and Cloud Computing SAS 4GL, Hadoop, MapReduce, NoSQL, Placement available for a fee (GBP 790): IBM, Barclays Bank, Lockheed Martin, Sun Microsystems, United Advertising, Hewlett-Packard and British Aerospace GBP 5,750.00 GBP 13,000.00 Scholarships and discounts available Data not available Data not available Data not available A Bachelors Honours degree, 2:2 or above or equivalent in any discipline that involves an element of analysis and/or relevant comprehensive professional experience in a technical field. If English is the first language, IELTS 6.0 (Academic) or above is required. Annual September Data not available IBM, Barclays Bank, Lockheed Martin, Sun Microsystems, United Advertising, Hewlett-Packard and British Aerospace
Masters Higher Education Applied Statistics And Data Mining University of St Andrews United Kingdom St Andrews English 12 months Master of Science, PGDip (without dissertation) FT School of Mathematics and Statistics Statistical Modelling, Data Analysis, Advanced Data Analysis, Applied Multivariate Analysis, Knowledge Discovery and Datamining, Dissertation (15000 words) Computing in Statistics, Computing in Mathematics, Time Series Analysis, Markov Chains and Processes, Population Genetics, Bayesian Inference, Spatial Processes, Financial Mathematics, Mathematical Biology 1, Project in Mathematics / Statistics, Statistical Inference, Sampling Theory, Design of Experiments, Advanced Statistical Inference, Estimating Animal Abundance, Advanced Bayesian Inference, Mathematical Biology 2, Independent Study Module, Professional Skills for Mathematical Scientists, Advanced Project in Mathamatics / Statistics, Database Management SystemsInformation Visualisation and Visual Analytics SAS, SPSS, R Data not available GBP 6,800.00 GBP 16,250.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available 2.1 undergraduate Honours degree in Mathematics, Statistics or in an area with substantive mathematical/statistical content. English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data: Data Science and Analytics Royal Holloway University of London United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science, PGDip (without dissertation), PG Certificate FT, PT Department of Computer Science Data Analysis, Computation with Data, Programming for Data Analysis, Database Systems, Large-Scale Data Storage and Processing Machine Learning, Methods of Computational Finance, Software Verification, Advanced Data Communications, Fundamentals of Digital Sound and Music, Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Semantic Web, Internet and Web Technologies, Service-Oriented Computing, Technology and Management Business Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Systems, Infrastructures and Technologies, Computational Optimization, Methods of Bioinformatics, Visualisation and Exploratory Analysis, Financial Econometrics, Investment and Portfolio Management, Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives, Microeconometrics, Decision Theory and Behaviour, Optional Modules from Department of Information Security MATLAB, R, Perl, Python, Shell Scripting, Amazon S3, Hadoop, Pig, Elastic MapReduce, SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, HBAse, Hash Tables Paid industrial placements up to one year GBP 4,121.00 GBP 13,800.00 Scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available Upper second-class honours degree (or the UK equivalent) in Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or other subjects that include a strong element of both mathematics and computing. Industrial experience may compensate for lesser degrees or lack of technical quali cation, as will demonstrated programming skills and a strong ability to learn. English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data: Machine Learning Stream Royal Holloway University of London United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science, PGDip (without dissertation), PG Certificate FT, PT Department of Computer Science Data Analysis, Computation with Data, Programming for Data Analysis, Applied Probability, Inference, On-line Machine Learning, Machine Learning Methods of Computational Finance, Software Verification, Advanced Data Communications, Database Systems, Fundamentals of Digital Sound and Music, Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Semantic Web, Internet and Web Technologies, Service-Oriented Computing, Technology and Management Business Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Systems, Infrastructures and Technologies, Computational Optimization, Methods of Bioinformatics, Visualisation and Exploratory Analysis, Financial Econometrics, Investment and Portfolio Management, Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives, Microeconometrics, Decision Theory and Behaviour, Optional Modules from Department of Information Security MATLAB, R, Perl, Python, Shell Scripting, Amazon S3, Hadoop, Pig, Elastic MapReduce, SQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, HBAse, Hash Tables Paid industrial placements up to one year GBP 4,121.00 GBP 13,800.00 Scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available Upper second-class honours degree (or the UK equivalent) in Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or other subjects that include a strong element of both mathematics and computing. Industrial experience may compensate for lesser degrees or lack of technical quali cation, as will demonstrated programming skills and a strong ability to learn. English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data University of Stirling United Kingdom Stirling English 12 months Master of Science FT Computing Science and Mathematics Big Databases, Big Data Analytics, Hadoop and MapReduce, Heuristics for Big Problems, Scientific and Commercial Applications, Foundations Maths and Computing Data not available mongoDB, Cassandra, Neo4j, Hadoop,High Throughput Computing Data not available GBP 4,500.00 GBP 13,950.00 GREAT Britain India Scholarships and other funding available Intermediate. Both professionals and students are encouraged to apply. Data not available Data not available Minimum of a second class Honours degree or equivalent in a numerate subject such as maths, computing, engineering or an analytic science. Applicants without these formal qualifications but with significant appropriate work experience are encouraged to apply. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Analytics Sheffield Hallam University United Kingdom Sheffield English 12-18 months (FT), up to 6 years (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Data not available Research Skills and Principles, Industrial Expertise, Data Quality, Statistical Modelling, Data Mining, Handling Data in the Cloud, Big Data and Distributed Systems, Advanced Statistical Modelling, Dissertation Organisational Dynamics, Social and Economic Aspects of the Cloud Hadoop, MongoDB, SAS, SAP HANA, Java, MSQL, MapReduce Data not available GBP 6,300.00 GBP 12,500.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Good honours degree in computing, computer science, maths or statistics or other relevant areas or equivalent. Applicants who do not have a relevant degree but have at least one year's direct work experience in computing or a relevant area will be considered. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Analytics University of Derby United Kingdom Derby English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science, PGDip (without dissertation), PG Certificate FT, PT College of Engineering and Technology PG Certificate: Business Analytics with SAS, Statistical Techniques, Research Methods; PGDip: Optimisation, Natural Language Processing, Comparative Analytics Tools, Information Visualisation, Processing Big Data, Analytics: Ethics, Trust and Governance; MSc: Independent Scholarship (Research Project) Data not available SAS Data not available GBP 580 per module GBP 12,000.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Undergraduate degree (2:1 or above) or equivalent in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics subject, or a closely related discipline with significant mathematical content. Applicants without these qualifications may still be considered if they can demonstrate relevant work experience in a management or supervisory position. Twice a year January or September Data not available Partnership with SAS
Bachelors Higher Education Data Science University of Derby United Kingdom Derby English 3 years Bachelor of Science (Hons) FT College of Engineering and Technology Stage one Introduction to Computer Science, Foundations in Computer Science, Subjects in Computer Science, Programming 1, Programming 2, Statistical Methods 1 Stage two Team Project, Databases, Data Management and Business Intelligence, Statistical Methods 2, Tools for Data Science, Visualisation and Presentation Stage three Advanced Analytics, Independent Studies, Advances in Data Science, Sustainable Information and Corporate Governance, Enterprise Systems Optional Placement Year Data not available Industry placement year offered as part of course. GBP 9,000 per year GBP 11,500 per year Data not available Beginner. Data not available Data not available 280 UCAS points. Specific requirements at GCSE: Five GCSEs at Grade C or above, including Maths and English Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data and Digital Futures University of Warwick United Kingdom Coventry English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science, PGDip FT, PT Data not available Methods and Practice in Urban Science Big Data Research: Hype or Revolution? The Concepts of the Digital Complexity in the Social Sciences Digital Objects, Digital Methods Post Digital Books Go Go Gozo:multidisciplinary mobile mapping methods (Erasmus+ 10 day course) Urban Data - Theory and Methodology Visualization Digital Sociology Data not available Data not available GBP 11,615 (FT), GBP 6,195 (PT) GBP 18,515 (FT), GBP 9,645 (PT) Data not available Beginner. Applicants from a wide variety of backgrounds will be considered. The course is especially open to discussing applications from mature students who may have come to higher education through a range of diverse routes. Data not available Data not available First or upper second class undergraduate degree. Proficiency in English language. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data and Text Analytics University of Essex United Kingdom Colchester English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Cloud Technologies And Systems Group Project High Performance Computing Machine Learning And Data Mining Natural Language Engineering Professional Practice And Research Methodology Text Analytics Advanced Web Technologies Big-Data For Computational Finance Computer Security Computer Vision Creating And Growing A New Business Venture Ip Networking And Applications Mobile & Social Application Programming Natural Language Engineering Java, Prolog, C++, Perl, Mysql, Matlab, DB2, Microsoft Office, Visual Studio, CAD tools (Xilinx) and computer networks (OPNET) Data not available GBP 5,959 (FT), GBP 2,975 (PT) GBP 14,500 (FT), GBP 7,250 (PT) Data not available Beginner/intermediate. No technical prerequisites specified. Data not available Data not available A degree with an overall high 2:2. English language proficiency. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Science Queen Mary University London United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT School of Engineering and Computer Science Big Data Processing Data Mining Applied Statistics MSc Project Advanced Program Design Advanced Database System Technology Sensors and the Internet of Things Business Technology Strategy Techniques for Computer Vision The Semantic Web Information Retrieval Digital Media and Social Networks Data not available Year-long industrial placement possible. Final year research project can also be carried out at an industrial partner. GBP 8,450 (FT) GBP 4,225 (PT) GBP 16,950 (FT), GBP 8,475 (PT) Some funding opportunities available. Intermediate. Data not available Data not available Upper second class degree is normally required, usually in electronic engineering, computer science, maths or a related discipline. Students with a good lower second class degree may be considered on an individual basis. Applicants with unrelated degrees will be considered if there is evidence of equivalent industrial experience. English language proficiency. Annual October Data not available Vodafone, Google, IBM, BT, NASA, BBC and Microsoft
Certificate Higher Education Big Data: Measuring and Predicting Human Behaviour University of Warwick, FutureLearn United Kingdom Online English 9 weeks Certificate PT Data not available What is big data? Measuring and predicting behaviour with big data Big data and the stock markets Big data, crime and conflict Big data and health Big data and happiness Big data, mobility and disasters Data not available R, Rstudio Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available The course is designed to be accessible to all. Data not available Data not available Various Various Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Biomedical Research (Data Science) Imperial College London United Kingdom London English 12 months Master of Research FT Division of Computational and Systems Medicine, Data Science Institute Two mini-research projects of 20 weeks each, supplemented by lectures, workshops and journal clubs. Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 12,500.00 GBP 29,700.00 Some scholarships available. Students with a degree in physical sciences, engineering, mathematics computer science (or related area) who wish to apply their numeric skills to solve biomedical problems with big data. Data not available Data not available First degree (2:1 or better) from a UK university or non-UK equivalent. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analysis and Consulting University of Strathclyde United Kingdom Glasgow English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science, PGDip FT, PT Data not available Foundations of Research & Business Analysis, Quantitative Business Analysis, Managing Business Operations, Spreadsheet Modelling & Demand Forecasting, Strategy Modelling & Management, Becoming an Effective Business Analyst Business Simulation Methods, Risk Analysis & Management, Business Information Systems, Performance Measurement & Management, Business Analytics, Project/Dissertation Data not available 3 week placement GBP 9,500.00 GBP 17,000.00 Data not available Intermediate. Applicants from varied backgrounds are considered. Premasters course available. Data not available Data not available Second-class Honours degree, or equivalent, in business, economics, engineering or the social sciences. Applications from those with other degrees are also encouraged Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics Imperial College London United Kingdom London English 12 months Master of Science FT Data not available Advanced Analytics And Machine Learning, Analytics In Business, Network Analytics, Optimisation And Decision Models, Statistics & Econometrics, Very Large Data Management, Visualisation, Data Structures And Algorithms, Maths And Statistics Foundations For Analytics Digital Marketing Analytics, Logistics and Supply-Chain Analytics, Workforce Analytics, Financial Analytics, Healthcare and Medical Analytics, Retail and Marketing Analytics R, MATLAB, SAS, SPSS, Stata, AIMMS, GAMS, AMPL, CPLEX, GUROBI Placement in company for summer project GBP 26,000.00 GBP 26,000.00 Some scholarships available Recent graduates and early career professionals with an excellent undergraduate degree who want to launch their career in business analytics roles in a wide variety of sectors such as digital, retail, health-care, finance, logistics and supply-chain. Data not available Data not available A First or Upper Second Class Honours undergraduate degree from a recognised university or the international equivalent in a quantitative discipline such as: Mathematics, Statistics, Computer science, Engineering, Physics, Economics, Business, A quantitative social science Quantitative experience should typically include topics such as advanced calculus, probability, statistics and linear algebra. Annual September Data not available Airbnb, Burberry, Thomson Reuters, Merck & Co, IBM, OC&C, Dunnhumby, Johnson & Johnson, The Boston Consulting Group, KPMG Digital, TCS, Starcom MediaVest, King
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics University of Kent United Kingdom Canterbury English 12 months Master of Science FT Data not available Consultancy and Research Skills, Applied Business Modelling, Data Mining and Forecasting, Management of Operations, Business Statistics and Database Management, Management Science Modelling, Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Strategy, Financial and Management Accounting, Integrated Marketing Communications, International Marketing Strategy, Simulation and Optimization Software, Performance Management, Warehousing and Transport Management, Applied marketing research, Heuristics & Optimisation, Structure and Organisation of the E-Commerce Enterprise, Managing the Multinational Enterprise, Dissertation Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 9,880.00 GBP 15,690.00 Data not available Intermediate. Professionals with relevant work experience also considered. Data not available Data not available Good honours degree from the UK or equivalent internationally recognised qualification, in a quantitative discipline, such as statistics, logistics, mathematics, engineering or any other mathematically based natural science discipline. Consideration will be given to those applicants holding a good second class honours degree. Applicants without an honours degree may also be considered on the basis of work experience, professional qualifications and the relevance of the programme to their current professional role. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics: Operational research and Risk Analysis University of Manchester United Kingdom Manchester English 12 months Master of Science FT University of Manchester Consulting skills, Big data and web analytics, Information systems concepts and tools, Decision behaviour and psychology of decision making, Financial modelling, Operations management and process change and improvement approaches, Project management, Supply chain management, logistics and procurement, Traditional operational research and applied mathematics and statistics Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 11,000.00 GBP 18,000.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available UK bachelor degree with first or upper second class honours, or the overseas equivalent in a quantitative subject such as mathematics, statistics, physics, engineering, computing, management science or economics. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics University of Surrey United Kingdom Guildford English 12 months Master of Science FT Surrey Business School Data Analytics Supply Chain and Logistics Management Econometrics Supply Chain Analytics Quantitative Methods Induction Course Business Process Management Informatics for Decision Making Introduction to Marketing Analytics Investment Analysis Econometrics II Foundations of Finance Managing Decisions Implementation Principles of Accounting Excel, COGNOS and SQL Server, Apache Hadoop (Map Reduce) with Amazon�s Elastic Cloud or IBM�s Smart Cloud for distributed Big Data analytics, SAP for Enterprise Resource Planning, R, SPSS and EViews for coding, statistics and forecasting, ILOG�s Optimisation Studio (Cplex), Matlab for algorithms and programming and Simulink (SimEvents) for simulations, Arena (or Simul8) for Discrete Event Simulations Data not available GBP 11,000.00 GBP 17,000.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Bachelors degree (UK 2.1 or above) or equivalent qualification from a recognised British or overseas university in a related subject with significant exposure of mathematical subjects: (economics, finance, mathematics, computer science or engineering subjects) If an applicant�s Bachelors degree is not in a subject related to the MSc, some relevant work experience would be an advantage. Higher level professional qualifications may also be accepted. English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available Partnership with IBM
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics University of Warwick United Kingdom Coventry English 12 months Master of Science FT Warwick Business School Analytics in Practice, Spreadsheet Modelling, Business Statistics, Operational Research Modelling Forecasting, Advanced Data Analysis, Pricing & Revenue Management, Simulation, Strategy Analytics, Text Analytics Data not available Data not available GBP 26,500.00 GBP 26,500.00 Scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available Undergraduate degree from a UK university, or overseas equivalent. Applications are considered from a wide range of degrees including economics, business, engineering, psychology, geography, sociology, and politics. A good Arts degree may be considered if you can show strong numeracy and IT/statistical ability. Annual September Data not available IBM, SAS
Masters Higher Education Data Science University of Southampton United Kingdom Southampton English 12 months Master of Science FT School of Electronics and Computer Science Machine Learning (MSc), Foundations of Data Science, Data Visualisation, Data Mining, Project Preparation Cloud Application Development, Evolution of Complexity, Intelligent Agents, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Foundations of Web Science, Advanced Databases, Advanced Intelligent Agents, Advanced Machine Learning, Computational Finance, Open Data Innovation, Semantic Web Technologies, Simulation Modelling for Computer Science, The Science of Online Social Networks Data not available Data not available GBP 9,000.00 GBP 19,570.00 Financial assistance available Data not available data science Upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent) in computer science or a related numerical discipline such as mathematics, engineering or management sciences. English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Analytics and Finance University of Southampton United Kingdom Southampton English 12 months Master of Science FT Southampton Business School Corporate Finance 1, Mathematical Programming, Simulation, Introduction to Portfolio Management and Exchange Traded, Quantitative Research in Finance, Credit Scoring and Data Mining, SAS Software for Data Mining and Modelling Financial Risk Management, Corporate Finance 2, Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence, Game Theory in Business, Operations Management, Project Management, Credit Risk Modelling and the Basel Accord, Forecasting, Financial portfolio theory, Visual basic for applications, Revenue Management, Behavioural Finance SAS Data not available GBP 10,950.00 GBP 16,950.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available First or upper second class honours degree with some quantitative study as part of engineering, finance or economics (mathematics not essential) from a UK university or equivalent overseas/ professional qualification in an appropriate subject. If you have professional experience, or credit through prior learning at another institution, you may be eligible to use this experience against some of the programme requirements for period of study. English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Intelligence Birmingham City University United Kingdom Birmingham English 13 months (FT), 29 months (PT) Master of Science, PGDip, PGCert FT, PT Data not available PG Cert: Professional Skills and Research Methods, Data Analysis, Databases for Enterprise, Business Intelligence; PGDip: Technology Entrepreneurship, Data Mining, Advanced Databases, Applied Advanced Statistics; MSc: Project. Data not available SAS Data not available GBP 7500 (FT), GBP 675 per 15 credit module (PT) GBP 12,000.00 Data not available Intermediate. Data not available Data not available Second Class Honours degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline. Annual September Data not available Partnership with SAS
Masters Higher Education Business Intelligence Leeds Metropolitan University United Kingdom Leeds English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Faculty of Arts, Environment and Technology Databases Systems Managing Information in the Digital & Global Environment Project Management Research Practice Dissertation / Masters Project Critical Perspectives on Information Systems, Designs & Innovation Data Warehouse Models & Approaches Software & Systems Green Computing Technologies Green Computing Strategies Mobile Application Development BI Principles, Data Analysis & Visualisation SAS Data not available GBP 677.6 per a 20-credit course Data not available Data not available Intermediate. Data not available Data not available Applicants should either have at least a second class honours degree in the cognate subject of Computing, at least a second class honours degree in a non-cognate subject supported by evidence of an aptitude for the subject applied for, or have equivalent experience or training, normally from within the work environment. University welcomes applications from mature applicants who demonstrate academic potential. Annual September Data not available Partnership with SAS, BCS
Masters Higher Education Business Intelligence And Analytics University of Westminster United Kingdom London English 2 years Master of Science PT Science and Technology Faculty Data Mining, Project, Research Methods, Statistics and Operational Research Business Operation, Computing and Management, Data Visualisation and Dashboarding, Data Warehousing and OLAP, Database Languages, Project Management, Business Optimisation SQL, Oracle, VBA, SPSS, R, Solver, AIMMS, Oracle Data Mining Suite Data not available GBP 1,075.00 per 20 Credit Module GBP 1,500.00 per 20 Credit Module Data not available Intermediate. Data not available Data not available Applicants are expected to already have quantitative skills, with an interest in developing these further to support postgraduate activity in analysing, evaluating and reporting on a range of real-world data-intensive problems. You will have a suitable Honours degree from a UK university (or equivalent qualification) in a scientific or engineering discipline with some exposure to the use of IT, or in an area of computer science or IT with a strong interest in quantitative analysis. If you do not have a formal qualification, but you are already in employment, you may be considered if your role involves the data-mining and decision-support techniques and technologies deployed in the course. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Intelligence and Social Media Brunel University London United Kingdom London English 12 months Master of Science FT Brunel Business School Professional Consultancy in Business Intelligence and Social media, Social Media, Business Intelligence, Mobile, Social Media and Cloud Services, Knowledge Management, Social Networks, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Global Outsourcing, International Business Ethics and Coroporate Governance, Strategic Marketing Management Data not available Data not available GBP 9,400.00 GBP 15,400.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available A 2:1 UK Honours degree or an equivalent internationally recognised qualification in management, business studies or a cognate discipline (with a large component of management related subjects in their degree). Applicants from non-business/management disciplines (and without any business/management element) will be eligible if they have a first class Honours degree or the overseas equivalent. Applicants with a lower second class degree (2:2) in a management; business studies or cognate discipline may be considered, providing they can show evidence of significant relevant work experience (minimum two years full-time post qualification). Applicants with non-degree qualifications will be also considered who have relevant work experience (minimum five years full-time) and will be assessed on an interview basis. Twice a year September or January Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Business Intelligence Systems And Data Mining De Montfort University United Kingdom Leicester English 1 year (FT), 3 years (PT) Master of Science, PGDip, PGCert FT, PT Department of Computer Science Fundamentals of Business Intelligence Systems, Analytics Programming, Data Warehouse Design and OLAP, Research Methods, Data Mining, Business Intelligence Systems Application and Development Management of Information Systems, Human Factors in Systems Design, Applied Computational Intelligence, Artificial Neural Networks SAS, SQL Data not available GBP 5,100.00 GBP 12,700.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available British Honours degree (2:2 minimum) in a relevant subject. English language proficiency. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computational Statistics & Machine Learning University College London United Kingdom London English 12 months Master of Science FT Centre for Computational Statistics and Machine Learning, Department of Statistics, Gatsby Computational Unit Supervised Learning, Graphical Models, Probabilistic and Unsupervised Learning, Statistical Modelling and Data Analysis, Applied Bayesian Methods, Statistical Design of Investigations, Statistical Computing, Statistical Inference Programming and Mathematical Methods for Machine Learning, Applied Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Advanced Topics in Machine Learning, Machine Vision, Information Retrieval and Data Mining, Approximate Inference and Learning in Probabilistics Models, Affective Computing and Human-Robot Interaction, Statistical Natural Language Programming, Inverse Problems in Imaging, Computational modelling for Biomedical Imaging, Stiatistical Design of Investigations, Statistical Computing, Applied Bayesian Methods, Forecasting, Statistical Inference, Stochastic Methods in Fiannce, Sleected Topics in Statistics, Stochastic Methods in Finance II Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 23,440.00 Advanced Data not available Data not available Minimum of an upper second-class UK bachelors degree in a highly quantitative subject such as computer science, statistics, mathematics, electrical engineering or the physical sciences, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Relevant work experience may also be taken into account. Students must be comfortable with undergraduate-level mathematics; in particular it is essential that the candidate will have knowledge of statistics at an intermediate undergraduate level. Candidates should also be proficient in linear algebra and multivariable calculus. English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Advanced Computing (Machine Learning) Imperial College London United Kingdom London English 12 months Master of Science FT Department of Computer Science Short Introduction to Prolog and Matlab, MSc Computing Science (Specialist) Individual Project, Machine Learning, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning and Neural Computation Advanced Databases, Simulation and Modelling, Pervasive Computing, Operations Research, Type Systems for Programming Languages, Complexity, Advanced Issues in Object Oriented Programming, Computing for Optimal Decisions, Knowledge Representation, Systems Verification, Graphics, Custom Computing, Network and Web Security, Advanced Computer Architecture Distributed Algorithms, Cryptography Engineering, Advanced Computer Graphics, Computational Finance, Parallel Algorithms, Program Analysis, Argumentation and Multi-agent Systems, Software Engineering for Industry Data not available Data not available GBP 12,500.00 GBP 28,200.00 Scholarships are available Advanced. Data not available Data not available Upper Second Class Honours degree from a UK academic institution or an equivalent overseas qualification, together with some computing experience. Where an applicant has a lesser degree qualification but has several years of relevant experience, the MSc Admissions Tutor may submit a special case for admission to the College. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Analysis for Business Intelligence University of Leicester United Kingdom Leicester English 12 months Master of Science FT Department of Computer Science, Department of Mathematics Scientific Computing Mathematical Modelling C++ Programming and Advanced Algorithms Operations Research Data Mining and Neural networks Financial Services Information Systems Research Project Generalised Linear Models Financial Mathematics I Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations Applied Statistics Further Statistics Internet and Cloud Computing Game Theory Analysis and Design of Algorithms R, C++, SAS, SQL, Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Those who want to gain practical experience in databases and a rigorous understanding of applied statistics, data mining, operational research and related areas. Data not available Data not available 2:2 degree in Maths or related subject (eg. Physics) or equivalent international qualification. If your background is in computer science we will assess your student transcript. English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Analysis, Visualisation and Communication University of Aberdeen United Kingdom Aberdeen English 12 months Master of Science FT Department Natural and Computing Sciences, Department of Geography and Environment Data Management, Data Analysis and Visualisation, Linked Data and the Semantic Web Research Methods Introduction to Database Systems, Natural Language Processing, Human Computer Interaction, Transport Geography, Digital Geography, GIS Tools and Techniques I, GIS Tools and Techniques II, Aspects of Digital Mapping & Visualization, Fundamentals of GIS & Spatial Analysis, Current applications of GIS, Qualitative Sociology, Quantitative Sociology GIS, MapViewer, Surfer, Voxler, Fledermaus, ArcGIS, Data not available GBP 4,500.00 GBP 13,800.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Computing Science degree at 2:2 (lower second class) UK Honours Degree (or an Honours degree from a non-UK Institution which is judged by the University to be of equivalent worth). Students with a degree in the area of Biology, Economics, Geography, Politics, Psychology or Sociology at 2:1 (upper second class) will also be considered. Those with a 2:2 may still apply as the application will be reviewed by the selector for suitability. Key subjects: mathematics and statistics. Annual September Data not available Industry partners (e.g. IBM, Philips Electronics, Nuance, Arria, First). Public sector partners (e.g. SNH, SEPA, RSPB, NHS).
Masters Higher Education Advanced Computing Technology (Data Analytics) Birkbeck University London United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Department of Computer Science and Information Systems Advances in Data Management, Big Data Analytics using R, Cloud Computing, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, Fundamentals of Concurrent Systems, Information Retrieval and Organisation, Information and Network Security, Intelligent Technologies, Software Design and Programming, Search Engines and Web Navigation Component Based Software Development, Computational Intelligence, Semantic Web, Internet and Web Technologies, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Programming Paradigms and Languages. Python, R, SPSS, C++, Java, Visual Studio, C#, J2SE, J2EE, ANSI-C, Jakarta Tomcat, Gilder, Eclipse, Poseidon, BlueJ, MATLAB, MySQL, DB2, Perl, PHP, GIMP, Data not available GBP 7,950.00 GBP 14,450.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Good first degree or MSc in computer science, with the syllabus containing a substantial amount of programming, preferably in an object-oriented language. Joint honours computing graduates may also be eligible, provided they have covered a substantial amount of programming, or have equivalent professional experience in the IT industry. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Birkbeck University London United Kingdom London English 2 years Master of Science PT Department of Computer Science and Information Systems Computer Systems Fundamentals of Computing Information Systems Introduction to Software Development Big Data Analytics using R Data Science Techniques and Applications Cloud Computing Information and Network Security Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Beginners. Designed for graduates who are new to computer science, so the main requirement is a second-class honours degree, or equivalent, in any subject other than single-honours Computer Science, along with demonstrated aptitude as tested during the application process. Applicants with less than the required level of academic qualification may be considered if they have significant experience in the IT industry. Data not available Data not available Second-class honours degree, or equivalent, in any subject other than single-honours Computer Science. English Language proficiency. Annual October 2016 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Analytics Brighton University United Kingdom Brighton English 12 months (FT), 6 years (PT) Master of Science, PGDip, PGCert FT, PT School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics Data Management Programming for Analytics Statistical Analysis Business Analytics Strategy and Practice Industry project Multivariate Analysis Data Mining Stochastic Methods and Forecasting Financial Mathematics and Project Valuation SAS, R A range of partners provide industry-based projects to help students gain hands-on experience. GBP 6,030.00 GBP 14,400.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Honours degree at 2:1 or above, or equivalent work experience. Applicants are expected to be familiar with and have some aptitude for basic mathematics and statistics concepts and methods. Annual October Data not available Teradata, Innovation Partners, BT, SAS and the Pensions Regulator
Masters Higher Education Data Analytics University of Warwick United Kingdom Coventry English Data not available Master of Science FT Department of Computer Science Research Methods Data Mining Foundations of Data Analytics Dissertation Project Foundations of Computing High Performance Computing, Algorithmic Game Theory, Image and Video Analysis, Semantic Web, Operational Research and Optimisation, Sensor Networks and Mobile Data Comms, Advanced Computer Security, Social Informatics, Natural Language Processing, Signal and Image Processing, Optical Communication Systems, Wireless Communications, Advanced Wireless Systems and Networks, Information Theory and Coding, Methods and Practices in Urban Science, Urban Data - Theory and Methodology, Visualisation Data not available Data not available GBP 7,780.00 GBP 17,500.00 Data not available Technically minded graduates with a background in computer science, mathematics or the physical sciences. Data not available Data not available Academic: 2.1 undergraduate degree or higher in a mathematical, scientific or analytical discipline. English Language: IELTS 6.5 Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Analytics and Management Birmingham City University United Kingdom Birmingham English 12 months Master of Science, PGDip, PGCert FT Birmingham City University Strategic Marketing, Managing People, Managing Finance, Global Business Strategy, Data Mining, Advanced Databases, Business Intelligence, Database for Enterprise, Data not available Data not available GBP 12,000.00 GBP 12,000.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Applicants are considered when they have: An honours degree from a UK University A first degree from an overseas university (GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 or average 75 per cent or any other equivalence to the above UK qualification) Successful passing a Pre-Master's course approved by Birmingham City University Successful passing a Pre-Master's course at another UK university/institution with a minimum of 55 per cent average A first degree from an overseas university (GPA 3.0 out of 4.0 or average 75 per cent or any other equivalence to the above UK qualification) Annual September Data not available Links with SAS, SAP, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Cisco.
Masters Higher Education Data And Knowledge Management The University Of Manchester United Kingdom Manchester English 12 months Master of Science FT School of Computer Science Research Methods and Professional Skills Automated Reasoning and Verification, Optimization for Learning, Planning and Problem-Solving, Semi-Structured Data and the Web, Ontology Engineering for the Semantic Web, Principles of Digital Biology, Introduction to Health Informatics, Parallel Programs and their Performance, Designing for Parallelism and Future Multi-core Computing, Data Engineering, IT Governance, Computer Vision, Cryptography, Cyber Security, Software Engineering Concepts in Practice, Ontology Engineering for the Semantic Web, Querying Data on the Web, Agile and Test-Driven Development, Component-based Software Development, Pattern-Based Software Development Data not available Data not available GBP 9,000.00 GBP 20,500.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available First or strong Upper Second class honours degree, or the overseas equivalent, in computer science, or in a joint degree with at least 50% computer science content. Applicants with extensive computer science industrial experience and a good honours degree, or its overseas equivalent, may also be considered for admission. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Management University of Liverpool United Kingdom Liverpool English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science. PGDip, PGCert FT, PT Management School Applied Research Methods, Big Data Management, Data Mining and Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics for Business, E-business Strategy Operations Modelling and Simulation, Big Data Analysis, Business Analysis & Assessment, Project and Portfolio Management In Organisations, Data Mining and Visualisation, Global Corporate Strategy, E-business Enterprise Systems With Sap, Logistics and Physical Distribution, Maritime Logistics Data not available Data not available GBP 7,250.00 GBP 16,000.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available A university degree in Mathematics, Physics, Computing or related disciplines at 2.1 standard from a UK university, or an equivalent academic qualification from a similar non-UK institution is required. Non-graduates with very extensive professional experience and/or other prior qualifications may also be considered. All candidates must meet our required level of English. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data and High Performance Computing University of Liverpool United Kingdom Liverpool English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science. PGDip, PGCert FT, PT School of Computer Science Research Methods In Computer Science, Applied Algorithmics, Data Mining, Multi-core Programming, Big Data Analysis, Big Data Group Project, Optimisation Machine Learning and Bioinspired Optimisation, Safety and Dependability, Reasoning About Action and Change, Computational Auctions and Mechanism Design Data not available Data not available GBP 5,500.00 GBP 16,200.00 Scholarships and Industry sponsorship possible Data not available Data not available Data not available Minimum entry requirement is a 2:1 honours degree (or above) in Computer Science or a closely related subject or an equivalent academic qualification from a similar non-UK institution is required. All candidates must meet our required level of English. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science University of East London United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering Data Ecology, Quantitative Data Analysis and Advanced Decision Making Spatial Data Analysis, Qualitative Data Analysis Data not available Data not available GBP 8,340.00 GBP 12,100.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Minimum 2.2 Honours in Physical Science, Electrical/Electronic/Communication Engineering or Humanities and Social Science related subject. Grade C in GCSE English and Maths. Annual September 2014 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science City University London United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 28 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT School of Mathematics, Computing and Engineering Principles of Data Science, Machine learning, Big data, Neural Computing, Visual analytics, Research methods and professional issues Advanced Programming: Concurrency Advanced Database Technologies Information Retrieval Data Visualization Digital Signal Processing Cloud Computing Computer Vision Software Agents Hadoop, Python, R, Java, GPU programming, Matlab, SPSS 6 month internship offered: Previous partners have included NHS, Facebook UK, Amazon UK, the BBC, the British Library, Octo Telematics, Selex Galileo, Microsoft, AT&T, IBM, Google, Unilever, Deloitte UK, Tableau Software, Oracle, Cancer Research UK GBP 9,000 (FT), GBP 4,500 per year (PT) GBP 14,500 (FT), GBP 7,250 (PT) Scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available Applicants should hold an upper second class honours degree or the equivalent from an international institution in computing, engineering, physics or mathematics, or in business, economics, psychology or health, with a demonstrable mathematical aptitude, or a lower second class honours degree (or international equivalent) with a demonstrable mathematical aptitude and relevant work experience. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Goldsmiths University of London United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Department of Computing Machine Learning & Statistical Data Mining, Big Data Applications, Data Science Research Topics Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Web, Data Compression, Artificial Intelligence, Open Data, Music Information Retrieval Python Hadoop NoSQL databases as MongoDB R RapidMiner IBM SPSS Statistics Matlab Spark Data not available GBP 9,000.00 GBP 17,010.00 Some financial aid available Data not available Data not available Data not available An undergraduate degree of at least upper second class standard in computing, physics and engineering, mathematical sciences or finance, and an interest in and capability for working in interdisciplinary contexts. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Heriot Watt University United Kingdom Edinburgh English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science, PGDip FT, PT School of Mathematical and Computer Science Data Mining and Machine Learning, Data Visualisation and Analytics, Research Methods and Project Planning, Big Data Management Biologically Inspired Computation, Conversational Agents and Spoken Language Processing Digital and Knowledge Economy, Computer Network Security, Information Systems Methodologies, Software Engineering Foundation, Advanced Interaction Design, Advanced Software Engineering, Distributed and Parallel Technologies, e-Commerce Technology RDF, SPARQL, NoSQL, Prot�g�, OWL, Java Data not available GBP 5,100.00 GBP 17,220.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Admission requires a good honours degree with a substantial academic component of Computing or IT that includes study of databases and programming. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science (Statistical Inference) Lancaster University United Kingdom Lancaster English 12 months Master of Science FT School of Mathematics and Statistics Data Mining Data Science Fundamentals Programming for Data Scientists Statistical Inference Statistical Methods and Modelling Likelihood Inference Generalised Linear Models Elements of Distributed Systems Systems Architecture and Integration Applied Data Mining Hadoop, Spark, Mahout, Giraph, HDFS, Hbase 3 month internship forms a part of the research project. Most internships will be supported by a placement bursary. GBP 7,390.00 GBP 18,100.00 Some scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available A second class honours degree, or its equivalent, in a subject relevant to Computer Science, Mathematics or Statistics. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science (Computing) Lancaster University United Kingdom Lancaster English 12 months Master of Science FT School of Computing and Communications Data Mining Data Science Fundamentals Programming for Data Scientists Statistical Inference Statistical Methods and Modelling Likelihood Inference Generalised Linear Models Applied Data Mining, Elements of Distributed Systems, Systems Architecture and Integration Hadoop, Spark, Mahout, Giraph, HDFS, Hbase, 10 Virtual Machines 3 month internship forms a part of the research project. Most internships will be supported by a placement bursary. GBP 7,390.00 GBP 18,100.00 Some scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available A second class honours degree, or its equivalent, in a subject relevant to Computer Science, Mathematics or Statistics. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science for the Environment Lancaster University United Kingdom Lancaster English 12 months Master of Science FT Lancaster Environment Centre Dissertation Project, Data Mining, Data Science Fundamentals, Programming for Data Scientists, Statistical Inference, Statistical Methods and Modelling Environmental Aspects of Renewable Energy, Sustainable Systems, Environmental Sampling and Analysis for Trace Organics, Global Change and the Earth System, Data Analysis and Programming Skills, Geological Hazards, Contaminated Land and Remediation, Modelling Environmental Processes, Groundwater Resources and Protection, Safety and environmental impact assessment: an industrial perspective, Conservation Biology, Habitat Management, Using the National Vegetation Classification, Food Security, Agriculture and Climate Change, Geoinformatics Hadoop, Spark, Mahout, Giraph, HDFS, Hbase 3 month internship forms a part of the research project. Most internships will be supported by a placement bursary. GBP 7,390.00 GBP 18,100.00 Some scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available A second class honours degree, or its equivalent, in a subject relevant to Computer Science, Mathematics or Statistics. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Robert Gordon University United Kingdom Aberdeen English 12 months (FT), 24-36 months (PT) Master of Science, PGDip, PGCert FT, PT School of Computing Science and Digital Media Data Warehousing Data Mining Data Management Intelligent Web Technologies, Professional Skills for Data Scientists Big Data Analytics and Visualisation Data Science Development Advanced Data Science Data not available Data not available Students who perform particularly well during their first semester of studies will be invited to apply for any long placement opportunities (40-45 weeks) found by the Placement Office; alternatively, all students can seek their own long placement or a short placement. GBP 3400 (Scottish), GBP 7480 (rest of UK) GBP 13,700.00 Scholarships and discounts available. Data not available Data not available Data not available Minimum entry requirements are an Honours Degree (2nd class or better) in a discipline with significant Computing, Mathematics or Statistics content. These requirements may be relaxed for applicants holding a qualification or industrial experience of equivalent standard. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Univeristy of Essex United Kingdom Colchester English 12 months Master of Science FT Department of Mathematical Sciences Applied Statistics Machine Learning And Data Mining Modelling Experimental Data Text Analytics, Dissertation Msc Project And Dissertation Artificial Neural Networks, Bayesian Computational Statistics, Big-Data For Computational Finance, Combinatorial Optimisation, High Performance Computing, Natural Language Engineering, Nonlinear Programming, Professional Practice And Research Methodology, Programming In Java, Research Methods, Statistical Methods, Stochastic Processes Java, Prolog, C++, MySQL, Vxworks, MATLAB, DB2, Perl, Visual Studio, dot NET, Projct Professional, Xsession, Xlininx, Opnet Data not available GBP 5,950.00 GBP 14,500.00 Scholarships and discounts available. Intermediate. No subject prerequisites are specified. Data not available Data not available A degree with an overall high 2:2. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Data Science University of Bedfordshire United Kingdom Milton Keynes English 3 years (FT), 6 years (PT) Bachelor of Science FT, PT Data not available Data Science Group Project Fundamentals Of Computing And Software Engineering Mathematics Of Data Principles And Practice Of Data Data Mining And Data Analysis Data Science Individual Project Data Security And Information Integrity Distributed Data Management And Semantics Data Engineering And Retrieval Data Presentation And Visualisation Data Science Major Project Social Professional Project Management And Ethics Data not available Data not available Different placement options are offered GBP 9000 (FT), GBP 6000 (PT) GBP 9,750.00 Data not available Beginner. Targetted at school leavers and a variety of subject qualifications are considered. Data not available Data not available Maths or Physics GCSE Grade B or above (or equivalent) Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science University of Dundee United Kingdom Dundee English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science, PGCert FT, PT School of Science and Engineering Big Data, Business Intelligence Systems, Data Analytics and Visualisation, Analytical Database Models and Design, Advanced Statistics and Data Mining, MDX, Data Science Mini Project, Data Science Research Data not available Windows Azure, Teradata, Tableau Data not available GBP 7,200.00 GBP 15,950.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available An honours degree at 2.1 or above, in Computing (or equivalent qualifications). Others may still apply if they have equivalent experience in the field. All applicants will need to undergo a technical interview to ensure they have the necessary background to undertake the course. Annual January Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science University of Glasgow United Kingdom Glasgow English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT School of Computing Science Big data Distributed algorithms and systems Information retrieval Machine learning Professional skills and issues Research methods and techniques Masters team project. Advanced operating systems, Artificial intelligence, Component-based software engineering, Computer architecture, Computer vision methods and applications, Constraint programming, Cyber security, Enterprise computing, Financial software engineering, Functional programming, Human computer interaction, Human computer interaction: design and evaluation, Human-centred security, Information technology architecture, Mobile human computer interaction, Multimedia systems and applications, Safety critical systems, Trends in information security Hadoop Data not available GBP 6950 (FT), GBP 772 per module (PT) GBP 18,900.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available A minimum of a 2.1 Honours degree or equivalent (eg GPA 3.0 or equivalent) with computing as a major subject. Annual September Data not available Links with IBM, J.P. Morgan, Amazon, Adobe, Red Hat and Bing.
Bachelors Higher Education Data Science University of Nottingham United Kingdom Nottingham English 3 years Master of Science FT School of Mathematical Sciences, School of Computer Science Analytical and Computational Foundations, Calculus and Linear Algebra, Computer Fundamentals, Databases and Interfaces, Probability, Programming and Algorithms, Statistics, Algorithms and Data Structures, Introduction to Numerical Methods, Probability Models and Methods, Statistical Models and Methods, Planning, Search and Artifical Intelligence Programming, Optimization Human Computer Interaction, Software Quality, Languages and Computability, Decision Support Methodologies, Machine Learning, Software Quality Management, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic Systems, Computer Graphics, Computer Communications and Networks, Machines and their Languages, Human Computer Interaction, Introduction to Formal Reasoning, Introduction to Image Processing, C++ Progamming, Stochastic Models, Game Theory, Statistical Inference, Mathematical Finance, Topics in Statistics, Medical Statistics Data not available Data not available GBP 9,000.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available A Levels: AAA (maths at grade A or above). Having computer science at A level may elicit a reduced offer IB score: 36 including 6 in maths at Higher Level Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science University of Sheffield United Kingdom Sheffield English 12 months (FT), 2-3 years (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Information School Introduction to Data Science, Data Analysis, Data Mining and Visualisation, Database Design, Dissertation, Research Methods and Dissertation Preparation Information Systems Modelling, Information Systems in Organisations, Business Intelligence, Research Data Management, Information Governance and Ethics, Researching Social Media, Information Retrieval: Search Engines and Digital Libraries, Digital Advocacy R, SPSS, Weka, Tableau, Spotfire Data not available GBP 6,500.00 GBP 17,750.00 Scholarships and financial assistance available. Beginners. Technical expertise is not listed as prerequisite. Data not available Data not available Minimum 2:1 undergraduate honours degree, or its equivalent, in any subject discipline. Work experience is not essential and you do not need prior knowledge of statistics or data analysis. However, the course is analytical and does require that you are prepared to learn and engage with more analytical and technical topics, such as data analysis, database design, data mining and data visualisation. English language proficiency. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors Higher Education Data Science University of Warwick United Kingdom Coventry English 3 years Bachelor of Science FT Department of Computer Science, Department of Statistics Programming for Computer Scientists, Design of Information Structures, Mathematical Programming I, Linear Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Sets and Numbers, Statistical Laboratory, Introduction to Probability, Mathematical Techniques Database Systems, Algorithms, Software Engineering, Stochastic Processes, Mathematical Methods, Mathematical Statistics A, Mathematical Statistics B Digital Communications and Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematical Programming II, Linear Statistical Modelling, Complexity of Algorithms, Neural Computing, Advanced Topics in Algorithms, Machine Learning, Advanced Databases, Bayesian Decision Theory, Multivariate Statistics, Applied Stochastic Processes, Bayesian Forecasting, Programming for Data Science Java, R Data not available GBP 9000 per year Data not available Data not available Beginners. Entry level course, although A Level Maths is necessary. Data not available Data not available A Levels: A*AA, to include A* in Mathematics and A in Further Mathematics A*A*A + AS Level A, to include A* in Mathematics and A in AS level Further Mathematics A*A*A*, to include Mathematics AAA +2 in STEP or Merit in AEA, to include Mathematics IB: 38 points including 7 in Higher Level Mathematics Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science (by Research) Middlesex University United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science by Research FT, PT Department of Computer Science Machine learning, Visual analytics, Mathematics and statistics, Smart sensors (for ambient assisted living and smart homes), Numerical algorithms (especially computational geometry), Artificial intelligence, Ethics of technology, Psychology, Business information systems and business informatics, Robust software/system development, Networking, Ethics, Marketing, Operations management, Enterprise and economic development, Education, Design Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 4,052 (FT), GBP 2,026 (PT) GBP 10,500 (FT), GBP 5,250 (PT) Data not available Intermediate. Although a scientific background is required, no technical qualifications for data science are specified. Data not available Data not available A second class honours degree in a science-based discipline. Entry is subject to the proposed project being acceptable. Each application will be considered on its individual merits. Three times per year. January, May, September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors, Masters Higher Education Sports Informatics and Data Analytics Middlesex University United Kingdom London English 3/4 years (FT), 6/8 years (PT) Bachelor of Science/Master of Science FT, PT Department of Computer Science Information systems theory to development applications, data and information, systems analysis, design and development. Specialist sports modules. Data not available Data not available Informatics based work placement at the end of the second year. GBP 9000 per year GBP 11200 per year Data not available Beginner. Entry level course. Data not available Data not available 280 UCAS tariff points. GCSE English and Maths with a minimum of Grade C are required. BTEC National Diploma/International Baccalaureate/Advanced Progression Diplomas are also accepted. Annual October 2016 No evidence of industry partners
Bachelors, Masters Higher Education Business Informatics and Data Analytics Middlesex University United Kingdom London English 3/4 years (FT), 6/8 years (PT) Bachelor of Science/Master of Science FT, PT Department of Computer Science Information systems theory to development applications, data and information, systems analysis, design and development. Specialist business modules. Data not available Data not available Informatics based work placement at the end of the second year. GBP 9000 per year GBP 11200 per year Data not available Beginner. Entry level course. Data not available Data not available 281 UCAS tariff points. GCSE English and Maths with a minimum of Grade C are required. BTEC National Diploma/International Baccalaureate/Advanced Progression Diplomas are also accepted. Annual October 2016 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Visual Analytics Middlesex University United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science by Research Data not available Department of Computer Science Logic and Sense-making, Human Perception and Information Visualisation, HCI and System Modelling, Visual Analytics System Architecture, Operational Issues and e-Discovery, Data Analysis and Knowledge Engineering. Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 4,052 (FT), GBP 2,026 (PT) GBP 10,500 (FT), GBP 5,250 (PT) Data not available Intermediate. Data not available Data not available People with backgrounds in subjects involving considerable analytic skills, such as Computer Science, Mathematics, Psychology or Physical Science Some experience of programming is required, or a willingness to learn prior to embarking on the course. Three times per year. January, May, September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science and Analytics Brunel University London United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 15 months (FT) with professional practice, 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT College of Engineering, Design and Computer Science Digital Innovation, Quantitative Data Analysis, High Performance Computational Infrastructures, Systems Project Management, Big Data Analytics, Data Management and Business Intelligence, Data Visualisation, Learning Development Project, Dissertation Data not available SAS Data not available GBP 9,400 (FT), GBP 4,700 per year (PT) GBP 17,200 (FT), GBP 8,600 per year (PT) GBP 17,200 (FT), GBP 8,600 per year (PT) Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available UK first or second class Honours degree or equivalent internationally recognised and usually come from a scientific/engineering background and/or a numerate subject area. Applicants with other qualifications with industrial experience (that is relevant to the subject area) may be considered and will assessed on an individual basis and industrial certifications may be taken into account (such as those provided by organisations such as Microsoft and Sun for example). Such applicants may be required to attend an interview. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science and Computational Intelligence Coventry University United Kingdom Coventry English 12 months Master of Science FT Data not available Artificial Neural Networks Machine Learning and Data Mining Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Computing Intelligent Information retrieval Business Intelligence and Big Data Processing Cloud Computing and Distributed Technologies Project dissertation IT Project Management Internet Systems Development Open Systems Application Development Data not available Data not available GBP 6,930.00 GBP 12,068.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Minimum of upper second class honours degree in Computer science, Mathematics or other relevant area. Students whose first language is not English should have achieved a minimum English language standard of IELTS 6.5. Annual Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data and Business Intelligence University of Greenwich United Kingdom London English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Department of Computing and Information Systems PG Project, Data Warehousing, Database Architectures and Administration, Database Tools, Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Enterprise Systems Integration, Big Data Requirements Analysis & Methods, Software Tools and Techniques, User Centred Web Engineering, System Modelling, Systems Development Management and Governance, Programming Enterprise Components, Multi-structured Data and NoSQL Technology NoSQL, Hadoop, Oracle, Java Data not available GBP 8000 (FT), GBP 1330 per module (PT) GBP 11,700.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available A good relevant first degree in computing, computing science (or a numerate subject) OR substantial commercial/industrial experience. * Applicants must also have software development experience using modern programming languages. Twice a year September or January Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Geographic Data Science University of Liverpool United Kingdom Liverpool English 12 months Master of Science FT School of Enviornmental Sciences The Politics and Pratice of Social Research, Data Collection Strategies & Techniques, Data Analysis Strategies, Spatial Analysis, Geographic Data Science, Web Mapping and Analysis, Dissertation - Population and Health & Applied GIS Theorising Human Geography, Theory Power & Ethics, Population and Health Analysis and Projection, Understanding Social Exclusion and Inequalities, Survival and Event History Analysis, Database and Information Systems, Web Programming Python, R, GIS Data not available GBP 5,500.00 GBP 13,400.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Bachelors degree (with Honours) at 2:1 level or better in an appropriate field of study. Individual consideration is given to mature students with significant and relevant experience and with professional qualifications. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Health Data Science Swansea University United Kingdom Swansea English 12 months (FT), 3 years (PT) Master of Science, PGDip, PGCert FT, PT Faculty of Medicine Health Data Science & Scientific Computing in Healthcare, Health Data Manipulation, Analysis of Linked Health Data, Machine Learning Applications in Health Data, Health Data Visualisation, Advanced Analysis of Linked Health Data, Health Data Analysis Dissertation Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 5,950 (FT), GBP 2,000 (PT) GBP 13,550 (FT), GBP 4,500 (PT) Data not available Beginners. Technical expertise is not specified as a prerequisite. Data not available Data not available UK Honours Degree Grade 2:2 or above or an equivalent qualification for overseas applicants. Non-graduates are also welcome to apply. All applications are considered on individual merit, taking into account of any relevant work experience. Should you have qualifications below the required minimum or lack a suitable first degree, please feel encouraged to submit an application if you have at least two years of experience in Health and or Data Science related fields. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education High Performance Computing with Data Science University of Edinburgh United Kingdom Edinburgh English 12 months (FT), 3 years (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC) Fundamentals of Data Management, Message-Passing Programming, Programming Skills, Threaded Programming, Data Analytics with High Performance Computing, Software Development, Project Preparation HPC Architectures, Parallel Numerical Algorithms, Parallel Programming Languages, Advanced Parallel Programming, HPC Ecosystem, Parallel Design Patterns, Performance Programming Fortran, Python, Java, C, C++ Data not available GBP 10,200.00 GBP 22,500.00 Data not available Advanced. No prior HPC or data science knowledge is assumed, but you should have experience in programming and must be a competent programmer, preferably in C, C++, Fortran, Java or Python. Data not available Data not available UK 2:1 honours degree or its international equivalent (link is external) in computer science, physics, informatics, mathematics, engineering or chemistry and experience in computer programming (see below). Applicants who have equivalent work experience may also be considered. Annual September 2014 No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science Kings College London United Kingdom London English 12 months Master of Science FT Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences, Department of Informatics No information on modules available online No information on modules available online Data not available Data not available GBP 9,000.00 GBP 21,750.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available A Bachelor�s degree with 2:1 (Upper Second Class) honours (or international equivalent) is required in one of the following subject areas: Computer Science, or Computing, Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics or Statistics, Econometrics, Mathematical Economics, or Mathematical Finance, Physics, Natural Science, Electronic Engineering, Geographic Information Systems, Operations Research Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science The University Of Edinburgh United Kingdom Edinburgh English 12 months Master of Science FT School of Informatics Informatics Research Review, Informatics Research Proposal, Machine Learning, Statistics and Optimization, Databases and Data Management, Applications Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 10,200.00 GBP 24,100.00 Scholarships available Data not available Data not available Data not available UK 2:1 degree, or its international equivalent, in informatics, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science, electrical engineering, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, physics or psychology. Experience of computer programming equivalent to an introductory programming course and specific training in mathematics: basic calculus (differentiation and integration) and linear algebra (vectors and multi-dimensional matrices). Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Knowledge Discovery And Data Mining University of East Anglia United Kingdom Data not available English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT School of Computing Sciences Applies Statistics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Dissertation, Research Techniques Applications Programming, Database Manipulation, Human Computer Interaction, Information Visualisation, Artificial Intelligence Data not available Data not available GBP 7,150 (FT), GBP 3,575 (PT) GBP 14,500.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Computing, Mathematics or a related subject with a good first degree (minimum 2.1 or equivalent). Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Machine Learning University College London United Kingdom London English 12 months Master of Science FT Department of Computer Science Supervised Learning, Graphical Models, Probabilistic and Unsupervised Learning Programming & Mathematical Methods for Machine Learning, Applied Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, Advanced Topics in Machine Learning, Machine Vision, Information Retrieval & Data Mining, Inference and Learning in Probabilistic Models, Affective Computing and Human-Robot Interaction, Statistical Natural Language Processing, Inverse Problems in Imaging, Computational Modelling for Biomedical Imaging Data not available Data not available GBP 11,090.00 GBP 23,440.00 Scholarships available Advanced Data not available Data not available A minimum of an upper second-class UK bachelors degree in a highly quantitative subject such as computer science, mathematics, electrical engineering or the physical sciences, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Relevant work experience may also be taken into account. Additionally, candidates must be comfortable with undergraduate mathematics in areas such as linear algebra and calculus. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Web Science and Big Data Analytics University College London United Kingdom London English 12 months Master of Science FT Department of Computer Science Information Retrieval and Data Mining, Distributed Systems and Security, Multimedia Systems, Coplex Networks and Web, Web Economics Supervised Learning, Statistical Natural Language Processing, Computer Graphics, Machine Vision, Interaction Design, Applied Machine Learning, Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Understanding Usability and Use, Cloud Computing Data not available Data not available GBP 11,090.00 GBP 23,440.00 Scholarships available Advanced Data not available Data not available A minimum of an upper-second class UK bachelors degree in computer science, electrical engineering or mathematics, or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Relevant work experience may also be taken into account. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Web Science and Big Data Analytics University College London United Kingdom London English 12 months Master of Science by Research FT Department of Computer Science Investigating Research, Researcher Professional Development Complex Networks and Web, Web Economics, Information Retrieval & Data Mining, Distributed Systems and Security, Multimedia Systems Data not available Data not available GBP 11,090.00 GBP 23,440.00 Scholarships available Advanced Data not available Data not available First or upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in a highly quantitative subject such as Computer Science, Mathematics, Electrical Engineering or the Physical Sciences. Industrial experience may compensate for lesser degrees or lack of technical qualification. Successful candidates will have proven experience with programming languages such as C/ C++, Java or Python. Applicants should have a strong foundation in mathematics including vector and matrix algebra, calculus, and probability and statistics. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Computational Statistics & Machine Learning University College London United Kingdom London English 12 months Master of Science by Research FT Department of Computer Science, Department of Statistical Science Investigating Research, Researcher Profesional Development, MRes Dissertation Supervised Learning, Graphical Models, Advanced Topics in Machine Learning, Machine Vision, Information Retrieval & Data Mining, Approximate Inference and Learning in Probabilistic Models, Probabilistic & Unsupervised Learning, Inverse Problems in Imaging, Statistical Models & Data Analysis, Statistical Computing, Applied Bayesian Methods, Statistical Inference Data not available Data not available GBP 11,090.00 GBP 23,440.00 Scholarships available Advanced. Candidates should have a strong background in a numerate subject, ideally mathematics, statistics or computer science. The MRes is particularly suitable for students that have some prior familiarity with data analysis and wish to engage in a substantial research project, prior to continuing a research career. Data not available Data not available The MRes is designed for people who have a first or upper second class honours BSc (or equivalent) in a numerate discipline such as Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering or the Physical Sciences. As the course is co-taught with the Department of Statistical Sciences, we require candidates to have studied a significant mathematics and/or statistics component as part of their degree, to ensure they are able to cope with the level of Statistics involved. Students should also have some experience with a programming language such as Matlab. Appropriate industrial experience may also be considered in some cases. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Web Sciences and Big Data University of Liverpool United Kingdom Online English 2 years Master of Science PT Data not available Computer Structures, Programming the Internet, Big Data, Professional Issues in Computing, Cloud Computing, Social Computing Computer Communication and Networks, Designing and Managing Databases, Information Security Engineering, Managing the Software Enterprise, Object-Oriented Programming in Java, Software Engineering, Systems Analysis and Design Using an Object-Oriented Approach, and XML and Web Applications. Data not available Data not available GBP 16,900.00 GBP 16,900.00 Data not available Intermediate. The course is designed to equip IT professionals working in the expanding digital economy with the essential skills to become leaders in their fields. Data not available Data not available A bachelors degree from an accredited college or university, or a degree from a recognised institution comparable and/or equivalent to a British honours degree Two years of relevant working experience. Various June Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Technologies Glasgow Caledonian University United Kingdom Glasgow English 12 months Master of Science FT Computing, Communications and Interactive Systems Department Data not available Data not available SAS GCU have partnered with the industry leaders in big data technologies to give students the opportunity to use the high impact technologies and develop excellent hands-_on skills valued by employers. GBP 4,200.00 GBP 11,000.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available UK Honours degree 2:2 (or equivalent) in computing or a related subject. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Science for Business (Data Science specialisation) University of Stirling United Kingdom Stirling English 12 months Master of Science FT Striling Management School Personal and Professional Development Big Data: Scientific and Commercial Applications Business Analytics 1 Business Analytics 2 The Future of Technology, Society and Organisations Risk Management in Banking, Investment and Portfolio Management, Digital Marketing and Advertising, Contemporary Issues in Marketing, Cluster Computing, Big Data Analytics, Behavioural Economics II: Business & Policy Applications, Economics of Climate Change, Energy Management and Sustainability in Practice Data not available Data not available GBP 6,100.00 GBP 13,950.00 Scholarships available. Intermediate. University of Stirling offers a Graduate Diploma for those students who do not meet the required criteria for this course. Those who successfully complete the Graduate Diploma in Business, Finance and Sport and meet the required progression grades, will be guaranteed entry onto this Master's degree. Data not available Data not available A minimum of a second-class honours degree or equivalent. Applicants without these formal qualifications but with significant appropriate/relevant work/life experience are encouraged to apply. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Data Analytics for Business Nottingham Trent University United Kingdom Nottingham English 2 years Master of Science PT School of Science and Technology, Nottingham Business School Fundamentals Of Big Data And Its Infrastructure Practical Machine Learning Methods For Data Mining Marketing And Value Creation Managing And Leading Strategic Change Statistical Approaches To Data Analysis Project Management And Multidisciplinary Teamworking. Data not available Data not available Course includes a three to six-month project directly relevant to the business or company objectives of participants. Working with the MDM team and in consultation with their employer, applicants will develop a unique project based on your workplace and academic study. Data not available Data not available Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at professionals. data science Undergraduate degree from a recognised university at 2.2 level or above. If your education qualifications are lower level than a first degree, relevant work experience will be considered and you may be asked to provide some evidence of your capability to study on a master's programme.U 2015 No evidence of industry partners
Diploma Higher Education IT Systems Analysis and Design Oxford University United Kingdom Online English Data not available Advanced Diploma (CATS rating of 60 points) PT Department for Continuing Education The System Development Life-cycle and Management. Systems Analysis and Design: Data Driven & Procedural Techniques. Systems Analysis and Design: Data Organisation. Systems Analysis and Design: Objects & Architectures. Team Project. Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 2,460.00 GBP 4,210.00 Data not available Beginner. The distance learning mode has been designed to make the course as accessible as possible, and will allow most study time to be arranged to suit individual circumstances.Past students have come from a wide variety of occupations, such as teaching, administration, healthcare, social work and industry, as well as those in the IT industry. This mix of student backgrounds and experience leads to a lively and stimulating study environment. data science No formal entry qualifications but applicants need to satisfy the admissions panel that they will be able to understand the concepts involved in this level six course. All applicants are asked to provide comprehensive details of their current skills and experience in computing, and their reasons for doing the course. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Advanced Computer Science University of Reading United Kingdom Reading English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT), 5 years (flexible) Master of Science FT, PT, Flexible Department of Computer Science, Henley Business School Mathematics and Statistics, Research Studies, Data Analytics and Mining, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, MSc Project Image Processing, Social, Legal and Ethical Aspects in Engineering, Visual Intelligence, Practice of Entrepreneurship (**), Digital Marketing (**), Virtual Reality, Advanced Computing, Concurrent Systems Data not available Data not available GBP 7,000.00 GBP 17,350.00 Data not available This course is ideal if you are a graduate of computing or a related discipline and want to continue your studies. You will gain specialist knowledge and with it a competitive edge over other graduates, allowing you to fast-track your development and career. The course is also popular with computer professionals who wish to broaden and deepen their understanding of computer science and data science. data science 2.1 Honours BSc degree or overseas equivalent (60 per cent) in Computing or in a related discipline, or relevant working experience. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Scientific Computing (Machine Learning) University of Cambridge United Kingdom Cambridge English 12 months Master of Philosophy FT Departments of the Schools of Physical Sciences, Technology and Biological Sciences, Centre for Scientific Computing High Performance Computing, Numerical Analysis, Computational Methods and Techniques, Continuum Methods based on PDEs, Atomistic Modelling Machine Learning, Linear Systems, Fundamentals, Non-linear Systems, Interpolation, Introduction to Linux, Scientific Programming in C++, Software Design, GPUs for Scientific Computing, Message Passing Interface (MPI), OpenMP, Computational Hardware, Programming for Power-efficient Computing Linux, C++, FORTRAN or Java Data not available GBP 11,175.00 GBP 28,308.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available First degree in a numeric discipline such as mathematics, physics or engineering. An understanding of probability theory and statistics is a plus, but not essential, as is experience in a high level programming language. Annual October Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Masters Higher Education Big Data Science and Technology University of Bradford United Kingdom Bradford English 12 months (FT), 24 months (PT) Master of Science FT, PT Faculty of Engineering & Informatics Software Development, Big Data Systems and Analytics, Statistical Data Analysis Data Mining Information Theory and Data Communication Security, Privacy and Data Protection, Mobile Applications, Concurrent and Distributed Systems Data Visualisation Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 15,600.00 Data not available This course is aimed at graduates but those with suitable work experience will also be considered. Google data science 2:2 or above in computer science, computer engineering, informatics or other computer- related subjects. If you have lesser academic qualifications but have substantial (approx. 5 years�) relevant work experience, your application may also be considered. Annual September Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science Processes: An exploration in data mining Oxford University United Kingdom Oxford English 2 days Data not available FT Department for Continuing Education Data and its different forms Overview of different graph, and trend, shapes and patterns Investigation of data graphically using Excel. Exploration of data sets using Excel. Investigate data yourself using the techniques described in the previous session. Introduction to Data Mining Data Mining Case Studies. Introduction to the use of SPSS and a Data Mining package, for investigation of data. Data not available Excel, SPSS, WEKA Data not available GBP 172.00 GBP 172.00 Some reductions available. Beginner. This course can be useful for anyone who wants to make use of data, whether a medical researcher, scientist, journalist or social science researcher. Previous experience of data handling would be useful in order to do this weekend course but no previous knowledge of data mining is assumed. Data not available Data not available No formal entry qualifications. June Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Data Science Oxford University United Kingdom Oxford English 2 days Data not available FT Department for Continuing Education Introduction to data and its different types Overview of different graph, and trend, shapes and patterns Investigation of data graphically using Excel Exploration of data sets using Excel Use of simple statistical, and mathematical, techniques to provide summary information about data. Investigating data using SPSS and the techniques described in the previous session Introduction to more advanced statistical, and mathematical, techniques making use of SPSS. Data not available Excel, SPSS Data not available GBP 172.00 GBP 172.00 Some reductions available. Beginner. For those who want to learn to analyse the data they have collected so that and summarize its content in a few sentences. Data not available Data not available No formal entry qualifications. June Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction To Business Intelligence Robert Gordon University United Kingdom Aberdeen English 3 days Data not available FT School of Computing Science and Digital Media Session 1: Data Warehousing: architecture and concepts Session 2: Data Warehousing design and dimensional modelling Session 3: Data Warehousing operations Session 4: Data Warehousing analytics: OLAP and multi-dimensional analysis Session 5: Data Mining: architecture and concepts Session 6: Data Mining: data extraction and pre-processing Session 7: Data Mining supervised models: decision trees and probabilistic models Session 8: Data Mining unsupervised models: association rule mining and data clustering Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 895 GBP 895 Data not available Intermediate. Designed for professionals who wish to maximise their use of business intelligence in order to gain competitive advantage. Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Modular Course Professional Development Data Fundamentals School of Data Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English Flexible Working with the new OpenBadging community to deliver lightweight accreditation and recognition through certified online badges Flexible Self-paced What is Data?, Finding Data, Sort and Filter: The basics of spreadsheets, Taming the Fierce Beast � The Math you need to start, �But what does it mean?�: Analyzing data (spreadsheets continued), From Data to Diagrams: An introduction to plots and charts, Look Out!: Common Misconceptions and how to avoid them, Tell me a story: Working out what�s interesting in your data, Data provenance, Basic Graphs Data not available Data not available Data not available Free Free Data not available Beginner. School of Data works to empower civil society organizations, journalists and citizens with the skills they need to use data effectively in their efforts to create more equitable and effective societies. Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Modular Course Professional Development A Gentle Introduction to Data Cleaning School of Data Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English Flexible Working with the new OpenBadging community to deliver lightweight accreditation and recognition through certified online badges Flexible Self-paced Course outline: a gentle introduction to cleaning data Section 1: Nuts and chewing gum Section 2: the Invisible Man is in your spreadsheet, messing with your data Section 3: your data is a witch�s brew Section 4: Did you bring the wrong suitcase (again)? Data not available Data not available Data not available Free Free Data not available Beginner. School of Data works to empower civil society organizations, journalists and citizens with the skills they need to use data effectively in their efforts to create more equitable and effective societies. Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Modular Course Professional Development Introduction into Exploring Data School of Data Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English Flexible Working with the new OpenBadging community to deliver lightweight accreditation and recognition through certified online badges Flexible Self-paced A gentle introduction to exploring and understanding your data, Advanced Spreadsheet Formulas, An introduction to SQL Databases for analysing data - Part 1, An introduction to SQL Databases for analysing data - Part 2 Data not available SQL Data not available Free Free Data not available Beginner. School of Data works to empower civil society organizations, journalists and citizens with the skills they need to use data effectively in their efforts to create more equitable and effective societies. Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Modular Course Professional Development A gentle Introduction into Extracting Data School of Data Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English Flexible Working with the new OpenBadging community to deliver lightweight accreditation and recognition through certified online badges Flexible Self-paced Extracting Data from PDFs, Making data on the web useful: scraping Data not available Data not available Data not available Free Free Data not available Beginner. School of Data works to empower civil society organizations, journalists and citizens with the skills they need to use data effectively in their efforts to create more equitable and effective societies. Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Modular Course Professional Development A Gentle Introduction to Mapping School of Data Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English Flexible Working with the new OpenBadging community to deliver lightweight accreditation and recognition through certified online badges Flexible Self-paced Online geocoding, Introduction to GIS: QGIS Data not available Data not available Data not available Free Free Data not available Beginner. School of Data works to empower civil society organizations, journalists and citizens with the skills they need to use data effectively in their efforts to create more equitable and effective societies. Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Modular Course Professional Development Working with Budgets and Spending Data. School of Data Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English Flexible Working with the new OpenBadging community to deliver lightweight accreditation and recognition through certified online badges Flexible Self-paced Categorization and reference data, Choosing an audience and classifying your data, What is the difference between budgets and spending?, Cleaning spending data Data not available Data not available Data not available Free Free Data not available Beginner. School of Data works to empower civil society organizations, journalists and citizens with the skills they need to use data effectively in their efforts to create more equitable and effective societies. Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Modular Course Professional Development Collecting data using smartphones School of Data Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English Flexible Working with the new OpenBadging community to deliver lightweight accreditation and recognition through certified online badges Flexible Self-paced Course outline: introduction to mobile data collection and ODK, Creating your ODK Data Collection Form, Uploading and Testing your forms using Kobo Toolbox, Setting up your Kobo Toolbox form on your Android device, Managing your Kobo Toolbox database Data not available Kobo Toolbox Data not available Free Free Data not available Beginner. School of Data works to empower civil society organizations, journalists and citizens with the skills they need to use data effectively in their efforts to create more equitable and effective societies. Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Modular Course Professional Development School of Data Journalism School of Data Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English Flexible Working with the new OpenBadging community to deliver lightweight accreditation and recognition through certified online badges Flexible Self-paced Getting Stories from Data, Storytelling with Data, Asking for Data, Spending Stories, Making Data Pretty Data not available Data not available Data not available Free Free Data not available Beginner. School of Data works to empower civil society organizations, journalists and citizens with the skills they need to use data effectively in their efforts to create more equitable and effective societies. Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Modular Course Professional Development An Introduction to Aid Data School of Data Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English Flexible Working with the new OpenBadging community to deliver lightweight accreditation and recognition through certified online badges Flexible Self-paced Course outline: Introduction to aid data, A guide to IATI data, Cleaning IATI data with OpenRefine, An introduction to OECD-DAC data, Inspiration module: how is aid data used in the media?, An introduction to data visualisation, Jargon busting the world of aid Data not available Data not available Data not available Free Free Data not available Beginner. School of Data works to empower civil society organizations, journalists and citizens with the skills they need to use data effectively in their efforts to create more equitable and effective societies. Data not available Data not available Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data: Business Analytics EduPristine Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 4 days Certificate of Excellence upon completing course assignment. FT Instructor Led Introduction to Analytics, Data Analysis (Will be using excel to solve examples), Basic Statistics, Predictive Modelling, Logistic Regression Data not available R, SAS Data not available USD 1699 USD 1699 Data not available Beginner. The course starts from basics but having basic knowledge about Excel will help. This course is meant for all those students and professionals who are interested in working in industry analytics and are keen to enhance their technical skills with exposure to cutting-edge practices. Data not available Data not available There are no real skills you need to take this course, although basic mathematics and good analytical skills will be beneficial. However, the course is designed for people with minimal mathematical knowledge. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data: Business Analytics Virtual Classroom EduPristine Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online, GMT timezone English 8 days Certificate of Excellence upon completing course assignment. FT Instructor Led Introduction to Analytics, Data & Basic Statistics, Basic Statistics & Predictive Modeling, Predictive Modeling & Forecasting, Time Series Modeling Live virtual classroom: In person teaching by experts, short video tutorials, Excel workbooks. One on one Q&A. R Data not available USD 599 USD 599 Data not available Beginner. The course is designed to equip professionals working in the fields of Finance, Marketing, Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, IT, Analytics, Marketing Research, or Commodity markets with the essential tools, techniques and skills to answer important business questions. Data not available Data not available There are no real skills you need to take this course, although basic mathematics and good analytical skills will be beneficial. However, the course is designed for people with minimal mathematical knowledge. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data: Business Analytics EduPristine Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English Data not available Certificate of Excellence upon completing course assignment. Flexible Self-paced Introduction to Analytics, Data & Basic Statistics, Basic Statistics & Predictive Modeling, Predictive Modeling & Forecasting, Time Series Modeling Online viewing and download access to materials for 1 year. R Data not available USD 247 USD 247 Data not available Beginner. The course is designed to equip professionals working in the fields of Finance, Marketing, Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, IT, Analytics, Marketing Research, or Commodity markets with the essential tools, techniques and skills to answer important business questions. Data not available Data not available There are no real skills you need to take this course, although basic mathematics and good analytical skills will be beneficial. However, the course is designed for people with minimal mathematical knowledge. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data & Hadoop Virtual Classroom EduPristine Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online, GMT timezone English 9 days Certificate of Excellence upon completing course assignment. FT Instructor Led Day 1 Live training from Java Experts Day 2 Introduction To Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Day 3 Introduction to Pseudo Cluster Environment Day 4 Understanding - Map-Reduce Basics Day 5 Understanding Map-Reduce Types and Formats � Yarn Day 6 PIG & Hive Day 7 Live Projects Day 8 HBASE Day 9 Live Projects Live Virtual Classroom Training Excel Workbooks Bonus Package Video Tutorials Doubt Solving By Experts Study Notes Case Study Approach(Using models for analysis, including valuations) Java, Hadoop, PIG, Hive, Map-Reduce, HBASE Data not available USD 248 USD 599 Data not available Intermediate. Designed for professionals aspiring to make a career in Big Data Analytics using Hadoop Framework. Software Professionals, Analytics Professionals, ETL developers, Project Managers, Testing Professionals and IT freshers are the key beneficiaries of this course. A complimentary Course "Java Essentials for Hadoop" is provided to all the participants who enroll for the Hadoop Training. Data not available Data not available The prerequisites for learning Hadoop include hands-on experience in Core Java and good analytical skills to grasp and apply the concepts in Hadoop. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics EMC^2 Multiple: Europe, Worldwide European location: Brentford, UK English, native language 5 days (40 hours) The course prepares the student for the Proven Professional Data Scientist Specialist (EMCDSS) certification exam. FT Instructor Led Module 1: MapReduce and Hadoop Module 2: Hadoop Ecosystem and NoSQL Module 3: Natural Language Processing Module 4: Social Network Analysis Module 5: Data Science Theory and Methods Module 6: Data Visualization Instructor led - includes hands-on lab exercises that reinforce the concepts covered in lectures. R, Hadoop, MADlib, SQL, Map-Reduce, Hbase Data not available USD 5000 USD 5000 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available No prerequisites. View scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science and Big Data Analytics EMC^2 Multiple: Europe, Worldwide European location: Brentford, UK English, native language 5 days (40 hours) The course prepares the student for the Proven Professional Data Scientist Associate (EMCDSA) certification exam. FT Instructor Led Introduction to Big Data Analytics End-to-end data analytics lifecycle Using R to execute basic analytic methods Advanced analytics and statistical modeling for Big Data � Theory and Methods Advanced analytics and statistical modeling for Big Data � Technology and Tools Communication of Results and Big Data Analytics Life Cycle Lab Instructor led - includes hands-on lab exercises that reinforce the concepts covered in lectures. R, Hadoop, MADlib, SQL, Map-Reduce Data not available USD 5000 USD 5000 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Prerequisite EMC course on Data Science and Big Data Analytics. View scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science and Big Data Analytics (Starterkit) EMC^2 Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Video-ILT Stream Data not available 40 hours The course prepares the student for the Proven Professional Data Scientist Associate (EMCDSA) certification exam. Flexible Self-paced Introduction to Big Data Analytics End-to-end data analytics lifecycle Using R to execute basic analytic methods Advanced analytics and statistical modeling for Big Data � Theory and Methods Advanced analytics and statistical modeling for Big Data � Technology and Tools Communication of Results and Big Data Analytics Life Cycle Lab Data not available Hadoop, Map-Reduce Data not available USD 600 USD 600 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available N/A Anytime Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science and Big Data Analytics for Business Transformation EMC^2 Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Video-ILT Stream Data not available 1 day (8 hours) No certificate FT Instructor Led Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Deriving Business Value from Big Data Module 3: Leading Analytic Projects Module 4: Developing Data Science Teams Module 5: Driving Innovation via Analytic Projects Instructor led - includes hands-on lab exercises that reinforce the concepts covered in lectures. R, Hadoop, MADlib, SQL, Map-Reduce Data not available USD 800 USD 800 Data not available The intended audience for this course includes: Leaders of functional areas wanting to enhance analytics-driven decision making Business leaders looking to build a new analytics or Data Science capability Leaders of Business Intelligence or Operations teams looking to raise the level of analytics Data not available Data not available Experience managing teams or leading initiatives and high-level understanding of quantitative methods used in business performance measures Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Big Data Practitioner EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 3 days Internationally recognised certification on completion. Different levels: Big Data Practitioner FT Instructor Led Big Data Practitioner: The basic application of Big Data process in practice, the application of various Big Data analytics tools, the use of algorithms and analytics, Practical application of Big Data process, the Roadmap (Big Data architecture and systems) implementation Big Data in organizations, the quality of Big Data Data not available Data not available Also available as in-house or online training EUR 2176,- incl. BTW + EUR 250 (Big Data Practitioner Exam) EUR 2176,- incl. BTW + EUR 250 (Big Data Practitioner Exam) Data not available Anyone who has some knowledge and wants to take the next step in Big Data. Data not available Data not available Requires the Big Data Foundation Certificate (EUR 200 Exam) have been successfully completed. Check for next scheduled course Data not available Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG.
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Big Data, Big Data Academy: Big Data Analyse EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 5 days Internationally recognised certification on completion. Different levels: Big Data Foundation Big Data Practitioner FT Instructor Led Big Data Foundation: What Are Big Data ?, Introduction to various Big Data analysis strategies, the principles of algorithms and analytics, the base of Big Data architecture principles, the base of Big Data systems Big Data Practitioner: The basic application of Big Data process in practice, the application of various Big Data analytics tools, the use of algorithms and analytics, Practical application of Big Data process, the Roadmap (Big Data architecture and systems) implementation Big Data in organizations, the quality of Big Data Data not available Data not available Also available as in-house or online training EUR 3628 - incl. BTW + EUR 200 (Big Data Foundation Exam) + EUR 250 (Big Data Practitioner Exam) EUR 3628 - incl. BTW + EUR 200 (Big Data Foundation Exam) + EUR 250 (Big Data Practitioner Exam) Some reductions available through individual tax returns The Big Data course is designed for anyone who wants to gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of Big Data. Data not available Data not available Big Data Foundation has no prerequisites. Big Data Pracititioner then it requires the two-day Big Data Foundation have been successfully completed. Check for next scheduled course Data not available Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG.
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Big Data Foundation EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 2 days Internationally recognised certification on completion. Different levels: Big Data Foundation FT Instructor Led Big Data Foundation: What Are Big Data ?, Introduction to various Big Data analysis strategies, the principles of algorithms and analytics, the base of Big Data architecture principles, the base of Big Data systems Data not available Data not available Also available as in-house or online training EUR 1450,- incl. BTW+ EUR 200 (Big Data Foundation Exam) EUR 1450,- incl. BTW+ EUR 200 (Big Data Foundation Exam) Data not available The course is for anyone dealing with (customer) big data within their organization and will lay a good theoretical basis for Big Data. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites Check for next scheduled course Data not available Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG.
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Big Data Architect EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 5 days Internationally recognised certification on completion. Different levels: Big Data Architect FT Instructor Led Deepening Foundation Designing Big Data Landscape Design Enterprise Architecture Advice and Facilitation Implementation Strategies Analysis Strategies Data not available Data not available Also available as in-house or online training EUR 3991,- incl. BTW + EUR 350 (Big Data Foundation Exam) EUR 3991,- incl. BTW + EUR 350 (Big Data Foundation Exam) Data not available Those in business who: Possess a strong conceptual ability. Will be able to conclude the exact business requirements to the Big Data landscape. Coach IT staff and will advise management (IT) on the Big Data architecture. Work at different organizational levels. Data not available Data not available Contact provider for next scheduled course Data not available Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG.
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Big Data Analyst EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 5 days Internationally recognised certification on completion. Different levels: Big Data Analyst FT Instructor Led Floor in Big Data Analytics Big Data Analytics Process Algorithms Designing Predictive Models Analytics Hands-On Data not available Data not available Also available as in-house or online training EUR 3991,- incl. BTW + EUR 350 (Big Data Analyst Exam) EUR 3991,- incl. BTW + EUR 350 (Big Data Analyst Exam) Data not available Intermediate to Advanced. It is assumed that participants have technical background knowledge. Data not available Data not available Big Data Foundation certificate and Big Data Practitioner certificate. Check for next scheduled course Data not available Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG.
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Big Data Programmer EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 7 days Internationally recognised certification on completion. Different levels: Big Data Programmer FT Instructor Led System Design System Realization and Documentation Testing Systems including Testware Administration Security Technical Support and Advice Data not available Java, C# and PHP Also available as in-house or online training EUR 5201,- incl. BTW + EUR 350 (Big Data Programmer) EUR 5201,- incl. BTW + EUR 350 (Big Data Programmer) Data not available Intermediate. Those entering the course should already have some technical background and be comfortable using PHP, C# and Java. Data not available Data not available Familiarity with Java programming language. Check for next scheduled course Data not available Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG.
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Data Analyse EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 5 days Internationally recognised certification on completion. Different levels: Data Analyse Foundation, Data Analyse Practitioner FT Instructor Led Data Analysis Foundation: What's (Big) Data Analysis?, Introduction to different (Big) Data analysis strategies, The principles of algorithms and analytics, The basic principles of data architecture, The basis of (Big) Data Analytics systems, Theory test Data Analysis Foundation. Data Analysis: Practitioner: The basic application of the data analysis process in the practice, Applying various Big Data analytics tools, The application of algorithms and analytics, Practical application of the process data (data analysis architecture and systems), The Roadmap implementation of data within organizations, The quality of the data Data not available Data not available Also available as in-house or online training EUR 3628 - incl. BTW + EUR 200 (Big Data Foundation Exam) + EUR 250 (Big Data Practitioner Exam) EUR 3628 - incl. BTW + EUR 200 (Big Data Foundation Exam) + EUR 250 (Big Data Practitioner Exam) Data not available The course is designed for anyone who wants to gain both theoretical and practical knowledge of data analysis. Intended to gain customer insight, improve decision making and personalization. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites for Data Analyse Foundation. Data Analyse Practitioner requires Data Analyse Foundation certificate. Check for next scheduled course Data not available Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG.
Modular Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Big Data Introduction to IT/Big Data Introduction to Management EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 1 day Once you have fully completed a course project, you will receive a certificate. This you can prove that you have participated in the training and have completed them successfully. Certificates can be issued in English. FT Instructor Led Overview of the Big Data landscape Applications for Big Data Solutions The basis of a Big Data solution Advantages and disadvantages between traditional BI and Big Data Solutions The range of Big Data solutions, open source and commercial solutions Cloud solutions Which analytical knowledge do I need? (Languages like R) New skills of the IT department Started with Big Data IT: a roadmap The main pitfalls Data not available Data not available Also available as in-house or online training EUR 724,- incl. BTW EUR 724,- incl. BTW Data not available Beginners. This course is intended as an introduction. IT professionals who want to know the impact of Big Data are for the IT department: programmers, methods, systems, strategy, etc. It is assumed that participants are currently working in the IT and basic things like databases, SQL and programming is available. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for next scheduled course Data not available Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG.
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Data Mining EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 5 days Once you have fully completed a course project, you will receive a certificate. This you can prove that you have participated in the training and have completed them successfully. Certificates can be issued in English. FT Instructor Led Introducing data mining Input Concepts Data preparation and exploratory research Data preprocessing, database cleanup, outliers Prediction models based on linear regression and data reduction Prediction models for classification of data Algorithms, decision trees and neural networks Rules regression and logistic regression Association rules, association and sequence analysis Visualization data mining Detecting anomalies Model evaluation techniques Data not available Data not available Also available as in-house or online training EUR 3023,- incl. BTW EUR 3023,- incl. BTW Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for next scheduled course Data not available Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG.
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Predictive Analytics EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 4 days Once you have fully completed a course project, you will receive a certificate. This you can prove that you have participated in the training and have completed them successfully. Certificates can be issued in English. FT Instructor Led Introduction: What is Big Data Advanced data mining Technology and tools (Hadoop, NoSQL, Cassandra) Prediction Model setting for regression in real-time transactions (Google API, Mahout) Collect data from various systems Classify data Data preparation for data system Data integrated into one system Data give meaning by machine learning Make predictions based on current data Optimizing model with new data Artificial intelligence Applications: predict customer behavior (regression analysis classification) Successful case studies Also available as in-house or online training Hadoop, Cassandra, Mahout Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG. EUR 2418,- incl. BTW EUR 2418,- incl. BTW Data not available Intermediate. For professionals in marketing, data analysis, strategy, business intelligence, as well as information managers, database professionals and anyone dealing in his job with (predicting) customer behavior. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for next scheduled course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Academy: Big Data Technology EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 4 days Once you have fully completed a course project, you will receive a certificate. This you can prove that you have participated in the training and have completed them successfully. Certificates can be issued in English. FT Instructor Led The impact of Big Data Datamining Databases (among others NoSQL, Cassandra, Mongo) Technical applications of Hadoop Big Data technologies Big Data and privacy Big Data in the Cloud Successful practical applications Your business case Also available as in-house or online training HDFS, Hive, Hbase, Map Reduce, JAQL, Pig, Flume, ZooKeeper, Mahout, Streams Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG. EUR 2418,- incl. BTW EUR 2418,- incl. BTW Data not available Advanced. Course is intended for IT specialists and programmers involved in the technical design and development of Big Data projects Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for next scheduled course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Apache Mahout EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 5 days Once you have fully completed a course project, you will receive a certificate. This you can prove that you have participated in the training and have completed them successfully. Certificates can be issued in English. FT Instructor Led Introduction Mahout, Mahout with Hadoop, Solve common business problems, Common filtering, Recommendation, Classification, Clustering, K-means, K-means Fuzze, Dirchlet, an interactive community Successful case studies, tips and tricks Also available as in-house or online training Apache Mahout Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG. EUR 2799,- incl. BTW EUR 2799,- incl. BTW Data not available Advanced. Course is intended for IT specialists and programmers involved in the technical design and development of Big Data projects Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for next scheduled course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Apache Pig EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 4 days Once you have fully completed a course project, you will receive a certificate. This you can prove that you have participated in the training and have completed them successfully. Certificates can be issued in English. FT Instructor Led Introduction Pig, architecture Pig, committed Pig, Executive Mode, Interactive Mode, Batch Mode, Pig Latin, data loading, working with data, store interim results, store Final results, Pig Latin debugging, character Pig, Pig Tutorial, execute scripts in local mode, scripts run in mapreduce fashion, Pig Tutorial files Pig script 1: query phrase popularity, Pig script 2: temporary query phrase popularity, successful case studies, tips and tricks Also available as in-house or online training Apache Pig Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG. EUR 2899,- incl. BTW EUR 2899,- incl. BTW Data not available Advanced. Course is intended for IT specialists and programmers involved in the technical design and development of Big Data projects Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for next scheduled course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Apache Hadoop EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 5 days Once you have fully completed a course project, you will receive a certificate. This you can prove that you have participated in the training and have completed them successfully. Certificates can be issued in English. FT Instructor Led Introduction to Apache Hadoop, What is Apache Hadoop and what you use it ?, Architecture of the framework, Hadoop Common utilities, Installing Apache Hadoop, Single node setup, Cluster setup, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), introduction HDFS, Name nodes and data nodes, HDFS configuration management systems HDFS, MapReduce, Introduction MapReduce, MapReduce Jobs, write MapReduce applications, Hadoop in practice, case studies, Use of Apache Hadoop in your business case Also available as in-house or online training Apache Hadoop Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG. EUR 2499,- incl. BTW EUR 2499,- incl. BTW Data not available Advanced. This course is intended for developers to learn to use the Apache Hadoop environment. We assume that you have experience with Java and network and systems management in Linux. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for next scheduled course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Apache CouchDB EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 5 days Once you have fully completed a course project, you will receive a certificate. This you can prove that you have participated in the training and have completed them successfully. Certificates can be issued in English. FT Instructor Led Introduction to CouchDB, document-oriented databases, Architecture CouchDB, Installation Creating Linux, Futon management interface, database and documents, Replication implement, compaction and import / export in CouchDB, JSON, JSON CouchDB design and definition of documents and views, Using Views, Views in Futon, Definition of views with the CouchDB API aggregation features, ordering and filtering in view results, MapReduce, Principles of MapReduce, MapReduce with Futon and CouchDB, Management CouchDB, Performance monitoring in CouchDB with the stats URI Implementation backup and security in CouchDB, clustering, fault tolerance and load balancing, Development, Connection with CouchDB in programming languages, application of CouchDB in applications Also available as in-house or online training CouchDB Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG. EUR 2499,- incl. BTW EUR 2499,- incl. BTW Data not available Advanced. This course is intended for system and network administrators and architects. We assume that you have some experience with JSON, JavaScript, databases, network and systems management in Linux. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for next scheduled course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Apache MongoDB EduVision Multiple: Europe Utrecht (other locations available) Native language 5 days Once you have fully completed a course project, you will receive a certificate. This you can prove that you have participated in the training and have completed them successfully. Certificates can be issued in English. FT Instructor Led Introduction MongoDB, document-oriented databases, Architecture MongoDB, JSON MongoDB, When and Why ?, deploy MongoDB MongoDB Installation, start and stop servers MongoDB, JavaScript console Using MongoDB, management tools and clients, Database, collections and create documents, selections and processing of data, indices, MapReduce, Management MongoDB, Performance profiler and monitoring Implementation of backup and security MongoDB, clustering, fault tolerance and load balancing, Development, MongoDB drivers, Connection with MongoDB in programming languages, application of MongoDB in applications, Alternative Also available as in-house or online training MongoDB Industry clients: KLM, Wolkswagen, Interpolis, IMG. EUR 2499,- incl. BTW EUR 2499,- incl. BTW Data not available Advanced. This course is designed for developers and IT managers and IT architects. We assume that you have some experience with JSON, JavaScript, databases, network and systems management in Linux. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for next scheduled course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data: The Business of Tomorrow ExperTeach Multiple: Europe Frankfurt Native language 2 days A number of different certification schemes available FT Instructor Led What's behind Big Data? Application Scenarios for Big Data Storage of Large Data Volumes in Distributed File Systems MapReduce Procedure and CAP Theorem NoSQL Databases Software Solutions for Big Data: Hadoop and Cassandra IT Architectures for Big Data Data not available NoSQL, MapReduce, Hadoop, Cassandra, Pig, Hive, Mahout, HBase, Sqoop, Flume, Chukwa, Oozie, Zookeeper, Ambari, R Connector, Spark, SAP HANA Data not available EUR 1,395.00 EUR 1,395.00 Data not available Beginner. The course at hand is tailor-made for all those who want to design, evaluate and implement Big Data solutions. Data not available Data not available Specific technical know-how is not required. Anyone who is interested in Big Data solutions in terms of application scenarios and technical implementation will benefit from this course. Latest course dates Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Tailor Made Data ExperTeach Netwroking Courses ExperTeach Multiple: Europe Frankfurt Native language Variable Data not available FT Instructor Led Companies can request course content based around existing Experteach packages relevant to Data Science: Cloud Services & Virtualization, Strategies & Design, Big Data, Storage, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) Data not available NoSQL, MapReduce, Hadoop, Cassandra, Pig, Hive, Mahout, HBase, Sqoop, Flume, Chukwa, Oozie, Zookeeper, Ambari, R Connector, Spark, SAP HANA Data not available Quote dependent on course content, location and target audience. Quote dependent on course content, location and target audience. Data not available Commisioning company decides target audience. Data not available Data not available Commisioning company decides prerequisite knowledge. N/A N/A Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Module A: Methods from Maths and Informatics SmaPro Austria Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Course 1: Knowledge Discovery Course 2: Formal Methods Course 3: Big Data, analysis of unstructured data Data not available OWL, RFD Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Representatives from the Industrie 4.0 sector. Data not available Data not available N/A N/A Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development What is Data Science? [Understanding the DNA of Data Science] Persontyle United Kingdom London English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led An Introduction to Data Science What Do We Mean By Data Science History of Data Science What Makes Data Science Different? Role of the Data Scientist - Debunking Myths Understanding What Makes a Data Scientist What Does It Take To Create A Data Science Capability? The Data Scientist�s Toolbox � Languages, Platforms, Tools and Industry Solutions Component Parts of Data Science and Engineering a Data Science Solution Data Science Life Cycle � A Strategy to Approach Any Data Analytics Problems Basic Data Science Methods and Machine Learning Fundamentals Overview of Data Engineering � Capturing, Storing and Processing Data Also available as in-house or online training Data not available Data not available GBP 350 GBP 350 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Entry level course for data science but technical background is required. Data not available Data not available Undergraduate degree in maths, the sciences, computer science or a business major with a quantitative element. Participants need to bring their own laptops. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science for Business [Data Science as Value Amplifier for CXOs] Persontyle United Kingdom London English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led An Introduction to Data Science, What Do We Mean By Data Science, What Makes Data Science Different?, Data Science as Strategy and a Management Discipline, Reasoning, Decision Making and Relevance to Data Science, What Does It Take To Create A Data Science Capability?, Component Parts of Data Science and Engineering a Data Science Solution, Data Science Life Cycle � A Strategy to Approach Any Data Analytics Problems, Overview of Data Engineering and Big Data Technologies, Guest Speakers to Discuss Data Science Use Cases, Case Studies and Data Driven Transformations Also available as in-house or online training Data not available Data not available GBP 600 GBP 600 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Beginners. Anyone interested in economic, social and business potential of Data Science. CXOs, executives, managers, decision makers, business and technology professionals interested in understanding how to apply Data Science for value, for impact and achieving strategic, economic and social objectives. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of statistics, analytics, and data management will help you connect more with the topics and learning outcomes. Participants need to bring their own laptops. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Getting Started With R and Data Analysis [Learn R for Effective Data Analysis] Persontyle United Kingdom London English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Overview and introduction to R, Getting started and working with data, Reading and writing data with R, Programming efficiently in R, Visualizing data and Exploratory Data Analysis Also available as in-house or online training Data not available Data not available GBP 350 GBP 350 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Beginners. Business professionals, data analysts, technologists, journalists, software developers, academics and students who already have some basic competence in using statistics but wish to begin using R for the first time. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of statistics and programming languages. Participants need to bring their own laptops. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Machine Learning [Algorithms that learn from Data and Examples] Persontyle United Kingdom London English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Problem solving in nature and the role of evolution Machine Learning and Structure and function of the human brain Machine Learning and artificial intelligence Machine Learning algorithms (kNN, perceptron, decision tree, ...) Introduction to advanced methods (random forest, SVM, Bayes nets, ..) Current hot topics, state of the art applications, and pointers for further learning Also available as in-house or online training 10% of the course is hands on lab-based. Data not available GBP 350 GBP 350 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Beginners. No prior knowledge of machine learning is expected. Data not available Data not available Participants need to bring their own laptops. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introducing Python For Data Science [Python for Beginners] Persontyle United Kingdom London English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Data not available Also available as in-house or online training 50% of the course is hands on lab-based. Data not available GBP 350 GBP 350 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Beginners. For developers, programmers, data analyst, teachers, students and any one interested in using Python for scientific data analysis. Data not available Data not available Knowledge of some programming language and familiarity with linear algebra and statistics. (optional but preferred) Participants need to bring their own laptops. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Statistics 101 Persontyle United Kingdom London English 2 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Data not available Also available as in-house or online training 50% of the course is hands on lab-based. Data not available GBP 700 GBP 700 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Beginners. A refresher for those who have studied statistics before and great introduction to statistics for new learners. Data not available Data not available An undergraduate degree in the physical or social sciences or a business major where some statistical analysis was required to draw conclusions from data sets. Participants need to bring their own laptops. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Machine Learning Basics with R [Classification and Regression Methods] Persontyle United Kingdom London English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led What Machine Learning entails and why it is important The different types of Learning, especially Supervised Learning How Classification and Regression fit in Machine Learning Understand types of classifiers Applied details of following algorithms: Decision Tree and basic overview of Random Forests k Nearest Neighbour (kNN) and a few of its variants Bayes Classifier How to use these algorithms in a variety of benchmark datasets How to fine-tune these algorithms for better performance Validation metrics for a classifier's performance (ROC curve, Accuracy Rate, F1-metric) The various libraries in R for these types of classifiers Which algorithm to choose based on the data you have Data transformation Also available as in-house or online training 50% of the course is hands on lab-based. Data not available GBP 700 GBP 700 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. Anyone interested in learning and applying supervised machine learning methods and R to solve real-world data problems. Ideal for people interested in pursuing career in data science.This hands-on workshop is aimed at business and technology professionals, Developer, Architect, Manager, Data Analyst, BI Developer/Architect, QA, Performance Engineers, Sales, Pre Sales and Marketing, Project Manager, Public Services, Teaching Staff and all those who already have some basic competence in statistics but wish to begin using R for machine learning for the first time. Data not available Data not available Knowledge of R programming language and familiarity with linear algebra. Basic familiarity with statistics and probability theory is recommended. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Get Started in Machine Learning Persontyle United Kingdom London English 4 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Doing Machine Learning - Review fundamentals of practical Machine Learning Basics of Python programming language and environment. Scientific Python building blocks and workflow Overview of Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python Our first Machine Learning Application - K Nearest Neighbours Generally Applied Algorithms and Applications Dimensionality Reduction - Reducing the number of random variables to consider Clustering - Automatic grouping of similar objects into sets. Basics of Crab - Recommender systems in Python Understand how the structure and function of the human brain is different from a computer and how this affects learning in each. Define Machine Learning, why it matters, and discuss its relationship to data mining, data science, and statistics. Understand the steps in the machine learning pipeline, from data acquisition and feature generation, to training and model selection. Overview of core Machine Learning terminology i.e. features, instance, model selection, bias, variance, generalization, precision, etc. Review of the fundamentals of linear algebra, calculus, statistics, and probability theory. BigML - Putting the power of Machine Learning in your hands Also available as in-house or online training 50% of the course is hands on lab-based. Python Scikit Learn Data not available GBP 1,500 GBP 1,500 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. This course is well-suited to machine learning beginners or those with some experience. Business professionals, data analysts, technologists, journalists, software developers, academics Data not available Data not available Basic understanding of calculus, statistics, probability theory, linear algebra. This will be refreshed but not in detail. Basic knowledge of python is required. All lab sessions will be done using IPython notebooks and Scikit-learn. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Data Science Using R Persontyle United Kingdom London English 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led An Introduction to Data Science Component, Parts of Data Science - Engineering a Data Science solution, Data Science Life Cycle � A strategy to approach any data analytics problems. Overview and Introduction to R, Getting started and working with data, Reading and writing data with R, Programming efficiently in R, Descriptive Statistics and Introduction to Probability Distributions, Visualizing data and Exploratory Data Analysis, Real World Data Challenge � Part 1, Statistics and Modelling in R, Fit a model to data in R, Explore data sets with models, Basic statistical tests, power, and sample size functions, Correlation and Regression, Pearson, Spearman, Kendall correlations. Linear Regression � residuals, fitted values, predictions and confidence intervals. Multiple Regression, Analysis of Variance, Linear Models, Logistic Regression, Real World Data Challenge � Part 2 Also available as in-house or online training 40% of the course is hands on lab-based. Data not available GBP 1,000 GBP 1,000 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. This course is well-suited to machine learning beginners or those with some experience. Business professionals, data analysts, technologists, journalists, software developers, academics Data not available Data not available Basic understanding of calculus, statistics, probability theory, linear algebra. This will be refreshed but not in detail. Basic knowledge of python is required. All lab sessions will be done using IPython notebooks and Scikit-learn. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Basics of Python for Data Science Persontyle United Kingdom London English 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Data not available Also available as in-house or online training 50% of the course is hands on lab-based. Data not available GBP 1,000 GBP 1,000 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. Anyone interested in learning Python for Data Science. Data not available Data not available Knowledge of some programming language (does not have to be Python) and familiarity with linear algebra (optional but preferred). This is not a computer science class, understanding of basic programming concepts (like looping, recursion, pointers, etc.) are presupposed. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science Foundation Bootcamp Persontyle United Kingdom London English 2 weeks Data not available FT Instructor Led Elementary Statistics And Probability Introduction To R Applied Statistics And Machine Learning For Data Science (I) Data Science Life-Cycle Data At Scale Also available as in-house or online training 40% of the course is hands on lab-based. Data not available GBP 2,500 GBP 2,500 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. Anyone interested in learning Data Science. Especially if you want to learn Data Science to strengthen your existing career prospects, or planning to embark on a new career. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of statistics, any programming/scripting language, and databases. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Data Visualization [Storytelling with Data] Persontyle United Kingdom London English 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Data not available Also available as in-house or online training 40% of the course is hands on lab-based. D3. Data not available Not specified Not specified Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. This course is for technology & business professionals, analysts, journalists, or anyone interested in understanding what data visualization is and how to create their own data visualizations using D3. Data not available Data not available Some familiarity with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Fundamentals of Machine Learning Persontyle United Kingdom London English 5 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Topics covered will include machine learning theory, paradigms (supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement, active and online), and techniques (models and methods). Labs are developed to practically learn how to use the R programming language and packages for applying the main concepts and techniques of machine learning. Also available as in-house or online training 40% of the course is hands on lab-based. Data not available GBP 1,500 GBP 1,500 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. This course is intended for those who have applied machine learning in their current job roles and would like to take this a little further with academic rigor as well as some hands on practice using R. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra to understand equations involving vectors and matrices. Knowledge of probability theory to understand what a probability density is. Programming proficiency in R. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Cluster Analysis with R Persontyle United Kingdom London English 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Data preparation and various clustering algorithms and visualization methods with the help of R and R clustering packages. Examples will include real world applications in drug discovery, bioinformatics, social media, management science, finance, ecology, and others. Specific applications will include drug compound library design and diversity, gene expression, community detection, customer segmentation, species ordination, QSAR (Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship), among others. Also available as in-house or online training 50% of the course is hands on lab-based. R Data not available GBP 1,000 GBP 1,000 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. This course is intended for those who are currently working as data analysts, programmers, market researchers with limited exposure to clustering techniques and algorithms as well as those looking to move into the field. Data not available Data not available Students should have at least passing familiarity with the following topics: probability theory, statistics, matrix algebra, and programming in R. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Machine Learning Persontyle United Kingdom London English 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led This course systematically tackles a wide range of statistical machine learning methods. It clearly builds upon the relationship that advanced methods have with simpler concepts like linear regression and kernel density estimation to make us understand the working of powerful techniques like support vector machines and neural networks. Also available as in-house or online training 40% of the course is hands on lab-based. R Data not available GBP 1,000 GBP 1,000 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. This course is for data scientists, data analysts, or anyone interested in understanding the advanced machine learning methods, how they fit together and how they can be applied using R Data not available Data not available Programming proficiency in R. Basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra to understand simple equations involving vectors and matrices. Enough knowledge of probability theory to understand what probability density is. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Directed Graphical Models Persontyle United Kingdom London English 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led In this course, we look at what graphical models are, how they can perform the tasks like root cause analysis/causal diagnostics, decision support and automation, and how they can be constructed either from expert knowledge or data. Focus will be on applying these techniques to case studies selected to highlight the different applications of graphical models. Also available as in-house or online training 40% of the course is hands on lab-based. D3. Data not available GBP 1,000 GBP 1,000 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. This course is for data scientists, technology professionals, systems engineers, data analysts, or anyone interested in understanding the use and value of DGMs within their field. Data not available Data not available Programming proficiency in R. Basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra to understand simple equations involving vectors and matrices. Enough knowledge of probability theory to understand what probability density is. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Hadoop as an Enterprise Data Platform Persontyle, MapR United Kingdom London English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led This course will take you through an overview of the Hadoop ecosystem focusing on the business case for using Hadoop as an enterprise data platform. Also available as in-house or online training 20% of the course is hands on lab-based. Hadoop. Data not available GBP 350.00 GBP 1,500 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Advanced. This course is for technology professionals, business professionals, architects, or anyone interested in understanding the Hadoop and learning how Apache Hadoop addresses the limitations of traditional architectures and powers massive scale data analytics. Data not available Data not available No prior Hadoop experience is required. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Hadoop for Solution Architects Persontyle, MapR United Kingdom London English 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Gain a clear perspective on architectures, techniques, tools, and frameworks you need to use data successfully. In this course participant�s work together to understand a given problem, define scope, create an architecture to address the problem, and brainstorm solutions. Also available as in-house or online training 40% of the course is hands on lab-based. Hadoop. Data not available GBP 700.00 GBP 1,000 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Advanced. Solution Architects, Technology Professionals and IT Consultants. Data not available Data not available Good understanding of system architecture, Hadoop and big data technologies. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Hadoop for Data Scientists Persontyle, MapR United Kingdom London English 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led This course will teach you how to query Hadoop data with filters, joins, user-defined functions, and more. Learn the fundamentals of data transformation, ingestion, and processing with Hadoop tools. Learning outcomes will cover joining multiple data sets, analyzing disparate data with Pig, organizing data into tables, performing transformations, and simplifying complex queries. Also available as in-house or online training 40% of the course is hands on lab-based. Hadoop. Data not available GBP 700.00 GBP 1,000 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. This course is designed for Data Scientists and Analysts with a basic understanding of Hadoop and MapReduce who need to extract and process data stored on Hadoop. Data not available Data not available Practical experience of SQL and basic UNIX or Linux commands. Basic understanding of Hadoop and MapReduce programming. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Apache Mahout for Machine Learning Persontyle, MapR United Kingdom London English 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led This course will introduce you to the fundamentals of the machine learning methods supported by Mahout i.e. collaborative filtering, clustering and classification and overview of recommendation platform. Hands-on insight on how to write different machine learning algorithms to be used in the Hadoop environment and choose the best one suiting the task in hand. Also available as in-house or online training 40% of the course is hands on lab-based. Hadoop, Mahout Data not available GBP 700.00 GBP 1,000 Early bird discounts and scholarships available Intermediate. Data Scientists, Programmers and Software Engineers who wish to learn more about machine learning and Apache Mahout. Data not available Data not available Practical experience of Hadoop and MapReduce programming. Basic knowledge of calculus, linear algebra and statistics. Check for next scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Customized Corporate Data Science Training Persontyle United Kingdom London English Data not available Data not available FT Instructor Led Courses can be tailored for your business and learning needs. We will work with you to design the curriculum and labs that best address your analytical goals and business requirements. This approach ensures that Data Science training is focused on your issues, business challenges, strategies, and opportunities. Data not available Data not available Data not available Ask provider for quote Ask provider for quote Data not available Corporate Data Science training is for people to take the next step to learn more about statistics, model development, Data Science lifecycle, machine learning, data management, data visualization and other decision making skills and concepts. Data not available Data not available Contact provider for timing and prices Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Foundation Tools Learning Path SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training offered throughout Europe English, native language Variable Data not available FT Instructor Led Available Course Streams: Programming SAS Grid Manager SAS Enterprise Guide Data not available Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Variable dependent on course Some discounts possible Variable dependent on course Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Business Intelligence and Analytics Learning Path SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training offered throughout Europe English, native language Variable Data not available FT Instructor Led Available Course Streams: SAS Office Analytics SAS Visual Analytics SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence Data not available Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Variable dependent on course Some discounts possible Variable dependent on course Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Strategies and Concepts for Data Scientists and Business Analysts SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training offered throughout Europe English, native language 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Overview, Segmentation, Predictive Modeling, Design of Experiments, Unstructured Data, Communicating Your Results Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS Text Miner, SAS Model Manager, SAS Visual Statistics, SAS Factory Miner software Data not available GBP 1980, EUR 2130 GBP 1980, EUR 2130 Some discounts possible Advanced. Statisticians, market researchers, information technology professionals, data scientists, and business analysts who want to make better use of their data Data not available Data not available College-level course in statistics, covering distribution analysis, hypothesis testing, and regression techniques or have equivalent knowledge. Offered for free by SAS online within "Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression course." Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Building Recommender Systems with SAS and Hadoop SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Introduction, Data Science Overview, Apache Hadoop Overview, Use Cases, Project Lifecycle, Data Acquisition, Evaluating Input Data, Data Transformation, Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Recommender Overview, Implementing Recommenders with MapReduce and SAS, Experimentation and Evaluation, Production Deployment and Beyond, Conclusion Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. Apache Hadoop, SAS, MapReduce Data not available GBP 1320, GBP 1320, Some discounts possible Advanced. Data scientists, SAS programmers, and statisticians who have some basic familiarity with Apache Hadoop. Data not available Data not available Before attending this course, participants must be familiar with Base SAS software, be able to write basic SQL queries, have predictive modeling knowledge at the level acquired in Predictive Modeling Using Logistic Regression (SAS Course), have a basic understanding of Apache Hadoop at the level acquired in Introduction to SAS and Hadoop. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Introduction to SAS and Hadoop SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Introduction Accessing HDFS and Invoking Hadoop Applications from SAS Using the SQL Pass-Through Facility Using the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME Engine Partitioning and Clustering Hive Tables Overview of SAS In-Memory Analytics and the Code Accelerator for Hadoop Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. SQL, Hadoop, SAS, Hive, Pig, MapReduce Data not available GBP 990, GBP 990, Some discounts possible Advanced. SAS programmers that need to access data in Hadoop from within SAS. Data not available Data not available Before attending this course, participants should be comfortable programming in SAS and Structured Query Language (SQL). Eg. SAS SQL 1: Essentials course, SAS Programming 1: Essentials course. A working knowledge of Hadoop is helpful. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Working with SAS Data Loader 2.3 for Hadoop. SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Introduction, SAS Data Loader Overview, Methodology and Course Flow, Acquiring and Discovering Data, Transforming and Transposing Data, Cleansing Data, Integrating Data, Delivering Data, Additional Topics Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. Data not available Data not available GBP 990, GBP 990, Some discounts possible Business Users who interact with data, perform data discovery, query data, and ensure that data is in the proper place and format for other users; Data Analysts, Data Scientists, and Statisticians who review results of data discovery activities, create new tables, create new data elements, change the format/structure of data tables to view it in a variety of ways, manipulate and score data elements, and load data for use by other users; and Data Management Specialists who apply enterprise standards to the data, ensure data quality throughout the enterprise, move data into and out of the Hadoop cluster, and optimize code running in the Hadoop cluster Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Text Analytics and Sentiment Mining Using SAS SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Text Analytics and Sentiment Mining Getting Textual Data into SAS Enterprise Miner and SAS Text Miner Text Parsing and Using Term by Document Matrix Clustering and Topic Extraction Predictive Modeling and Text Rule Builder Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining Content Categorization, Concept Extraction, Wrap-up, and Takeaways Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. Apache Hadoop, SAS, MapReduce Data not available GBP 990, EUR 1400 GBP 990, EUR 1400 Some discounts possible Business analysts, web analysts, BI professionals, customer intelligence professionals, data analysts, market researchers, marketing analysts, social media analysts, text analysts, and data miners who want to learn how to effectively use text data to generate customer insights and to understand and predict customer sentiments Data not available Data not available Some experience with SAS and SAS Enterprise Miner is useful, but it is not mandatory. No experience with text analysis is necessary. This course addresses SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS Text Miner, SAS Text Analytics software. The demonstrations and exercises in this course primarily use SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS Text Miner, SAS Sentiment Analysis Studio, and SAS Content Categorization Studio. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Text Analytics Using SAS Text Miner SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Introduction to SAS Enterprise Miner and SAS Text Miner Overview of Text Analytics Algorithmic and Methodological Considerations in Text Mining Additional Ideas and Nodes Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. Apache Hadoop, SAS, MapReduce Data not available GBP 1320, GBP 1320, Some discounts possible Advanced. Statisticians, business analysts, and market researchers who incorporate free-format textual information in their analyses; managers of large document collections who must organize and select documents using data mining; students of data mining who want to learn about text mining Data not available Data not available Before attending this course, you should have experience using SAS Enterprise Miner to do pattern discovery and predictive modeling, or you should complete the Applied Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Miner course.A three-day version of this course contains the appropriate introductory material for using SAS Enterprise Miner. For the three-day course, you should also be acquainted with Microsoft Windows and Windows-based software have at least an introductory-level familiarity with basic statistics and regression modeling. Previous SAS software experience, especially SAS Enterprise Miner, is helpful but not required. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Social Network Analysis for Business Applications. SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Fundamental Concepts in Network Analysis Formal Methods for Network Analysis Sub-Networks Detection and Analysis Measures of Power in Network Analysis Graph Optimization Business Applications Based on Network Analysis Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. Data not available Data not available GBP 1485, EUR 2100 GBP 1485, EUR 2100 Some discounts possible Intermediate. Business analysts, statisticians, mathematicians, network engineers, computer scientists, data analysts, data scientists, quantitative analysts, data miners, marketing analysts, risk and fraud analysts, analytical model developers, and marketing modelers in all industries, including but not limited to communications and entertainment, banking and finance, insurance and retailers Data not available Data not available To complete exercises with classroom software, you should have at least a beginner background in statistics and mathematics, and be minimally familiar with SAS programming. However, if you are more interested in exposure to concepts and understanding the power of social network analytics, and you intend not to use software, you will still benefit from this course. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Predictive Modeling Using Logistic Regression. SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Predictive Modeling Fitting the Model Preparing the Input Variables Classifier Performance Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. SAS/STAT Software Data not available GBP 990, EUR 1400 GBP 990, EUR 1400 Some discounts possible Intermediate. Modelers, analysts and statisticians who need to build predictive models, particularly models from the banking, financial services, direct marketing, insurance and telecommunications industries Data not available Data not available Before attending this course, you should have experience executing SAS programs and creating SAS data sets, which you can gain from the SAS Programming 2: Data Manipulation Techniques course have experience building statistical models using SAS software have completed a statistics course that covers linear regression and logistic regression, such as the Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression course. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Survival Data Mining: A Programming Approach. SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Survival Data Mining Survival Models Flexible Hazard Modeling Hazard Modeling with Big Data Predictive Performance Recurrent Events Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. SAS/STAT Software, DATAstep, SQL Data not available GBP 1485, EUR 2100 GBP 1485, EUR 2100 Some discounts possible Advanced. Predictive modelers, data analysts, statisticians, econometricians, model validators, and data scientists. Data not available Data not available Before attending this course, you should have a basic understanding of survival analysis have experience with predictive modeling, particularly with logistic regression be familiar with statistical concepts such as random variables, probability distributions, and parameter estimation be familiar with SQL (including topics such as sub-queries and left-joining) have SAS programming proficiency. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Advanced Predictive Modeling Using SAS Enterprise Miner. SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led SAS Enterprise Miner Prediction Fundamentals SAS Enterprise Miner prediction setup Advanced Methods for Unsupervised Dimension Reduction Advanced Methods for Interval Variable Selection Advanced Methods for Nominal Variable Selection and Model Assessment Advanced Predictive Models Multiple Target Prediction Tips and Tricks with SAS Enterprise Miner Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. SAS Enterprise Miner Data not available GBP 1320, GBP 1320, Some discounts possible Advanced predictive modelers who use Enterprise Miner Data not available Data not available Before attending this course, it is recommended that you have completed the Applied Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Miner course have some experience with creating and managing SAS data sets, which you can gain from the SAS Programming 1: Essentials course have some experience building statistical models using SAS/STAT software have completed a statistics course that covers linear regression and logistic regression. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). Applied Analytics Using SAS Enterprise Miner. SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 3 days Predictive Modeler Certification. FT Instructor Led Introduction Accessing and Assaying Prepared Data Introduction to Predictive Modeling: Predictive Modeling Fundamentals and Decision Trees introduction Introduction to Predictive Modeling: Regressions Introduction to Predictive Modeling: Neural Networks and Other Modeling Tools Model Assessment Model Implementation Introduction to Pattern Discovery Special Topics SAS Rapid Predictive Modeler Case Studies Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. SAS Enterprise Miner Data not available GBP 1485, EUR 2100 GBP 1485, EUR 2100 Some discounts possible Intermediate. Introductory course for SAS Enterprise software but technical background is assumed. Data analysts, qualitative experts, and others who want an introduction to SAS Enterprise Miner Data not available Data not available Before attending this course, you should be acquainted with Microsoft Windows and Windows software. In addition, you should have at least an introductory-level familiarity with basic statistics and regression modeling. Previous SAS software experience is helpful but not required. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path (Data Scientist). SAS Visual Statistics: Interactive Model Building SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Introduction to SAS Visual Statistics Cluster Segmentation Models with Continuous Targets Models with Categorical Targets Model Comparison and Assessment Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. SAS Visual Statistics Software Data not available GBP 790 GBP 790 Some discounts possible Intermediate. Predictive modelers, business analysts, and data scientists who want to take advantage of SAS Visual Statistics for highly interactive, rapid model fitting. Data not available Data not available Before attending this course, you should have an understanding of regression and logistic regression analysis for predictive modeling. You can gain this knowledge from the Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression course. You should also have experience using SAS Visual Analytics, which you can gain from the SAS Visual Analytics: Getting Started course. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Advanced Analytics Learning Path SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training at different locations in Europe English, native language Variable Data not available FT Instructor Led Available Course Sterams: Statistical Analysis Data Scientist Forecasting and Econometrics Data Mining Text Analytics Optimization and Simulation JMP Statistical Analysis Combination of scheduled, instructor-led classroom or Live Web sessions with small-group discussion, readings, and hands-on software demonstrations, for a highly engaging learning experience. Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Variable dependent on course Some discounts possible Variable dependent on course Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Management Learning Path SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training offered throughout Europe English, native language Variable Data not available FT Instructor Led Available Course Streams: Data Integration Data Quality Data Governance SAS/ACCESS Administration Data not available Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Variable dependent on course Some discounts possible Variable dependent on course Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Solutions for Hadoop Learning Path SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training offered throughout Europe English, native language Variable Data not available FT Instructor Led Available Course Streams: Data Management for Hadoop Model Deployment and Execution For the Data Scientist SAS In-Memory Statistics for Hadoop Data not available Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Variable dependent on course Some discounts possible Variable dependent on course Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development High-Performance Analytics Learning Path SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training offered throughout Europe English, native language Variable Data not available FT Instructor Led Available Course Streams: SAS High-Performance Analytics SAS for Hadoop SAS In-Memory Statistics for Hadoop Data not available Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Variable dependent on course Some discounts possible Variable dependent on course Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development SAS Solutions Learning Path SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training offered throughout Europe English, native language Variable Data not available FT Instructor Led Available Course Streams: Customer Intelligence Fraud and Security Intelligence Risk Management Merchandise Intelligence IT Intelligence Health and Life Sciences Supply Chain Intelligence Performance Management Data not available Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Variable dependent on course Some discounts possible Variable dependent on course Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Administration Learning Path SAS Academy of Data Science Multiple: Europe, Worldwide North Carolina (USA) but training offered throughout Europe English, native language Variable Data not available FT Instructor Led Available Course Streams: SAS Platform Application/Technology Area Solutions Data not available Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Variable dependent on course Some discounts possible Variable dependent on course Data not available Data not available Variable dependent on course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Scientist Training Series: Security and Privacy for Big Data Frauenhofer Institut Germany Sankt Augustin Native language 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Day 1: Data security Objectives and implementation, security challenges, access control, Cryptologic principles Day 2: Privacy Privacy by design, Privacy goals and laws, anonymity and pseudonymity methods for improving data protection Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 1,900 EUR 1,900 Data not available ICT professionals and data analysts who are designing or building systems that process large amounts of digital data. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge about Big Data and IT Check for latest scheduled dates Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Scientist Training Series: Data Scientist for Smart Energy Systems Frauenhofer Institut Germany Kaiserslauten Native language 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Day 1: The power grid of the future Important technological terms and regulatory conditions, market trends and the importance of information technology, data sources (EEX, Smart Meters, metadata, PV, etc.), The role of forecasts and Introduction to Data Science, Applications and Examples Day 2: Data Science for smart energy networks Hands-on: Data Visualization with Python, The analysis workflow, Hands-on: pre-processing and statistical analysis, Hands-on: methods for detection of outliers, Hands-on: Introduction to machine learning techniques Day 3: Technologies for Big Data Science Overview of technologies for processing Big Data as Hadoop, Spark and GPI Space, Hands-on: � Apache Spark, database technologies, Message Broker and Cloud Computing, Message Broker and database technologies, selection of appropriate technologies, hands-on: Introduction the Big Data processing with GPI Space and complementary tools for smart energy networks Data not available Hadoop, Spark and GPI Space, Apache Spark, Python Data not available EUR 3,350 EUR 3,350 Data not available Professionals from the energy industry, ICT architects and developers with energy industry background Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge about the energy grid and IT, preferably also in Linux, C++ und Python Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Scientist Training Series: Data Scientist for Smart Buildings Frauenhofer Institut Germany Sankt Augustin English, native language 3 days Data not available FT Instructor led Day 1: Data-based analysis and modeling: Data Cleansing: Failure Detection and errors, reconstruction, Visualization and analysis, Data-based modeling: Empirical models, Energy Alarming: energetic error states, Model predictive control, Case study Day 2: Physico-empirical modeling and simulation: Data Mining, Modeling of energy networks and their elements, Simulation of energy networks, Graph Mining, Process Mining, Case Study Part I: use of Apache Spark, MYNTS & DesParO Day 3: process and cost optimization, Hands-On Optimization methods and selection, Multi-objective optimization, Robust optimization, Overview of common software, Case Study Part II: Hands-On Data not available Apache Spark, MYNTS & DesParO Data not available EUR 3,350 EUR 3,350 Data not available Practitioners, consultants, engineers, deciders responsible for / supporting (energy) management of building infrastructure, computing centres, production Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge about mathematics, IT, natural science, engineering or relevant professional experience. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Scientist Training Series: Mastering Variant Complexity Frauenhofer Institut Germany Kaiserslauten Native language 3 days + 2 days online learning Data not available FT Instructor led Complexity drivers and challenges. Principles and concepts of strategic reuse and system and software product line engineering. Integrated planning of variants in scoping. Feature and variability modelling. Reuse-enabling requirements engineering. Designing product line and platform architectures. Implementation and quality assurance. Lifecycle management of reusable building blocks. Impact on the organizational processes and structures. Practical adoption of variation management approaches. Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 1,700 EUR 1,700 Data not available Product line managers, innovation managers, portfolio managers, heads of marketing, system architects, as well as engineers with a focus on software engineering and embedded systems. Data not available Data not available Knowledge in the areas of mathematics, IT, natural sciences, engineering, or corresponding practical experience, English. Check for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Scientist Basics Frauenhofer Institut Germany Various: Germany Native language 4.5 days Certification exam held on Day 6 (Certified Data Scientist) FT Instructor Led Day 1: Big Data Systems Day 2: Data Analysis Day 3: Data Analysis, Data Protection and Security Day 4: Data Management Day 5: Potential Analysis for Big Data Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 4,900.00 EUR 4,900.00 Data not available Beginner/Intermediate. Executives, project managers, professionals Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge in statistics and data analysis Basic knowledge in programming and working with databases would be an advantage. Check for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Basic Data Analytics Frauenhofer Institut Germany Sankt Augustin Native language 2-3 days Data not available FT Fraunhofer-Institut f�r Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS Data mining, machine learning and advanced analytics Data analysis after the procedure model CRISP-DM Data preparation and evaluation Demonstration of a simple workflow with RapidMiner Selection of models and attributes Modeling Techniques Classification : decision trees, rule learners, Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, k - nearest neighbor, Ensemble methods Regression Model Trees, Linear Regression, Support Vector Regression Clustering : K-Means, DBSCAN, Hierarchical Clustering Transformation : Manual transformations, principal component analysis Optional third day: Introduction to R, Demonstration and practice of a complete workflow in R Optionaler dritter Tag: Einf�hrung in R, Demonstration und �bung eines kompletten Workflows in R R Data not available EUR 1,900 (2 days), EUR 2850 (3 days) EUR 1,900 (2 days), EUR 2850 (3 days) Data not available Advanced. Analysts that want to expand database evaluation skills. Software developers / architects who develop solutions for analytical problems. Those interested in research in the field of Data Science. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of Statistics and Programming Check for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Visual Analytics Frauenhofer Institut Germany Sankt Augustin Native language 2 days Data not available FT Fraunhofer-Institut f�r Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS Visualization, Visual Analytics and Business Intelligence The Basics of Visualization Data Analysis compact Visual Analytics Introduction to " Tableau " and link with R Data preprocessing and visual exploration with Tableau Modeling and visual debugging, example : Clustering Visual evaluation, example : residuals Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 1,900.00 EUR 1,900.00 Data not available Analysts, project managers and developers. Data not available Data not available Foundation in data analytics. Check for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Multimedia Analytics Frauenhofer Institut Germany Sankt Augustin Native language 2 days Data not available FT Fraunhofer-Institut f�r Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS Automatic Speech Recognition Audio fingerprinting Optical character recognition in videos Logo recognition speaker recognition Deep Neural Networks Scenarios, practical use Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 1,900.00 EUR 1,900.00 Data not available Product and Innovation Manager Project managers and developers Interested, want to use the analysis method to make more of their multimedia data Data not available Data not available No previous experience necessary mathematical knowledge, especially in the stochastics, but is advantageous Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Architecture Frauenhofer Institut Germany Sankt Augustin Native language 3 days Data not available FT Fraunhofer-Institut f�r Intelligente Analyse- und Informationssysteme IAIS Introduction Batch Processing Real-time data streams Data not available No-SQLCassandra, MapReduce, Lambda Architecture Data not available EUR 1,900.00 EUR 1,900.00 Data not available Software architects and developers who design Big Data applications, configure and control the operation. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of database and software engineering Check for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Analysis of Big Data Potentials in Business Frauenhofer Institut Germany Various: Germany English, native language 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Day 1: Motivation and Overview, Strategic formation and benefit analysis, analysis of the skills and willingness Quality Management for Big Data Day 2: Data analysis, data visualization, deriving a Big Data infrastructure, Big Data skills Data not available Data not available Data not available Check listings for prices Data not available Data not available Beginner. Companies considering entry into Big Data. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Date by appointment Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Power BI Take Full Advantage of your Data Inspiri Denmark Denmark Native language 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led The Power of Power BI? What�s in it for me? Overview of Power BI Grabbing the data with Power BI Visualization with Power BI Easy sharing no boundaries from the cloud! Data not available Microsoft Power BI Data not available 3,800.00 kr. 3,800.00 kr. Discounts available for company training Professionals who wan to get more from their data. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development DAX for beginners Formal Language of Power BI Inspiri Denmark Denmark Native language 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Introduction to DAX DAX Base Evaluation Context och Calculate time Intelligence Introduction to Studio DAX and DAX Queries Data not available DAX Data not available 3,800.00 kr. 3,800.00 kr. Discounts available for company training Advanced. The course is intended for those who are already familiar with Power BI Desktop or Power Pivot in Excel and want to take their work to the next level with DAX software. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Visualization Efficient Communication of Data Inspiri Denmark Denmark Native language 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Why data visualization? The design process Selecting the right visual effects Highlight data through simplification Create focus in the right places Challenges and pitfalls in visualizing Exercises Data not available Excel Data not available 3,800.00 kr. 3,800.00 kr. Discounts available for company training Professionals who want to learn about crafting narratives with their data. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Get more out of Power BI with Excel 2013 Inspiri Denmark Denmark Native language 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Introduction Business Intelligence Basis PowerPivot basis Introduction to DAX Understanding BI data models Load and transformation of data with Power Query Making use of Excel as a front end with Power Pivot Visualization with Power View Workshop on data from the Business Case Data not available Excel, DAX Data not available 3,800.00 kr. 3,800.00 kr. Discounts available for company training The course is designed so that it is tailored to users who are used to working with Microsoft Excel and users working with business data in daily life. The course is designed for users who want to use Microsoft Excel's full capacity in data processing, visualization, dashboards and analysis, and advanced formulas. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data I - the big overview Big Data Institute Denmark Data not available Native language Data not available Data not available FT Instructor Led In this introductory course provides an overview of the key principles around Big Data, with special focus on the new business opportunities that arise when multiple data sources are connected. Participants are encouraged to contribute data from their own businesses, to use as case studies. MS Excel and Access Data not available 13,000.00 kr. 13,000.00 kr. Data not available Beginners. Working on the principle that Big Data does not require a doctorate in computer science or a professorrat in pivot tables. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check or contact for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data II - the big insight Big Data Institute Denmark Data not available Native language Data not available Data not available FT Instructor Led Introduction to the underlying principles of Digital Revenue Optimization. Together with training in proper tool use, the participants are thus able to make Big Data processing and analysis on their own. Course participants will work with self-selected empirical data and case studies. The purpose of Big Data II is to provide participants practical skills directly relevant to the business or the work they perform every day. Available in two versions: PRIVATE companies and organizations PUBLIC institutions and bodies MS Excel and Access Data not available 24,000.00 kr. 24,000.00 kr. Data not available Beginners. Working on the principle that Big Data does not require a doctorate in computer science or a professorrat in pivot tables. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check or contact for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data and tool understanding - Ends and means Big Data Institute Denmark Data not available Native language Data not available Data not available FT Instructor Led General principles for data processing and analysis, in order then to give participants a thorough introduction to how familiar tools can be used to make Big Data analysis. Including downloading, clean and merge data. Participants will be presented with concrete ways to expose the possibilities contained in a data set; including an introduction to formal formulation and model building. Data not available MS Excel and Access Data not available 24,000.00 kr. 24,000.00 kr. Data not available Beginners. Working on the principle that Big Data does not require a doctorate in computer science or a professorrat in pivot tables. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check or contact for latest scheduled courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science Immersive General Assembly Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 12 weeks Data not available FT Instructor Led Git, UNIX, & Relational Databases Data Analysis & Python Machine Learning, Modeling Techniques, & Big Data Critical Thinking & Synthesis Visualization, Presentation, & Reporting Data not available Python, SQL, Git, and UNIX Data not available GBP 10,000.00 GBP 10,000.00 Alternative financing options available. Beginners/Intermediate. Although many of General Assembly's long-form courses are geared towards beginners and no prior knowledge is required, those starting from square one are warned to be prepared to work hard. Professionals, analysts, advanced degree holders, researchers, software engineers, and individuals interested in shifting gears to work in data. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check with provider Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Analytics General Assembly Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 10 weeks (2 evenings/week) Data not available PT Instructor Led Unit 1: Data in Excel Unit 2: Data in SQL Unit 3: Communication and Dashboard Design Data not available Python, SQL, Git, and UNIX Data not available GBP 2,800.00 GBP 2,800.00 Alternative financing options available. Data not available Data not available Data not available There are no prerequisites for the course. Check with provider Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science General Assembly Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 10 weeks Data not available PT Instructor Led Unit 1: Research Design and Exploratory Data Analysis Unit 2: Foundations of Data Modeling Unit 3: Data Science in the Real World Data not available Python, SQL, Git, and UNIX Data not available GBP 3,000.00 GBP 3,000.00 Alternative financing options available. Beginners/Intermediate. Although many of General Assembly's long-form courses are geared towards beginners and no prior knowledge is required, those starting from square one are warned to be prepared to work hard. Professionals, analysts, advanced degree holders, researchers, software engineers, and individuals interested in shifting gears to work in data. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Check with provider Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Intro To Data Science With Python: Bootcamp Series General Assembly Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 2 evenings Data not available FT Instructor Led Part 1: Intro to Data Science, Python & Data Manipulation Part 2: Machine Learning and Model Building Data not available Python, Excel Data not available GBP 150.00 GBP 150.00 Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Students must bring a laptop with Anaconda (a package that includes python and a number of tools that will be used in class) pre-installed. Download for free from Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Python Programming General Assembly Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Part 1: Introduction to Programming in Python Part 2: Webscraping in Python Data not available Python Data not available GBP 150.00 GBP 150.00 Data not available Suitable for different levels, whether you have experience in programming or are looking to get started for the first time Data not available Data not available Students must bring a laptop Python 3 installed. Check with provider Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to data visualisation using R Royal Statistical Society United Kingdom London, Manchester and Edinburgh English 2 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Data visualisations the good the bad and the ugly Using R for basic plots Advanced graphics using ggplot Plotting categorical and continuous data Identifying relationships Multivariate data Interactive documents and plots with shiny Google charts in R Data not available R Data not available Non members: GBP 400+vat, RSS Fellow : GBP 340+vat, RSS Cstat : GBP 320+vat Non members: GBP 400+vat, RSS Fellow : GBP 340+vat, RSS Cstat : GBP 320+vat Early bird discounts available The course targets everyone that deals with data. Examples will cover topics coming from political economic and social sciences, medicine, biology and computer science. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of R programming language Check with RSS for latest scheduled courses Scheduled for September in Manchester. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Data Science Skillsology United Kingdom Online English Approximately 4 hours. 1 year access Data not available Flexible Self paced Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Software Tools: Software Tools Overview And Setup, Basics of Excel, Basics of R, Section Summary Section 3: Understanding Data: Initial Appraisal of a Data Set, Handling Big Data, Characterising a Data Set, Probability, Section Summary Section 4: Inferences from Data: Visualisation, Making Predictions, Decision Making, Section & Course Summary Offer needs assessment tailored to individual businneses. R, Excel Data not available GBP 49.00 GBP 49.00 Data not available Beginners, this is an introductory course. Skillsology courses are aimed at professionals. Data not available Data not available No technical, software or analytical knowledge is assumed beyond a grounding in basic maths. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Big Data!tab2 Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple: Europe English 3 days This course qualifies as a Core Course in our Job-Specific Professional Certification Program. (Certified Specialist and Certified Expert tracks) FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to Big Data: Defining Big Data, Delivering business benefit from Big Data Storing Big Data: Analysing your data characteristics, Overview of Big Data stores, Selecting Big Data stores Processing Big Data: Integrating disparate data stores, Employing Hadoop MapReduce, The building blocks of Hadoop MapReduce, Handling streaming data Tools and Techniques to Analyse Big Data: Abstracting Hadoop MapReduce jobs with Pig, Performing ad hoc Big Data querying with Hive, Creating business value from extracted data Developing a Big Data Strategy: Defining a Big Data strategy for your organization, Enabling analytic innovation, Implementing a Big Data Solution Data not available Hadoop Distributed File System, MapReduce, HBase, Hive, Cassandra, Hypertable, Amazon S3, BigTable, DynamoDB, MongoDB, Redis, Riak, Neo4J Data not available GBP 1,695.00 GBP 1,695.00 Multi-course savings plan available Beginners. Anyone seeking to exploit the advantages of Big Data technologies. Data not available Data not available A working knowledge of the Microsoft Windows platform. A basic knowledge of programming is helpful but not required. Approximately 3 times per year. Courses are scheduled depending on demand. Check provider for latest scheduled courses locally Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Data Science for Big Data Analytics!tab0 Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple: Europe English 5 days This course qualifies as a Core Course in our Job-Specific Professional Certification Program. (Certified Specialist and Certified Expert tracks) FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to R: Exploratory Data Analysis with R, Facilitating good analytical thinking with data visualisation Working with Unstructured and Large Data Sets: Mining unstructured data for business applications, Coping with the additional complexities of Big Data Predicting Outcomes with Regression Techniques: Estimating future values with linear and logistic regression, Regression techniques for dealing with Big Data Categorising Data with Classification Techniques: Automating the labelling of new data items, Assessing model performance Detecting Patterns in Complex Data with Clustering and Link Analysis: Identifying previously unknown groupings within a data set, Discovering connections with Link Analysis Leveraging Transaction Data to Yield Recommendations and Association Rules: Building and evaluating association rules, Constructing recommendation engines Implementing Analytics within Your Organisation: Expanding analytic capabilities, Dissemination of Big Data policies. Data not available Hadoop, R, Spark, MLib and Mahout, MapReduce Data not available GBP 2,445.00 GBP 2,445.00 Multi-course savings plan available Beginners. This data science and big analytics training course is intended for managers, data and business analysts, database professionals and others involved in forecasting and trends management. Programming and a background in statistics is helpful, but not required. Data not available Data not available A basic knowledge of programming is helpful but not required. Approximately 3 times per year. Courses are scheduled depending on demand. Check provider for latest scheduled courses locally Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Hadoop Programming with Java for Big Data Solutions Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple: Europe English 4 days This course qualifies as a Core Course in our Job-Specific Professional Certification Program. (Certified Specialist and Certified Expert tracks) FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to Hadoop Parallelising Program Execution: Meeting the challenges of parallel programming, Parallel programming with MapReduce Implementing Real-World MapReduce Jobs: Applying the Hadoop, MapReduce paradigm, Building complex MapReduce jobs Customising MapReduce: Solving common data manipulation problems, Implementing partitioners and comparators Persisting Big Data with Distributed Data Stores: Making the case for distributed data, Interfacing with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Structuring data with HBase Simplifying Data Analysis with Query Languages: Unleashing the power of SQL with Hive, Executing workflows with Pig Managing and Deploying Big Data Solutions: Testing and debugging Hadoop code, Deploying, monitoring and tuning performance Data not available Apache Hadoop, MapReduce, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), HBase, Hive and Pig. Additional parts of the Hadoop ecosystem will be covered such as Sqoop, MRUnit and Apache Spark. Data not available GBP 2,095.00 GBP 2,095.00 Multi-course savings plan available Intermediate. This course is for Java developers, architects and testers who desire hands-on experience writing code for and querying Hadoop. It can be helpful to technical managers interested in the development process. Data not available Data not available You should have Java experience at the level of Course 471, Java Programming Introduction (Learning Tree International) or at least 6 months of hands-on experience. Exposure to UNIX and SQL is helpful. Approximately 3 times per year. Courses are scheduled depending on demand. Check provider for latest scheduled courses locally Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Hadoop Architecture & Administration for Big Data Solutions Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple: Europe English 4 days This course qualifies as a Core Course in our Job-Specific Professional Certification Program. (Certified Specialist and Certified Expert tracks) FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to Data Storage and Processing: Installing the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Setting the stage for MapReduce Defining Hadoop Cluster Requirements: Planning the architecture, Building the cluster Configuring a Cluster: Preparing HDFS, Deploying MapReduce Maximising HDFS Robustness: Creating a fault-tolerant file system, Leveraging NameNode Federation, Introducing YARN Managing Resources and Cluster Health: Allocating resources, Maintaining HDFS, Administering MapReduce Maintaining a Cluster: Employing the standard built-in tools, Tuning with supplementary tools Extending Hadoop: Simplifying information access, Integrating additional elements of the ecosystem Implementing Data Ingress and Egress: Facilitating generic input/output, Acquiring application-specific data Planning for Backup, Recovery and Security Data not available Hadoop administration training, Pig, Hive, ZooKeeper, Oozie and HBase as well as the challenges related to backup, recovery and security. Sqoop and Flume will be employed to demonstrate the migration of data into and out of Hadoop. Data not available GBP 2,095.00 GBP 2,095.00 Data not available Intermediate. Hadoop administrators, Linux systems administrators, database administrators, network administrators and developers who need to know how to build a Hadoop cluster and manage the HDFS. Programming experience is beneficial but not required. Data not available Data not available This course does not require Linux experience although knowledge at the level Course 144, Linux Administration and Support, (Learning Tree International) is useful. No prior programming experience is assumed although Java knowledge at the level of Course 471, Java Programming Introduction, is helpful (Learning Tree International) . Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Extracting Business Value from Big Data with Pig, Hive & Impala Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple: Europe English 4 days This course qualifies as a Core Course in our Job-Specific Professional Certification Program. (Certified Specialist and Certified Expert tracks) FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course The Hadoop Ecosystem Exploring HDFS and MapReduce: Storing data in HDFS, Parallel processing with MapReduce, Automating data transfer Executing Data Flows with Pig: Describing characteristics of Apache Pig, Structuring unstructured data Performing ETL with Pig: Transforming data with Relational Operators, Filtering data with Pig Manipulating Data with Hive: Leveraging business advantages of Hive, Organising data in Hive Data Warehouse, Designing data layout for maximum performance Extracting Business Value with HiveQL: Performing joins on unstructured data, Pushing HiveQL to the limit, Deploying Hive in production, Streamlining storage management with HCatalog Interacting with Hadoop Data in Real Time: Parallel processing with Impala, Unleashing the Spark framework Data not available Hadoop, HDFS, Pig, Hive, Impala, Spark, Flume and Sqoop. Data not available GBP 2,095.00 GBP 2,095.00 Data not available This course is intended for technical and database professionals who are looking to utilise Big Data technologies in their organisation. Attendees do not need to be Java programmers but a foundational knowledge of databases and SQL would be highly beneficial. Data not available Data not available A fundamental knowledge of databases and SQL is highly beneficial, however, this course does not assume a Java programming background. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Tableau: Presenting Analytic Visualisations Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple: Europe English 3 days This course qualifies as a Core Course in our Job-Specific Professional Certification Program. (Certified Specialist and Certified Expert tracks) FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Getting Started with Tableau: Employing visual analysis and analytics, Exploring Tableau Data Visualisations for Business Intelligence: Accessing a single data source, Working with marks and views, Graphing data Loading Data into Tableau: Modifying the Tableau data schema, Importing from multiple data sources, Connecting to an enterprise database, Combining data with joins and blends Building Advanced Visualisations: Leveraging visualisation techniques, Applying parameters, Charting with advanced features Leveraging Table Calculations: Calculated fields, Table calculations Representing Locations with Tableau Maps: Mapping geographic data, Surveying map types Presenting Insights: Authoring dashboards, Narrating a story Disseminating Visualisations Data not available Tableau Desktop, Tableau Public, Tableau Reader, and Tableau Mobile App. You will deploy workbooks to Tableau Server. Data not available GBP 1,695.00 GBP 1,695.00 Data not available Beginners. This course is right for to anyone who works with data and has an interest in acquiring the skills to build and publish interactive dashboards with Tableau. Those looking to develop insights and knowledge from data, utilise dashboards to communicate with end-users, obtain quick answers to questions, and generate reports and reviews that use stories to explain solutions using Tableau can benefit from this course. Data not available Data not available No prior knowledge of databases, big data frameworks or programming is required. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Building Apache Cassandra Databases Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple: Europe English 3 days This course qualifies as a Core Course in our Job-Specific Professional Certification Program. (Certified Specialist and Certified Expert tracks) FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to Apache Cassandra: NoSQL Overview, Exploring Cassandra, Querying Cassandra Representing Data in the Cassandra Data Model: Leveraging Cassandra structures and types, Modelling data based on queries Configuring Data Consistency: Detailing tunable consistency, Balancing consistency and performance Leveraging Cassandra Idioms and Programming Patterns: Working with Cassandra collection types, Storing data for easy retrieval, Controlling data life span, Constructing materialised views and time series, Managing triggers Accessing Cassandra Programmatically: Querying Cassandra data with the Datastax Java Driver, Persisting Java Objects with Kundera Integrating Cassandra with Analytical Frameworks: Leveraging built-in Cassandra connectors Data not available Cassandra, Java Data not available GBP 1,695.00 GBP 1,695.00 Data not available Intermediate. This course is beneficial for technical and database professionals, data scientists, and analysts and business professionals who are looking to integrate Cassandra into their existing environment. Data not available Data not available A fundamental knowledge of databases and SQL, as well as the Java programming language would be highly beneficial. This course assumes a technical background in databases. Attendees do not need to be current day-to-day technical practitioners, but should have, at some stage, been competent in roles such as business analyst, database administrator or developer. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Building Enterprise Solutions with MongoDB Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple: Europe English 4 days This course qualifies as a Core Course in our Job-Specific Professional Certification Program. (Certified Specialist and Certified Expert tracks) FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Setting the Stage: Recognising the need for NoSQL data stores, Focusing on MongoDB, Interacting with MongoDB Installing MongoDB: Surveying Cluster Topology, Dissecting MongoDB Storage Strategies, Storing Large Files with GridFS Exploring the MongoDB Data and Query Model: Organising Data Querying Documents, Modelling Relationships Configuring Replication and Data Consistency: Configuring Read and Write Consistency, Customising Write Concern and Read Preference Tuning Performance with Indexes: Improving access speed with indexes, Considering the cost and benefit of indexing, Taking advantage of indexes, Managing collections with special indexes Utilising the Aggregation Framework: Leveraging the different modes of the Aggregation Framework Data not available MongoDB, Java and Python clients. Data not available GBP 2,095.00 GBP 2,095.00 Data not available This course is beneficial for developers, architects and technical managers who wish to develop low-cost, data-driven applications using MongoDB as the backend database. Data not available Data not available While there are no set prerequisites for this course, attendees may find a background in programming and a familiarity with web services and database technologies is beneficial. Programming experience in either Python or Java is useful. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Apache Spark Programming with Scala for Big Data Solutions Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple: Europe English 4 days This course qualifies as a Core Course in our Job-Specific Professional Certification Program. (Certified Specialist and Certified Expert tracks) FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to Spark The Challenge of Parallelising Applications: Scaling-out applications, Designing parallel algorithms Defining the Spark Architecture: Parallelising data structures, The anatomy of a Spark cluster, Managing the cluster Developing Spark Applications: Selecting the development environment, Working with the Spark APIs Manipulating Structured Data with Spark SQL: Querying structured data, Integrating with external systems Processing Streaming Data in Spark: What is streaming?, Streaming data sources Performing Machine Learning with Spark: Classifying observations, Identifying patterns Creating Real-World Applications: Building Spark-based business applications, Spark as a service The Future of Spark Data not available Apache Spark, YARN, Distributed File System (HDFS) and HBase. Data not available GBP 2,095.00 GBP 2,095.00 Data not available This course is primarily for developers, architects and technical managers looking to deploy Spark-based solutions in their organisation. Data not available Data not available Professional experience in programming at least to the level of Course 471, Java Programming Introduction or Course 419, C# Programming (Learning Tree International) or equivalent is required. You should have three to six months' experience in a object-oriented programming language before attending. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Big Data Insights, Technologies & Trends!tab0 Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple: Europe English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Select appropriate Big Data platforms for different business scenarios Build and run Big Data queries, data analytics and visualisations Assess and mitigate security risks Integrate Big Data with traditional relational databases Data not available Hadoop, MapReduce, NoSQL Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Beginners. Anyone seeking to exploit the benefits of Big Data, including managers, developers, analysts and systems administrators. Data not available Data not available Experience with databases is useful but not required. Aproximately 4 times per year. Check with provider for lates scheduled courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Programming to NoSQL Data Stores Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Video live streaming of course Select appropriate NoSQL data stores for your disparate data sets Increase application scalability, performance and structure with Redis Store and query schema-less document oriented data with MongoDB Scale high write loads of unstructured data in Cassandra Persist and search highly connected as graphs in Neo4j Data not available NoSQL, Redis, MongoDB, Cassandra and Neo4J. Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Intermediate. Anyone seeking to gain an understanding of the benefits of NoSQL datastores to store and access data that would be difficult or inappropriate in a relational database. Data not available Data not available This course assumes knowledge of Java programming. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Planning and Setting Up Your First Hadoop Cluster Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Video live streaming of course Architect a Hadoop solution to satisfy business requirements and needs Plan the hardware and software needed for your solution Build a Hadoop cluster capable of processing very large datasets Manipulate the Hadoop Distributed File System for the Command Line Execute MapReduce programs on your cluster Data not available Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Beginner/Intermediate. Hadoop administrators, Linux systems administrators, database administrators, network administrators and developers who need to know how to install and manage their Hadoop development clusters. Data not available Data not available Programming experience is beneficial but not required. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Advanced Hadoop Configuration for High-Availability Clusters Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Video live streaming of course Allocate, distribute and manage resources Tune the Hadoop environment to ensure high throughput and availability Configure Zookeeper for automatic failover Monitor the Hadoop file system, job progress and overall cluster performance Data not available Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Hadoop administrators, Linux systems administrators, database administrators, network administrators and developers who know how to install and manage a basic Hadoop clusters and need to master more advanced concepts like High Availability and NameNode Federation. Data not available Data not available Programming experience is beneficial but not required. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Hadoop Programming Essentials Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Video live streaming of course Implement Hadoop jobs to extract business value from large and varied data sets Develop efficient parallel algorithms Write and deploy MapReduce jobs to summarise data Load and retrieve data in the Hadoop Distributed File System, HDFS Data not available Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Advanced. This course is for Java developers, architects and testers who desire hands-on experience writing code for Hadoop. It can be helpful to technical managers interested in the development process. Data not available Data not available This is a fast-paced course that assumes strong Java skills and will help attendees establish a beachhead in the world of Hadoop programming that they can leverage for further advancement. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Customising Hadoop MapReduce Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Video live streaming of course Customise Hadoop MapReduce framework to fit business requirements Write MapReduce Partitioners to make MapReduce more efficient Develop InputFormats/OutputFormats for consumption/ generation of data Load and retrieve data programmatically from HBase Data not available Hadoop, HBase, MapReduce Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Advanced. Anyone seeking to gain an understanding of the techniques used to write the various pieces that comprise a MapReduce programs. Data not available Data not available This is a rapid course that assumes strong Java skills and familiarity with Apache Hadoop. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Introduction to Python for Data Analytics Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Video live streaming of course Use Python for statistical data analysis Generate summary statistics with pandas Clean, transform and reshape data Glean insights from the data through visualisation Data not available Python Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Intermediate. This course is beneficial for anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of analysing data with Python or those beginning to explore the landscape of data mining and data science. Data not available Data not available A background in Python programming is helpful, but not required. Familiarity with basic statistics is also useful. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Spark SQL Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Video live streaming of course Install and configure Apache Spark Use Spark SQL to load and query data from a variety of sources Run unmodified Hive queries on existing warehouses Integrate BI tools and other systems via JDBC/ODBC Data not available Spark, SQL Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Intermediate. This course is intended for existing database developers that need to run real-time queries on extremely large datasets. The course also appeals to anyone interested in furthering their knowledge of a new and exciting Big Data processing technology, especially Hadoop Map Reduce developers looking for a solution that provides a richer set of functional operations and that has significantly increased performance. Data not available Data not available Participants are expected to be familiar with the concepts of Big Data, traditional SQL and basic functional programming approaches using Java, Python, Scala or other equivalent languages. Experience with Hadoop development, Hive, Pig and NoSQL data stores is useful but not essential. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Spark Streaming Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Video live streaming of course Install and configure Apache Spark Use Spark Streaming to capture live data from files, systems, services Integrate Streaming with the Spark SQL and Machine Learning APIs Design Spark solutions to replace Map Reduce batch jobs Data not available Spark SQL/Machine Learning APIs Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Intermediate. This course is intended for developers interested in real time processing of extremely large quantities of "live data" from a wide variety of sources including server log files, Apache Flume and social media. The course also appeals to developers with experience in Hadoop Map Reduce that are looking for a solution that provides a richer set of functional operations and has significantly increased performance. Data not available Data not available Participants are expected to be familiar with the concepts of Big Data and basic functional programming approaches using Java, Python, Scala or other equivalent languages. Experience with Hadoop or Storm development is useful but not essential. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Spark Machine Learning Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Video live streaming of course Analysing big data with Spark's Machine Learning library (MLlib) Create machine learning models to classify observations Determine the quality of machine learning models Perform clustering analyses to uncover hidden patterns Data not available Spark Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Beginner. This course is beneficial for data analysts and scientists who are interested in applying machine learning algorithms to big data. A basic background in mathematics and/or statistics would be advantageous, as would some familiarity with programming. Data not available Data not available Familiarity with basic mathematics and statistics, as well as basic programming experience, would be advantageous. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development 1-Day Course Introduction to R for Data Analytics Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Video live streaming of course Import a variety of data formats into R Clean & pre-process data in preparation for analysis Pre-process unstructured data for text-mining Apply regression, clustering and classification in R Data not available NoSQL, MongoDB, R Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Beginners. This course is beneficial for anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of R or those beginning to explore the landscape of data mining and data science. Data not available Data not available A background in programming is helpful, but not required. Familiarity with basic statistics is also useful. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Microsoft Tools for Business Intelligence Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online English 4 days This Learning Tree course provides industry continuing education credits in preparation for for popular industry certifications. FT Video live streaming of course Building Blocks of a SharePoint Business Intelligence Solution: Analysing components of the Microsoft BI platform Delivering BI through SharePoint: Identifying the components of SharePoint, Preparing to display BI data in SharePoint, Assembling dashboards, Building additional dashboard components Collecting BI Data with Integration Services: Integrating data from multiple sources, Working with Integration Services in a data warehouse Leveraging SQL Server Analysis Services: Defining and building a cube, Making BI pervasive with Self-Service Tools, Shortening the Analysis Services life cycle with Tabular Model Presenting Data with Reporting Services: Authoring reports, Taking advantage of interactivity Performing Analysis with Excel: Exploiting data mining with the table analysis tool, Pivoting table data, Publishing reports and models Data not available SQL Server database, Integration Services, Reporting Services, Analysis Services, SharePoint Server, Data Mining, Power View, PowerPivot for Excel, PowerPivot for SharePoint and PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint. Data not available GBP 2,095.00 GBP 2,095.00 Data not available Intermediate. Any data analyst who is involved or interested in implementing business intelligence solutions using Microsoft SharePoint Services and SQL Server. Data not available Data not available Basic database knowledge with any relational database and a background in IT are assumed. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development SQL Server Integration Services for Business Intelligence Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 4 days This Learning Tree course provides industry continuing education credits in preparation for for popular industry certifications. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to Integration Services SSIS Architecture and Tools: Managing heterogeneous data, Illustrating SSIS architecture, Simplifying deployments Implementing Tasks and Containers: Utilising basic SSIS objects, Operating system level tasks, Processing XML Extending Capabilities with Scripting: Writing expressions, Script Task Transforming with the Data Flow Task: Performing transforms on columns, Profiling, combining and splitting data, Manipulating row sets and BLOB data, Performing database operations Error Handling, Logging and Transactions: Organising package workflow, Designing robust packages Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 2,095.00 GBP 2,095.00 Data not available Intermediate. SQL Server developers, administrators and analysts who need to migrate and transform data amongst diverse platforms. Data not available Data not available You should have a basic knowledge of relational database management systems and the SQL language. Specific experience with Microsoft SQL Server is helpful, but not required for this course. You should also have some knowledge of basic programming concepts but specific knowledge of a particular language is not required. Familiarity with the Windows interface and basic Windows security is recommended. Approximately 4 times per year. Check with provider for latest available local courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development SQL Server Analysis Services for Business Intelligence Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 4 days This Learning Tree course provides industry continuing education credits in preparation for for popular industry certifications. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Building and Modifying an OLAP Cube: Designing a Unified Dimension Model (UDM), Creating dimensions Extending the Cube with Hierarchies: Creating hierarchies, Parent-child relationships Exploiting Advanced Dimension Relationships: Storing dimension data in fact tables, Saving space with referenced dimension relationships, Including dimensions with many-to-many relationships, Implementing a Tabular Model Database Managing Cubes: Designing storage and aggregations, Automating processing and deployment Performing Advanced Analysis with MDX: Retrieving data with MDX, Monitoring business performance with KPIs, Enhancing cubes with MDX Gaining Business Advantage with Data Mining: Determining the correct model, Performing real-world predictions Data not available SQL, XMLA script, OLAP cubes Data not available GBP 2,095.00 GBP 2,095.00 Data not available Intermediate. Those with a working knowledge of relational databases who want to design, create or develop analysis cubes from a database. Data not available Data not available You should have a basic knowledge of relational database management systems and the SQL language. Specific experience with Microsoft SQL Server is helpful, but not required for this course. You should also have some knowledge of basic programming concepts but specific knowledge of a particular language is not required. Approximately 4 times per year. Check with provider for latest available local courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Power Excel: Analysis Data to make Business Decisions Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 2 days This Learning Tree course provides industry continuing education credits in preparation for for popular industry certifications. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Troubleshooting and Enhancing Professional Workbooks Analysing Data with Functions: Summarising business data with functions, Controlling calculations and nested formulas Optimising Workbook Models with "What-If" Analysis: Planning for contingencies Summarising Business Information: Organising workbooks and links, Consolidating ranges Formulating Decisions from Database Information: Distilling data sets for data analysis, Interpreting and refining data with PivotTables, Visualising and exploring PivotTable reports Enhancing Excel Usage with Macros: Automating repetitive tasks Data not available SQL, XMLA script, OLAP cubes Data not available GBP 1,345.00 GBP 1,345.00 Data not available Beginners. Business and technical professionals making decisions based on data analysis, or anyone who wants to increase their knowledge of intermediate to advanced features in Excel. Data not available Data not available Experience with Excel fundamentals Approximately 3 times per year. Check with provider for latest available local courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Power Pivot for Excel: Mining Data for Business Intelligence Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 4 days This Learning Tree course provides industry continuing education credits in preparation for for popular industry certifications. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Identifying the Role of Power Pivot in Business Intelligence (BI): Introducing Power Pivot, Employing Power Pivot in the BI process Building the Data Model with Power Pivot: Defining a consolidated view of data, Denormalising data to simplify usage within other BI reporting tools Querying SQL Server data, Fixing common data issues with Power Query Manipulating and Analysing Data with the Data Analysis eXpressions (DAX) Language: Defining measures for business performance, Implementing DAX functions in Power Pivot, Exploiting data analytics with aggregation, Mining for information with date and time analysis, Setting key business targets with KPIs Presenting Information with Dashboards: Articulating and analysing data, Designing effective dashboards Creating Team BI Solutions Data not available Excel: Power View, Power Query and Power Map Data not available GBP 1,345.00 GBP 1,345.00 Data not available Intermediate. Data analysts, business analysts, financial analysts, managers, business intelligence professionals and anyone who wants to better understand data derived from multiple sources and/or large volumes of data using Power Pivot for Excel. Data not available Data not available Experience with Excel is necessary Approximately twice per year. Check with provider for latest available local courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Designing an Effective Data Warehouse!tab1 Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 4 days This Learning Tree course provides industry continuing education credits in preparation for for popular industry certifications. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to Data Warehousing Establishing Dimensional Modelling: Modelling the business process, Building fact tables, Creating dimensions Building the Data Warehouse: Architecting the physical database, Ensuring data quality, Extracting data from multiple sources, Transforming data during migration, Loading data into a data warehouse Leveraging BI for Data Analysis: Identifying levels in the BI stack, Exploring Business Intelligence tools Deploying a Complete Data Warehouse Solution: Taking advantage of industry-standard data-mining techniques, Planning for the future Data not available SQL Server 2012, Oracle 11g, Oracle Data Modeler, SQL Server Analysis Services, SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Server Reporting Services, Report Builder, SharePoint 2013 and Excel 2013 Data not available GBP 2,095.00 GBP 2,095.00 Data not available Intermediate. Anyone interested in implementing a data warehouse solution in their organisation, and those who need to re-engineer an existing data warehouse who have prior experience is helpful but not required with a data warehousing implementation and/or databases. Data not available Data not available A technical background is needed in order to fully benefit from this course. Approximately 3 times per year. Check with provider for latest available local courses Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Migration with SQL Server Integration Services!tab1 Learning Tree International Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English 1 day Certificate of Achievement for completing your course FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Perform data migrations to integrate enterprise data Transform data with SQL Server Data Tools Migrate single and multi-file data Streamline data migrations with scheduled jobs Data not available SQL Server Data not available GBP 495 for new attendees GBP 495 for new attendees Returning attendees are entitled to discount on course fee Intermediate. Typical participants include database developers and analysts who need to migrate data among diverse platforms. Database administrators who need to manage Integration Services packages stored on SQL Server and database professionals working in mixed environments of DBMSs such as Oracle, Access and SQL Server benefit from this course. Data not available Data not available You should have a basic knowledge of relational database management systems and the SQL language. Specific experience with Microsoft SQL Server is helpful, but not required for this course. Familiarity with the Windows interface and basic Windows security is recommended. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Understanding Data Science and Big Data QA Ltd United Kingdom Various English 4 days Offer certification through recognised industry providers: ITIL Certification, PRINCE2 Certifications, COBIT 5 Foundation Certification, The APM Group Limited (APMG) Certifications FT Instructor Led Classroom Course Module 1: Introduction Module 2: Big Data Module 3: Finding the patterns in data Module 4: Data models - relational and NoSQL Module 5: Hadoop, HDFS and MapReduce Module 6: Data visualisation Module 7: Introduction to R Module 8: Data mining Data not available Hadoop, MapReduce, NoSQL, R, HDFS Data not available GBP 2,654.00 GBP 2,654.00 Data not available Advanced. People aspiring to be data scientists and/or to work with Big Data. Others who may take this course include Business Intelligence (BI) professionals who want to work with big data and/or are looking to move into Data Science. Data not available Data not available People coming into the course are expected to have at least 3 years experience working in the IT field-typically in the areas of databases, BI, analytics or related areas: Knowledge of at least one relational database engine (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 etc.) An understanding of relational database modelling and design Basic understanding of data and how business systems use both data and information; this would be gained by at least a year's experience in IT or business systems development. Courses held regularly Check with provider for up to date schedule Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Workshop Professional Development The big hype about Big Data QA Ltd United Kingdom Various English 2 hours Data not available FT Instructor Led Classroom Course Registration Big Data Fundamentals Beyond the hype - what is Big Data in my organization? Coffee Break Case Studies & Use Cases Q & A with BDP Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Beginners. Management level looking to gain a further insight and understanding of Big Data. You could be seeking to learn what big data means, currently considering or implementing a big data strategy, or looking to understand a typical business case to support a big data solution. Data not available Data not available No prior knowledge is required. Courses held regularly Check with provider for up to date schedule Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introductory Course to Data Science: Intern Level - Learn and Live!intern/c192n LARK United Kingdom London, Leeds, Glasgow English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led What is data science/analysis who uses it and what for? What is the most popular soFware, what does it do, why use it? What are the most common areas of use? BI, MI etc. are they just the same? What is the best way to get a job? How should I prepare for an interview? What companies do I need to research? Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 179.00 GBP 179.00 Data not available Designed for individuals taking their first steps into on the road to success, full of expert insight, tips and tricks to put you strides ahead of the competition Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified Contact provider to organise a course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introductory Course to Data Science: Executive Level - Know Everything LARK United Kingdom London, Leeds, Glasgow English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Easy techniques to get quick results. Segmentation and clustering methods. Most impressive techniques to show off your talent and expertise. Best ways to cut costs and time spent on the job. Explanations in easy language to sound knowledgeable. Easy explanations of different software used in analysis. Best business areas in which to get results. The best tasks to delegate and what not to. Know what to analyse and what not to. How to deal with and avoid difficult questions. Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 279.00 GBP 279.00 Data not available Designed for professional: to help you find out the most from whatever you want, segments, cluster, you name it, in the shortest amount of Jme and more importantly, how to showcase your talent and experJse. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified Contact provider to organise a course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introductory Course to Data Science: Director Level - Learn and Empower LARK United Kingdom London, Leeds, Glasgow English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Understanding the principles of infographics data, story and design, Overview of how data can be visually displayed Examples of successful infographics, Using software to create your infographics� PowerPoint, Excel etc. How best to communicate your data, Gathering and organising your data, When and how to use flat graphics and interactives, Maximising the impact of your data, Receiving an example brief and data set, Working with your data sets to draw out a narrative Creation of your visualisation Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 349.00 GBP 349.00 Data not available Designed for professionals: to show you how to use infographics to present complex information simply, elegantly and beautifully. This course gives you everything you need to create memorable static and interactive infographics. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified Contact provider to organise a course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introductory Course to Data Science: Analyst Level - Learn and Solve LARK United Kingdom London, Leeds, Glasgow English 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led Descriptive statistics, Sampling methods / Data Cleansing, How to investigate interactions between variables, Principal Component Analysis and will it help?, Software applications and their interpretation , Understand and use segmentation and classification methods, Be able to apply statistical methods to real analytical problems, Review of quantitative methods / Overview of qualitative methods, Understanding statistical output Communicating effectively with the client Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 395.00 GBP 395.00 Data not available Designed for professionals: to introduce a comprehensive treatment of statistical methods. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified Contact provider to organise a course Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science Training Graspskills Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple locations English, native language Data not available Participation Certificate FT Instructor Led, Video Live Stream or Self-paced online Introduction to the Data Science Toolkit Design Process and Web Scraping Regression, Communicating Results Databases and Introduction to Machine Learning Concepts Machine Learning, Supervised Learning Techniques Naive Bayes Algorithm JavaScript and D3.js APIs, Data Collection Methods, NoSQL Storage, Web Apps with Flask Natural Language Processing (NLP) Project Data not available R, Hadoop, Apache Mahout, IMPALA Also available as in-house corporate training Data not available Data not available Data not available Intermediate. The course is intended for: Developers, Data analysts, Statisticians with basic knowledge of Apache Hadoop: HDFS, MapReduce, Hadoop Streaming, and Apache Hive, SAS/SPSS Professionals looking to gain understanding in Big Data Analytics, Business Analysts wanting to understand Machine Learning (ML) Techniques, Information Architects wanting to gain expertise in Predictive Analytics, Hadoop Professionals who want to learn R and ML techniques. Data not available Data not available Students should have proficiency in a scripting language; Python is strongly preferred, but familiarity with Perl or Ruby is sufficient. Provider schedules courses based on demand at specific locations. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data And Hadoop Development Certification Training Graspskills Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Multiple locations English, native language 8 days Participation Certificate FT Instructor Led, Video Live Stream or Self-paced online Master the concepts of HDFS and MapReduce framework Understand Hadoop 2.x Architecture Setup Hadoop Cluster and write Complex MapReduce programs Learn the data loading techniques using Sqoop and Flume Perform Data Analytics using Pig, Hive and YARN Implement HBase and MapReduce Integration Implement Advanced Usage and Indexing Schedule jobs using Oozie Implement best Practices for Hadoop Development Work on a Real Life Project on Big Data Analytics Data not available HDFS, MapReduce, Hadoop, Pig, Hive, YARN, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, HBase Also available as in-house corporate training GBP 990.00 GBP 990.00 Data not available Software Engineers, who are into ETL/Programming and exploring for great job opportunities in hadoop. Managers, who are looking for the latest technologies to be implemented in their organization, to meet the current & upcoming challenges of data management. Any Graduate/Post-Graduate, who is aspiring a great career towards the cutting edge technologies in IT Data not available Data not available Hands-on experience in Core Java and good analytical skills are necessary to grasp and apply the concepts in Hadoop. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science Retreat for data scientists Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 3 months Data not available FT International faculty of mentors delivering masterclasses. Masterclasses: Good engineering practices in python, creating and consuming APIs, Machine learning overview: proficiency with core methods, Advanced machine learning: model pipelines, Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Big data processing with Spark, Real-time stream processing with Spark, Kafka, and Elasticsearch, Real-world recommender systems, Deep dive into R, Speeding up your R & python models: Rcpp and Cython, Optimizing data structures and memory usage: advanced data.table, Deep learning for image classification. Each participants works on their portfolio project throughout the retreat. Scikit Learn, R, Python, Spark. Data not available EUR 10,000.00 EUR 10,000.00 Data not available Intermediate. For people with previous work experience and at least some basic knowledge of machine learning. Data not available Data not available You need to have spent at least 1000 hours programming�. You do not need a deep mathematical background, although some techniques do rely on knowing some linear algebra and probability theory. Annual September Data not available,, kauf.DA, Livelntent, crosslend, Babbel, linkdex, catawiki, BYEBUY, eyequant, Teradata, RocketInternet, Shop Direct, Microsoft Ventures, ascribe, Kreditech, zalando, GFK
Short Course Professional Development Greatest Hits in Data Science Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 weeks Not specified FT Instructor Led Applying predictive analytics and machine learning to solve critical business problems. Customer lifetime value Churn detection Anomaly detection Personalized recommendations Data not available Data not available In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Coding experience is expected but this is an introductory level data science course. Data not available Data not available Proficiency in coding is expected. No prior knowledge of machine learning or statistics is required. Course offered depending on demand. Preregister your interest. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Reactive Stream Analytics Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 1 week Not specified FT Instructor Led Lambda & Kappa architectures Spark streaming Kinesis Sketching techniques Anomaly detection Streaming k-means Elasticsearch/Kibana Online and Offline machine learning techniques Data not available Data not available In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Data not available Data not available Proficiency in coding is expected. Course offered depending on demand. Preregister your interest. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Deep Learning for Business Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 1 week Not specified FT Instructor Led Bases: Recurrent neural networks, Convolutional neural networks, Use cases with images: Object recognition, Medical image classification. Beyond images: Text (NLP), Visual Question answering (given an image, answer general questions about the objects in that image), Audio (voice recognition, music recommendations) Exploration: Keras Exploitation (production): Grid search, Using a distributed implementation, tensorflow, deeplearning4J on Spark Data not available Spark, Keras In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Professionals who want to learn to take advantage of the fastest-moving technology trend. Data not available Data not available Proficiency in coding is expected. Course offered depending on demand. Preregister your interest. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Advanced machine learning, model pipelines Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial How to weight, transform, combine, or drop features How to represent transformations, models, parameters, and the results of a run, so they can be easily managed What feature transformations add the most performance, and how they interact with the rest of the pipeline Data not available Data not available In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Basic to intermediate knowledge of machine learning is expected (you have run models and optimized parameters, but are sure there must be a better way to do it). Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Good engineering practices in python, creating and consuming APIs Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial Python: Complete Syntax, Data Structures, Object oriented programming and introduction to the functional paradigm, Python idioms and things to look out for. Tooling: How to use a Python IDE and text editors effectively, Basic command line tricks, Learn how to use git and some git workflows Learn the ropes of the Python ecosystem: Virtual environments for package isolation, Build distribution packages and learn about different ways of distributing code, Writing tests Web APIs: Design an API considering use cases in advance, Write a simple API and produce self-documentation for it, Write tests for APIs Data not available Python, git In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. This is an introductory crash course in Python, including the language and its ecosystem Data not available Data not available Not specified. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Machine learning overview, proficiency with core methods Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial Random forests: Ensembles, Common misconceptions, Common ways to optimize them, Best use cases SVMs: Basic idea, Kernels: understanding the basic types, Common misconceptions, Common ways to optimize them, Best use cases, Model comparison, Categorization: ROC curves, Regression: cost functions (average squared error and friends; when to pick a non-standard cost function) Data not available Python In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Knowledge of at least one programming language is necessary (the course is taught in Python.) Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, Scikit-learn Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial Preprocessing with Pandas: Reading data, Selecting columns and rows, Filtering, Vectorized string operations, Missing values, Handling time, Time series NumPy, SciPy: Arrays, Indexing, Slicing and Iterating, Reshaping, Shallow vs deep copy, Broadcasting, Indexing (advanced), Matrices, Matrix decompositions Scikit-learn: Feature extraction, Classification, Regression, Clustering, Dimension reduction, Model selection Data not available Python, Pandas, Scikit-learn In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Not specified. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Intro to Scala Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial Basics: Syntax, REPL, Objects and classes, Testing, Try (exceptions) Functional programming: Collections, Immutability, Functions The Scala type system: Inheritance, Mix-in traits Pattern matching Advanced topics: Promises, Actors, Extractors, Option Data not available Scala In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available No previous experience with Scala is required (or expected), but you need to know at least one programming language well (ideally Java or another object-oriented language). Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Big data processing with Spark Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial Intro to Big Data: Hadoop, Hadoop ecosystem, HDFS, map-reduce, YARN, Zookeeper Working with HDFS: Spark basics, RDDs, API, Spark dataframes SparkSQL Data not available Spark, Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, Zookeeper, YARN In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Knowledge of at least one programming language, ideally python. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Real-time stream processing with Spark, Kafka, and Elasticsearch Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial Kafka: Setup and configuration, Topics, partitions, API, Connecting to Spark Elasticsearch: Setup, API, Kibana, Marvel plugin Real-time Data Pipeline: Twitter API, Kafka, Spark streaming, Elasticsearch Data not available Kafka, Elasticsearch In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Knowledge of at least one programming language, ideally python. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: real world recommender systems Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial How recommenders work: content-based and collaborative filtering techniques. How to build recommenders that scale. How to factor in business concerns. How to tune and evaluate a recommender. How to generate recommendations in real-time. Data not available Spark, python In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Knowledge of at least one programming language, ideally python. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Data science for e-commerce Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial How accurately can we predict whether a customer will churn? What conditions need to stay the same so the prediction is accurate? What actions can I take once a churner is identified? Can I optimize economic rewards and loyalty schemes? How much traffic do we need to conclude an A/B test? How will we know when to stop the test? How long should the test run? Will A/B testing impact SEO? What should we test? Are we ready to run bandits instead of traditional AB testing? Data not available Scikitlearn, python In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Knowledge of at least one programming language, ideally python. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Machine learning on geodata Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial Data mungling techniques for geospatial data Machine learning for geospatial data Data not available Scikitlearn, python In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Not specified. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Sketching techniques for real-time big data Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial Data not available Data not available Scala In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Not specified. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Deep dive into R Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial R basic data types Atomic vectors and operations on them Lists R as a functional programming language Object attributes and object oriented programming R complex data types (matrices, factors, and data frames) Unit testing Debugging, and code profiling Writing R packages String processing, dates, regular expressions (using the stringi package) Speeding up operations on multiple files Dynamic report generation with knitr Data not available R In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Beginners. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Course is suitable even for those with no particular background in programming Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Speeding up your R & python models: Rcpp and Cython Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial What is Rcpp and Cython. Why C++ for data science? C++ introduction: scalar data types, controlling program flow Accessing R vectors thru Rcpp Lists and R functions C++ Standard Library - fundamental data structures and algorithms Introduction to Cython, linking C++ libraries to Cython; accessing NumPy objects OpenMP - multithreaded C++ made simple Data not available C++, Rcpp, python In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Not specified. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Optimizing data structures and memory usage: advanced data.table Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial Simple operations - subset rows and select columns Atomic vectors and operations on them Compute on columns (first enhanced feature of data.table) General form of data.table syntax and minor differences to data.frames Perform operations combined with groups Add/update/delete operations, and combined with grouping Extend the concept of subsets to joins (new concept in data.table) Understanding ordered and rolling joins functionalities in data.table Overlapping range/interval joins Reshaping and other helpful functions Data not available R, data.table In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Not specified. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Masterclass: Deep learning for image classification Data Science Retreat Germany Berlin English 2 day Not specified FT Small group tutorial Background on neural nets, history, performance bottlenecks Training deep nets Regularization (dropout) Interpreting weights on a hidden layer Data not available python In house training possible Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Aimed at busy technologists working for companies needing to get this knowledge fast. Data not available Data not available Familiarity with Python. But if you know some other programming language well you can pick up Python and the environment in a week. A laptop with an Nvidia GPU and the CUDA compiler installed is needed if you want to run deep learning experiments locally. Contact provider to schedule masterclass Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Science to Data Science S2DS United Kingdom London English 5 weeks Not specified FT Data not available Participants will complete a real life big data problem supplied by our sponsor companies. The project will be solved in teams of 3-4 and should take approximately 4.5 weeks of full time work. Projects will be presented by the team at the end of the five weeks. Video tutorials to provide overview of: Technologies: Hadoop, NoSQL, SQL and databases etc. Machine learning: Logistic regression, statistical techniques etc. Coding: how to read code, good coding practices, Python, R etc. Data visualisation Strategy, Finance, Marketing etc. Data not available Data not available GBP 800 registration fee GBP 800 registration fee Scholarships available for high calibre candidates. Advanced. Academic technical background is necessary. This course aims to gives real work experience to graudates. Data not available Data not available PhD in an analytical science; Intermediate programming skills in Python, R, Java or similar; Documented experience in use of mathematical and statistical methods; Strong desire to change careers into a Data Science role; Excellent communication skills in writing and speaking; Ability to attend the full five weeks of the workshop. Annual August Data not available Audioboom, British Gas, Criteo, hive, Royal Mail, Gingerbread, The Parts Alliance, Marks and Spencers, grubclub, pronto, sonr, rowanalytics, insoft services.
Short Course Professional Development Big Dive Big Dive Italy Turin English 5 weeks Data not available FT Instructor Led Visualizing Data on the Web with Python and Javascript, Data Analysis, Data Storage, Performance Optimization and Profiling, Theory and History of Visualization, D3.js and the Art of Prototyping, Statistics & Data Analysis, Machine learning, Network science: represent and analyze network data, Final Team Project Python introduction for beginners, Git/versioning introduction for beginners Git, Python, Apache Spark, MapReduce, MongoDB Data not available Non-profit: EUR 1200 Start-up: EUR 1100 Regular: EUR 1400 Student: EUR 800 Non-profit: EUR 1200 Start-up: EUR 1100 Regular: EUR 1400 Student: EUR 800 Data not available Data not available Data not available Python will be used as the main development language Knowledge of using terminal shell Javascript/D3js knowledge are welcome Familiarity with HTML, CSS and Javascript Familiarity with Cloud Computing and virtual machine management Network graph basics Annual 2012 No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Machine Learning with R Mind Project United Kingdom London English 2 days Mind Project course attendance certificate. FT Instructor Led Machine learning algorithms for classification and clustering through R language, Third-party packages which facilitate Machine Learning in R, R functions specific to each machine learning algorithm and implement them in practical scenarios with real-world data, Machine Learning model performance and ways of its evaluation and improvement, Implementing Machine Learning algorithms using R and H2O framework. Data not available R Data not available Regular: GBP 350 + VAT (GBP 420) Student: GBP 250 + VAT (GBP 300) Regular: GBP 350 + VAT (GBP 420) Student: GBP 250 + VAT (GBP 300) Group booking discounts available This course is targeted at users with some R experience (preferably at Intermediate level) and interest in Machine Learning algorithms. Data not available Data not available Attendees are asked bring their personal laptops to the session with the most recent version of R and RStudio software installed and at least one of the following web browsers: Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and/or Internet Explorer. Check provider for latest dates. June Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Methods in R Mind Project United Kingdom London English 1 day Mind Project course attendance certificate. FT Instructor Led Third-party R packages, which support parallel computing in order to increase the speed and processing capabilities of R, To work on large data sets in the Cloud (Microsoft Azure and Amazon EC2) through R deployed on the server, To implement MapReduce framework through Hadoop straight from R console, To manage Hadoop Distributed File System and HBase database through R, To connect to and extract, aggregate and manage the data in major relational SQL-based database management systems (RDBMSs) using a variety of R packages, To apply NoSQL queries to access, transform and manipulate large data sets in MongoDB using R packages, To improve the data flow and speed of processing of large data sets through R�s connectivity with Spark, To implement selected Big Data tools in the Big Data Product Cycle with R. Data not available R, Hadoop, Spark, SQL and NoSQL databases Data not available Regular: GBP 350 + VAT (GBP 420) Student: GBP 250 + VAT (GBP 300) Regular: GBP 350 + VAT (GBP 420) Student: GBP 250 + VAT (GBP 300) Group booking discounts available This course is targeted at users with some R experience (preferably at Intermediate level) and interest in Big Data analytics. Data not available Data not available Attendees are asked bring their personal laptops to the session with the most recent version of R and RStudio software installed and at least one of the following web browsers: Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and/or Internet Explorer. Check provider for latest dates. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development The essence of Predictive Analytics for Managers Brussels DataScience Community Belgium Brussels English 4 hours Attendees receive an electronic version of the handouts and a proof of participation at the conclusion of the workshop. FT Instructor Led What is predictive analytics? Basic underlying principles for predictive analytics. Requirements for predictive analytics. Limitations of predictive analytics. A reliable process for managing and building predictive models. Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 570.00 EUR 570.00 Data not available Beginners. Managers of analytical teams, Managers of functional departments (marketing, risk, operations, HR,�), Project managers, CXO. Data not available Data not available Before the start of the first session, participants should attempt to define a practical and relevant project within their organisation. At completion of the workshop, it is the aim that managers will be able to further define and understand the steps needed to manage this challenge to success. Organised ad hoc by the provider. Check website for latest courses on offer. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development One off Executive Class: Business Data Scientist Data Innovation Hub, Radbound Management Academy, Business & Decision Belgium Brussels English 2 days Certificate from Radboud Management Academy, subject to your active participation. FT Instructor Led Module 1: The science of data science Module 2: Data Analytics Module 3: Business analytics Module 4: Tactics of the Data scientist Module 5: Interactive Learning Session Data not available Hadoop, R Data not available EUR 1500 (VAT exempt). EUR 1500 (VAT exempt). Data not available The course is meant for professionals working in or aspiring a career in data and/or business analysis. BI managers, Project managers Data Science/Big Data projects, Big Data team leads, Business analysts, Data scientists seeking to complement their technical skills. Data not available Data not available 5 years of professional experience in the areas of business analysis, data analysis, project management or team management Exposure to one of the following domains: Business analysis, Business Intelligence, Information architecture, Data Analysis, Data science, or Data engineering. Check with provider for latest scheduled course. June Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Traineeship Professional Development Data Innovation Bootcamp for Data Science Trainees di academy Belgium Brussels English 12 weeks (2 days/week) Certificate of participation. PT Instructor Led Students will work on projects and business cases (fraud, marketing, risk, HR analytics, text mining, machine learning, �) throughout the bootcamp once they are up to speed with R, Python, SAS & Hadoop. Data visualization techniques and communication skills will also be addressed. Data not available R, Python, SAS & Hadoop. This scheme is run in partnership with 10 companies (not specified). Trainees are offered a contract with the company during the course. No fee No fee Participants are offered a contract to work in the data science team of a major company and will be coached during this period. Graduates with a technical background, looking to work in data science for business. Data not available Data not available Graduates from university this summer in mathematics, statistics, engineering, science, it or a related field and you have mastered at least one programming language. Young graduates with maximum two years of experience can also apply. Contact provider to request details. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Community MeetUp: eg.Coached MOOC TensorFlow di academy Belgium Brussels English 4 evenings Data not available PT Instructor Led Based on UDACITY Machine Learning course: From Machine Learning to Deep Learning Deep Neural Networks Convolutional Neural Networks Deep Models for Text and Sequences Data not available TensorFlow Data not available No fee. No fee. Data not available This is an intermediate to advanced level course offered as part of the Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree program. It assumes you have taken a first course in machine learning, and that you are at least familiar with supervised learning methods. big data Technical proficiency with programming and mathematics is assumed. Fundamental understanding of machine learning is assumed. The Data Innovation Hub offers many one-off courses for the community. Check for latest offerings. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Analytics for Business Users Bright Solutions Global PLC United Kingdom London English 1 day Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led 1. Defining Big Data 2. Defining the Cloud 3. The Cloud Economics 4. What is NOSQL? 5. Applied Data Science 6. Data Science Algorithms and Analytical Methods 7. Big Data Business Intelligence and Analytics Data not available Hive, NoSQL, Hadoop, MapReduce, Google App Engine, OLAP, Pig Data not available GBP 995 On-site fee GBP 1295 In-centre fee GBP 695 Public course fee GBP 995 On-site fee GBP 1295 In-centre fee GBP 695 Public course fee Data not available Beginners. Managers, Analysts, Architects, and Team Leads. big data No Prerequisites are required to attend this course. Courses organised on request. Contact provider for options. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Applied Data Science and Big Data Analytics Boot Camp for Business Analysts Bright Solutions Global PLC United Kingdom London English 3 days Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led Chapter 1. Defining Big Data Chapter 2. What is NoSQL? Chapter 3. NoSQL Systems Overview Chapter 4. Big Data Business Intelligence and Analytics Chapter 5. Applied Data Science Chapter 6. Data Analytics Life-cycle Phases Chapter 7. Getting Started with R Chapter 8. R Statistical Computing Features Chapter 9. Data Science Algorithms and Analytical Methods Chapter 10. Visualizing and Reporting Processed Results Chapter 11. Apache Mahout Chapter 12. Machine Learning with BigML Chapter 13. The Semantic Web Data not available Hive, NoSQL, Hadoop, MapReduce, Google App Engine, OLAP, Pig, Cassandra, MongoDB, Amazon S3, Goggle BigTable, HBase Data not available Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate/Advanced. Business Analysts, IT Architects and Managers big data Participants should have the general knowledge of statistics and programming Courses organised on request. Contact provider for options. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Foundation Bright Solutions Global PLC United Kingdom London English 2 days Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led 1. Course Introduction 2. Big Data Fundamentals 3. Big Data Sources: 4. Data Mining � Concepts and Tools 5. Big Data Technologies � Hadoop 6. Big Data Technologies � MongoDB 7. Exam Preparation Guide Data not available Hadoop, MongoDB, MapReduce Data not available GBP 1450 On-site fee GBP 1750 In-centre fee GBP 795 Public course fee GBP 1450 On-site fee GBP 1750 In-centre fee GBP 795 Public course fee Data not available Beginners. Software Engineers, Application Developers, IT architects, System administrators. The course can also be of benefit to other professionals, such as business analytics and research analytics, who possess strong Information Technology skills and have a deep interest in Big Data analytics and the benefits it can bring to an organization. big data No prior knowledge required. Courses organised on request. Contact provider for options. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Bootcamp (Apache Hadoop/Pig/Hive) Bright Solutions Global PLC United Kingdom London English 2 days Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led Introduction to Big Data Survey of Big Data technologies Introduction to Hadoop: Introduction to MapReduce Introduction to Yarn Introduction to HDFS Data Transformation Structured Data Analysis? Loading data into Hadoop Automating workflows in Hadoop Exploring opportunities in your own organization Hands-on Exercises Data not available Hadoop, Yarn, MapReduce, HDFS, Pig, Hive Data not available Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. Anybody who is involved with databases, data analysis, wondering how to deal with the mountains of data (anywhere gigabytes of user/log data etc to petabytes will benefit from this program). This course is perfect for: Business Analysts, Software Engineers, Project Managers, Data Analysts, Business Customers, Team Leaders, System Analysts big data No prior knowledge of big data and/or Hadoop is required for this class. Some prior programming experience is a plus for this class, but not necessary. Courses organised on request. Contact provider for options. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Big Data and NoSQL Bright Solutions Global PLC United Kingdom London English 2 days Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led 1. Defining Big Data 2. NoSQL and Big Data Systems Overview 3. Big Data Business Intelligence and Analytics 4. Big Data Real World Case Studies 5. Adopting NoSQL Data not available Hadoop, Yarn, MapReduce, HDFS, Pig, Hive Data not available Not specified Not specified Data not available Intermediate. General audience including business and technology team leadership big data Basic programming skills, some knowledge of SQL Courses organised on request. Contact provider for options. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Srategy: it's time to think bigger Bright Solutions Global PLC United Kingdom London English 1 day Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led 1. Big Data History 2. 7V�s of a Big Data Strategy 3. Important Big Data Trends 4. Big Data Techniques 5. Privacy & Ethics 6. Big Data Roadmap 7. Big Data within your organisation 8. Future of Big Data Data not available Hadoop, Yarn, MapReduce, HDFS, Pig, Hive Data not available Not specified Not specified Data not available Beginners. The Big Data Training is tailored towards decision-makers, marketers, operations managers, supply-chain managers, HR managers, sales representatives, IT personnel and/or financial controllers who want to learn more about Big Data and what it can do for their organization. big data A basic understanding of how a business works. Courses organised on request. Contact provider for options. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data and NoSQL for Developers Bright Solutions Global PLC United Kingdom London English 1 day Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led Defining Big Data Big Data Systems Overview Big Data Business Intelligence and Analytics Working with Google App Engine Working with MongoDB Data not available Hadoop, HBase Design, Cassandra, Neo4J, MemcacheDB, GAE, MongoDB, Amazon S3 Data not available Not specified Not specified Data not available Advanced. Geared towards technical leads and application developers big data Participants should be familiar with programming in Java and using Eclipse development environment Courses organised on request. Contact provider for options. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Free Big Data & Hadoop Training Seminar Framework Training Ltd United Kingdom London English 0.5 days Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led Big Data: Defining Big Data, Key concepts, Business impact (case studies), Overview of commercial solutions Hadoop: What is Hadoop, Processing Data, Tools and techniques (MapReduce, Hive, Pig, Mahout, Cassandra, Storm), Cloud � overview of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Data not available Hadoop, MapReduce, Hive, Pig, Mahout, Cassandra, Storm, Amazon Web Services Data not available No fee No fee Corporate discounts available Beginners. Database and Business Intelligence professionals, Software Developers & Architects, IT Managers and other vested stakeholders. big data No technical prerequisites. Can also be arranged on-site with provider for a fee. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Training Course: Hadoop & Storm Framework Training Ltd United Kingdom London English 3 days Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led Hadoop Architecture, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), MapReduce, Data warehousing with Hive, Parallel Processing with Pig, Data Mining with Mahout, Searching with Elastic Search, Structured Data Storage with HBase, Cassandra multi-master database, Redis, MongoDB, Kafka, Lambda Architecture, Big Data in the Cloud, Real-time Analytics with Spark, Streaming algorithms, Integration with third-party applications and languages Data not available Hadoop, MapReduce, Hive, Pig, Mahout, Cassandra, Storm, MongoDB Data not available GBP 1895 excl VAT GBP 1895 excl VAT Corporate discounts available Data Warehouse Managers & Business Intelligence Specialists, Software Developers, Database Developers, Software Architects, IT Managers & IT Directors big data No prior experience of working with Big Data tools or platforms is assumed. Delegates should ideally have an understanding of Enterprise application development, Business Systems Integration and / or database development.This course incorporates hands-on exercises using cloud-based environments. If you wish to participate in the hands-on exercises you should sign up for an Amazon AWS account prior to the course: and bring your login details. Participants are expected to bring their own laptops. Approximately 3 times per year. Check for upcoming dates with provider. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Hadoop Training Course Framework Training Ltd United Kingdom London English 2 days Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led Hadoop Architecture, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), MapReduce, Data warehousing with Hive, Parallel Processing with Pig, Data Mining with Mahout, Searching with Elastic Search, Structured Data Storage with HBase, Cassandra multi-master database, Redis, MongoDB, Kafka, Lambda Architecture, Big Data in the Cloud Data not available Hadoop, MapReduce, Hive, Pig, Mahout, Cassandra, Storm, MongoDB Data not available GBP 1495 excl VAT GBP 1495 excl VAT Corporate discounts available Data Scientists, Business Intelligence Analysts, Software Developers, Software Architects who are looking to employ the Hadoop stack to analyse large unwieldy databases - be it marketing / retail data, scientific data sets, banking & financial reports, document stores. big data Delegates should have an understanding of Enterprise application development, business systems integration and or Database Design / Querying / Reporting. For the hands-on Hadoop exercises, delegates should sign up for an Amazon AWS account prior to the course: and bring their login details. Service usage is not likely to exceed USD 10 USD per person. Approximately 4 times per year. Check for upcoming dates with provider. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Apache Spark Training Course Framework Training Ltd United Kingdom London English 1 day Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led Real-time Analytics with Spark, Streaming algorithms, Integration with third-party applications and languages Data not available Apache Spark, R Data not available GBP 695 excl VAT GBP 695 excl VAT Corporate discounts available Data Scientists, Analysts, Software Developers, Database Developers, Data Warehouse Managers & Business Intelligence Specialists, Software Architects. big data Attendance of our 2-day Hadoop training workshop or similar real-world experience would be highly beneficial. Delegates should have experience developing enterprise database and / or software applications.This course incorporates hands-on exercises using cloud-based environments. If you wish to participate in the hands-on exercises you should sign up for an Amazon AWS account prior to the course: and bring your login details. Participants are expected to bring their own laptops. Approximately 4 times per year. Check for upcoming dates with provider. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Statistical Analysis with R Framework Training Ltd United Kingdom London English 4 days Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led Introduction to R Data in R Statistical analyses using R Using R for graphical summary Custom solutions using R Data not available R Data not available GBP 1995 excl VAT GBP 1995 excl VAT Corporate discounts available Analysts, students and developers who want to explore the vast range of analytical and graphical capabilities of R. big data No previous experience of programming is required although familiarity with another programming language would be helpful. Some experience of basic statistical analytical methods would also be useful but is not essential. Approximately 4 times per year. Check for upcoming dates with provider. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Tools for Retail & Marketing Training Framework Training Ltd United Kingdom London English 1 day Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led Turning your massive data sets into valuable business insights with Apache Hadoop Reducing your IT costs with Cloud solutions Identifying trends in your customer base you weren�t even looking for with Clustering & Machine Learning Increasing sales using Recommendation Engines Combining all your sources into one Data Warehouse for more powerful querying Visualising like never before using Business Intelligence reporting tools designed for Big Data When Oracle, DB2, SAP or SQL Server isn�t quite enough: how and when to use NoSQL databases Avoiding common pitfalls when starting out in Big Data (Patterns and Anti-Patterns) Data not available Hadoop, NoSQL Data not available GBP 995 excl VAT GBP 995 excl VAT Corporate discounts available This workshop is aimed anyone interested in the Business benefits of appying Big Data techniques to Advertising, Marketing and Retail data; Business Analysts, Project Managers, Data Scientists, Business Intelligence Analysts, Software Developers, Software Architects who are looking to analyse trends and gain more insight into live data streams big data Delegates will ideally have an understanding of Business Intelligence and understand their organisation's current methods of data collection and reporting. Check for upcoming dates with provider. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Designing Self-Service Business Intelligence and Big Data Solutions MBIT Training Ltd. United Kingdom Various English 5 days Professional Qualification (awarding body: Microsoft) FT Instructor Led Introduction to Self-Service Business Intelligence Self-Service Reporting Self-Service Data Modeling with PowerPivot Importing Data with Power Query Visualizing Data with Power View in Microsoft Excel Visualizing Geographic Data with Power Map Collaborative BI with Microsoft SharePoint Server The Windows Azure Marketplace Data Market Cloud Collaboration with Power BI for Microsoft Office 365 Introduction to Big Data and Windows Azure HDInsight Processing Big Data with Pig and Hive Implementing Big Data Processing Solutions with Windows Azure HDInsight Data not available Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft SharePoint Server, and Microsoft Office 365 Power BI, Windows Azure HDInsight Data not available GBP 2,340 GBP 2,340 Data not available The primary audience for this course is database and business intelligence (BI) professionals who are familiar with data warehouses and enterprise BI solutions built with SQL Server technologies. Experienced data analysts who want to learn how to use Microsoft technologies for self-service analysis and reporting will also benefit from attending this course. Data not available Data not available Multiple entry points available throughout the year. Contact provider for next available date. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data on AWS MBIT Training Ltd. United Kingdom London English 3 days Certificate of Attendance (Certificate of Attendance/Completion/Achievement (no assessment element)) FT Instructor Led Day 1: Overview of Big Data, Apache Hadoop, and the Benefits of Amazon EMR, Amazon EMR Architecture, Using Amazon EMR, Launching and Using an Amazon EMR Cluster, Hadoop Programming Frameworks Day 2: Using Hive for Advertising Analytics, Using Streaming for Life Sciences Analytics, Overview: Spark and Shark for In-Memory Analytics, Using Spark and Shark for In-Memory Analytics, Managing Amazon EMR Costs, Overview of Amazon EMR Security, Data Ingestion, Transfer, and Compression, Using Amazon Kinesis for Real-Time Big Data Processing Day 3: Using Amazon Kinesis and Amazon EMR to Stream and Process Big Data, AWS Data Storage Options, Using DynamoDB with Amazon EMR, Overview: Amazon Redshift and Big Data, Using Amazon Redshift for Big Data, Visualizing and Orchestrating Big Data, Using Tableau Desktop or Jaspersoft BI to Visualize Big Data Data not available Amazon Web Service Data not available GBP 1,740 GBP 1,740 Data not available Intermediate/Advanced: Individuals responsible for designing and implementing big data solutions, namely Solutions Architects and SysOps Administrators, or Data Scientists and Data Analysts interested in learning about big data solutions on AWS Data not available Data not available Basic familiarity with big data technologies, including Apache Hadoop and HDFS Knowledge of big data technologies such as Pig, Hive, and MapReduce is helpful but not required Working knowledge of core AWS services and public cloud implementation Students should complete the AWS Essentials course or have equivalent experience Basic understanding of data warehousing, relational database systems, and database design Multiple entry points available throughout the year. Contact provider for next available date. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Newcastle College United Kingdom Newcastle English 3 weeks No formal qualification gained. PT Digital Skills Academy Understand what is meant by Big Data. Understand how Big Data is used. Understand how Big Data is processed. Progression Opportunities: Microsoft Office Specialist Qualifications Microsoft Technology Associate Qualifications Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Course may be available free of charge depending on age and circumstances. Contact Newcastle College for further details. Beginners. Data not available Data not available No formal pre-requisites Multiple entry points available throughout the year. Contact provider for next available date. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Mining Big Data in Finance London Financial Studies Limited Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London, Frankfurt English 2 days No formal qualification gained. FT Instructor Led Overview of data mining, Laying out the different components of data mining, Data visualization, Regression, PCA, Data classification � regression, Kernel density estimation and classification, Classification - part I, Classification - part II, Data classification (cont.), Classification - part III, Workshop: Data mining tools Data not available Python The course uses real life case studies and workshop scenarios throughout. GBP 2690 GBP 2690 Companies may be eligible for a member discount. Intermediate. Portfolio managers, Risk managers, Professionals looking to introduce data-mining concepts in their day-to-day tasks, IT developers, Statisticians, Quant analysts, Financial Engineers Data not available Data not available Expected that participants have: Basic notions of statistics Good working knowledge of Excel No prior knowledge of Python is required Multiple entry points available throughout the year. Contact provider for next available date. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Analysis with R The Knowledge Academy United Kingdom Various English 1 day No formal qualification gained. FT Instructor Led Diamonds and price predictions, Exploring variables, R basic, What is EDA?, Different tools of the R system for Data Analysis Data not available R Data not available GBP 1,495 GBP 1,495 Special business bundles available Intermediate. Anyone looking to use R for Data Analysis in business or otherwise. Data not available Data not available Knowledge of statistics would be beneficial Multiple entry points available throughout the year. Check latest schedule online Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Statistics with SPSS Predictive Analytics Software NobleProg Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (Valletta, Luxembourg, Nicosia) English 14 hours Data not available FT Public classroom, private classroom or remote private options available Using the program: The dialog boxes, Command language syntax Data Analysis: Descriptive statistics, Introduction to research the relationships between variables, Summary: This case study and discussion Data not available SPSS Data not available Public classroom: From EUR 3290 Private Classroom: From EUR 3290 Private Remote: From EUR 2790 Public classroom: From EUR 3290 Private Classroom: From EUR 3290 Private Remote: From EUR 2790 Data not available Intermediate. Analysts, researchers, scientists, students and all those who want to acquire the ability to use SPSS package and learn popular data mining techniques. Data not available Data not available No formal pre-requisites Regularly scheduled courses available Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Model MapReduce and Apache Hadoop NobleProg Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (Valletta, Luxembourg, Nicosia) English 14 hours Data not available FT Public classroom, private classroom or remote private options available Data Mining and Business Intelligence Big data MapReduce Hadoop Data not available MapReduce, Hadoop Data not available Public classroom: From EUR 3250 Private Classroom: From EUR 3250 Private Remote: From EUR 2750 Public classroom: From EUR 3250 Private Classroom: From EUR 3250 Private Remote: From EUR 2750 Data not available Intermediate. The course is intended for IT specialist that works with the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of Data mining and OS such as Windows or Linux Regularly scheduled courses available Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Business Intelligence for Govt. Agencies NobleProg Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (Valletta, Luxembourg, Nicosia) English 40 hours Data not available FT Public classroom, private classroom or remote private options available Day 1: Business Overview of Why Big Data Business Intelligence in Govt., Introduction of Big Data-1, Introduction to Big Data-2 Day-2: Big Data Ecosystem-Building Big Data ETL: universe of Big Data Tools-which one to use and when?, Big Data Management System, Predictive analytics in Business Intelligence Fundamental Techniques & Machine learning based BI, Predictive analytics eco-system-2: Common predictive analytic problems in Govt. Day-3 : Real Time and Scalable Analytic Over Hadoop, Tools for eDiscovery and Forensics, Big Data BI for Cyber Security �Understanding whole 360 degree views of speedy data collection to threat identification, Big Data in USDA : Application in Agriculture Day-4 : Fraud prevention BI from Big Data in Govt-Fraud analytic, Social Media Analytic- Intelligence gathering and analysis, Big Data Analytic in image processing and video feeds, Big Data applications in NIH Day-5 : How to justify Big Data BI implementation within an organization, Step by Step procedure to replace legacy data system to Big Data System, Review of Big Data Vendors and review of their products. Q/A session Data not available MapReduce, Hadoop, Apache, Mahout, Mongo DB, and others Data not available Public classroom: From EUR 10740 Private Classroom: From EUR 10740 Private Remote: From EUR 9790 Public classroom: From EUR 10740 Private Classroom: From EUR 10740 Private Remote: From EUR 9790 Data not available For quantitative professionals in Government Agencies. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of business operation and data systems in Govt. in their domain Basic understanding of SQL/Oracle or relational database Basic understanding of Statistics (at Spreadsheet level) Regularly scheduled courses available Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development From Data to Decision with Big Data and Predictive Analytics NobleProg Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (Valletta, Luxembourg, Nicosia) English 21 hours Data not available FT Public classroom, private classroom or remote private options available Quick Overview Datatypes Models Data Classification Predictive Models ROI Building Models Overview of Open Source and commercial software Data not available Mahout, Apache, MapReduce Data not available Public classroom: From EUR 6200 Private Classroom: From EUR 6200 Private Remote: From EUR 5550 Public classroom: From EUR 6200 Private Classroom: From EUR 6200 Private Remote: From EUR 5550 Data not available Intermediate. If you try to make sense out of the data you have access to or want to analyse unstructured data available on the net (like Twitter, Linked in, etc...) this course is for you. It is mostly aimed at decision makers and people who need to choose what data is worth collecting and what is worth analyzing. It is not aimed at people configuring the solution, those people will benefit from the big picture though. Data not available Data not available Understanding of traditional data management and analysis methods like SQL, data warehouses, business intelligence, OLAP, etc... Understanding of basic statistics and probability (mean, variance, probability, conditional probability, etc....) Regularly scheduled courses available Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Recommendation Systems NobleProg Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (Valletta, Luxembourg, Nicosia) English 7 hours Data not available FT Public classroom, private classroom or remote private options available Challenges related to data collection Recommendation and searching Long Tail Determining Similarities Content-Based Recommendation i measurement of similarities Collaborative filtering Graphs Neural Networks How to encourage users to share their data Case Studies Data not available Data not available Data not available Public classroom: From EUR 1990 Private Classroom: From EUR 1990 Private Remote: From EUR 1640 Public classroom: From EUR 1990 Private Classroom: From EUR 1990 Private Remote: From EUR 1640 Data not available Marketing department employees, IT strategists and other people involved in decisions related to the design and implementation of recommender systems. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of e-commerce platforms (can be as a user of these platforms). Regularly scheduled courses available Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Predictive Models with PMML NobleProg Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (Valletta, Luxembourg, Nicosia) English 7 hours Data not available FT Public classroom, private classroom or remote private options available Predictive Models PMML Elements API Data not available Data not available Data not available Public classroom: From EUR 1970 Private Classroom: From EUR 1970 Private Remote: From EUR 1620 Public classroom: From EUR 1970 Private Classroom: From EUR 1970 Private Remote: From EUR 1620 Data not available Advanced. The course is created for scientists, developers, analysts or any other people who want to standardize or exchange their models with Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) file format. Data not available Data not available Technical background assumed. Regularly scheduled courses available Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Mining with R NobleProg Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (Valletta, Luxembourg, Nicosia) English 14 hours Data not available FT Public classroom, private classroom or remote private options available Sources of methods Pre processing of data Data mining main tasks Data mining Data dredging, data fishing, data snooping Data not available R Data not available Public classroom: From EUR 3250 Private Classroom: From EUR 3250 Private Remote: From EUR 2750 Public classroom: From EUR 3250 Private Classroom: From EUR 3250 Private Remote: From EUR 2750 Data not available Intermediate. A technical background is assumed. Data not available Data not available Good R knowledge. Regularly scheduled course. Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Mining NobleProg Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (Valletta, Luxembourg, Nicosia) English 21 hours Data not available FT Public classroom, private classroom or remote private options available Introduction Sources of methods What is involved? Data mining main tasks Data mining Use and applications Data dredging, data fishing, data snooping Data not available Data not available Data not available Public classroom: From EUR 4630 Private Classroom: From EUR 4630 Private Remote: From EUR 3980 Public classroom: From EUR 4630 Private Classroom: From EUR 4630 Private Remote: From EUR 3980 Data not available Intermediate. A technical background is assumed. Data not available Data not available Fair knowledge about relational data structures, SQL. Regularly scheduled courses available Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Business Intelligence for Telecom and Communication Service Providers NobleProg Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (Valletta, Luxembourg, Nicosia) English 35 hours Data not available FT Public classroom, private classroom or remote private options available Day-1: Session -1: Business Overview of Why Big Data Business Intelligence in Telco, Introduction of Big Data-1, Introduction to Big Data-2, Varieties of Data, Introduction to Data Cleaning issue in Big Data, Big Data Introduction-3 : Hadoop, Introduction to Map Reduce /HDFS Day-2: Spark : In Memory distributed database, Storm -Real time processing in Big Data, Big Data Management System, Predictive analytics in Business Intelligence -1: Fundamental Techniques & Machine learning based BI, Predictive analytics eco-system-2: Common predictive analytic problems in Telecom Day-3 : Network Operation analytic- root cause analysis of network failures, service interruption from meta data, IPDR and CRM,Tools for Network service failure analysis, Big Data BI for Marketing/Sales �Understanding sales/marketing from Sales data: ( All of them will be shown with a live predictive analytic demo ), BI needed for Telco CFO office: Day-4 : Fraud prevention BI from Big Data in Telco-Fraud analytic, From Churning Prediction to Churn Prevention, How to use predictive analysis for root cause analysis of customer dis-satisfaction, Big Data Dashboard for quick accessibility of diverse data and display Day-5 : How to justify Big Data BI implementation within an organization, Step by Step procedure to replace legacy data system to Big Data System, Review of Big Data Vendors and review of their products. Q/A session: Data not available MapReduce, Hadoop, Apache, Mahout, Mongo DB, and others Data not available Public classroom: From EUR 10000 Private Classroom: From EUR 10000 Private Remote: From EUR 9050 Public classroom: From EUR 4630 Private Classroom: From EUR 4630 Private Remote: From EUR 3980 Data not available Network operation, Financial Managers, CRM managers and top IT managers in Telco CIO office. Business Analysts in Telco CFO office managers/analysts Operational managers QA managers Data not available Data not available Should have basic knowledge of business operation and data systems in Telecom in their domain Must have basic understanding of SQL/Oracle or relational database Basic understanding of Statistics ( in Excel levels) Regularly scheduled courses available Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Cloudera Data Analyst Training: Using Pig, Hive, and Impala with Hadoop Cloudera, and local partner Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (London, Berlin, Paris, Stockholdm, Vilnius, Tallinn, Seville, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Rome, Prague, Munich, Hamburg, Krakow, Amsterdam, Sofia) English, native language 4 days Cloudera certification FT Data not available Introduction Hadoop Fundamentals Introduction to Pig Basic Data Analysis with Pig Processing Complex Data with Pig Multi-Dataset Operations with Pig Pig Troubleshooting and Optimization Introduction to Impala and Hive Querying with Impala and Hive Data Management Data Storage and Performance Relational Data Analysis With Impala and Hive Working with Impala Analyzing Text and Complex Data with Hive Hive Optimization Extending Hive Choosing the Best Tool for the Job Conclusion Data not available Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Impala Data not available Prices vary by location. e.g. London: GBP 2195, Madrid:EUR 1995 Prices vary by location. e.g. London: GBP 2195, Madrid:EUR 1995 Data not available Advanced. This course is designed for data analysts, business intelligence specialists, developers, system architects, and database administrators. Data not available Data not available Knowledge of SQL is assumed, as is basic Linux command-line familiarity. Knowledge of at least one scripting language (e.g., Bash scripting, Perl, Python, Ruby) would be helpful but is not essential. Prior knowledge of Apache Hadoop is not required. Regularly scheduled courses available at locations across Europe. Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Cloudera Designing and Building Big Data Applications Cloudera, and local partner Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (London, Berlin, Paris, Stockholdm, Vilnius, Tallinn, Seville, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Rome, Prague, Munich, Hamburg, Krakow, Amsterdam) English, native language 4 days Cloudera certification FT Data not available Introduction, Application Architecture, Defining and Using Data Sets, Using the Kite SDK Data Module, Importing Relational Data with Apache Sqoop, Capturing Data with Apache Flume Developer, Custom Flume Components, Managing Workflows with Apache Oozie, Processing Data Pipelines with Apache Crunch, Working with Tables in Apache Hive Developer, User-Defined Functions, Executing Interactive Queries with Impala, Understanding Cloudera Search, Indexing Data with Cloudera Search, Presenting Results to Users, Conclusion Data not available Apache Hive, Oozie, Sqoop, Flume, Cloudera Search Data not available Prices vary by location. e.g. London: GBP 2195, Madrid:EUR 1995 Prices vary by location. e.g. London: GBP 2195, Madrid:EUR 1995 Data not available Advanced. This course is best suited to developers, engineers, and architects who want to use Hadoop and related tools to solve real-world problems. Data not available Data not available Participants should have already attended Cloudera Developer Training for Apache Hadoop or have equivalent practical experience. Good knowledge of Java and basic familiarity with Linux are required. Experience with SQL is helpful. Regularly scheduled courses available at locations across Europe. Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Cloudera Data Science at Scale using Spark and Hadoop Cloudera, and local partner Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (London, Berlin, Paris, Stockholdm, Vilnius, Tallinn, Seville, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Rome, Prague, Munich, Hamburg, Krakow, Amsterdam) English, native language 3 days Cloudera certification FT Data not available How to identify potential business use cases where data science can provide impactful results; How to obtain, clean and combine disparate data sources to create a coherent picture for analysis; What statistical methods to leverage for data exploration that will provide critical insight into your data; Where and when to leverage Hadoop streaming and Apache Spark for data science pipelines; What machine learning technique to use for a particular data science project; How to implement and manage recommenders using Spark�s MLlib, and how to set up and evaluate data experiments; What are the pitfalls of deploying new analytics projects to production, at scale. Data not available Spark, Hadoop Data not available Prices vary by location. e.g. London: GBP 2195, Madrid:EUR 1995 Prices vary by location. e.g. London: GBP 2195, Madrid:EUR 1995 Data not available Advanced. This course is for developers, data analysts, and statisticians with basic knowledge of Apache Hadoop: HDFS, MapReduce, Hadoop Streaming, and Apache Hive as well as experience working in Linux environments. Data not available Data not available Participants should have experience with Hadoop and proficiency in a scripting language; Python is strongly preferred, but familiarity with Perl or Ruby is sufficient. Regularly scheduled courses available at locations across Europe. Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Cloudera Search Training Cloudera, and local partner Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (London, Berlin, Paris, Stockholdm, Vilnius, Tallinn, Seville, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Rome, Prague, Munich, Hamburg, Krakow, Amsterdam) English, native language 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led, virtual classroom Introduction, Overview of Cloudera Search, Performing Basic Queries, Writing More Powerful, Preparing to Index Documents, Batch Indexing HDFS Data with MapReduce, Near-Real-Time Indexing with Flume, Indexing HBase Data with Lily, Indexing Data in Other Languages and Formats, Improving Search Quality and Performance, Building User Interfaces for Search, Considerations for Deployment, Conclusion Data not available Hadoop Data not available Prices vary e.g.Virtual classrom: USD 2595, EUR 1995 Prices vary e.g.Virtual classrom: USD 2595, EUR 1995 Data not available Advanced. Course is for developers with Hadoop experience who want to index data in Hadoop for more powerful real-time queries using Cloudera Search with external applications. Data not available Data not available At least basic familiarity with Hadoop and experience programming in a general-purpose language such as Java, C, C++, Perl, or Python. Participants should be comfortable with the Linux command line and should be able to perform basic tasks such as creating and removing directories, viewing and changing file permissions, executing scripts, and examining file output. No prior experience with Apache Solr or Cloudera Search is required, nor is any experience with HBase or SQL. Regularly scheduled courses available through virtual classroom training Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Cloudera Apache HBase Training Cloudera, and local partner Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (London, Berlin, Paris, Stockholdm, Vilnius, Tallinn, Seville, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Rome, Prague, Munich, Hamburg, Krakow, Amsterdam) English, native language 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led, virtual classroom The use cases and usage occasions for HBase, Hadoop, and RDBMS Using the HBase shell to directly manipulate HBase tables Designing optimal HBase schemas for efficient data storage and recovery How to connect to HBase using the Java API to insert and retrieve data in real time Best practices for identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks Data not available Hadoop Data not available Prices vary e.g.Virtual classrom: USD 2595, EUR 1995 Prices vary e.g.Virtual classrom: USD 2595, EUR 1995 Data not available Advanced. Course is for professional developers. Data not available Data not available This course is appropriate for developers and administrators who intend to use HBase. Prior experience with databases and data modeling is helpful, but not required. Knowledge of Java is assumed. Prior knowledge of Hadoop is not required, but Cloudera Developer Training for Apache Hadoop provides an excellent foundation for this course. Regularly scheduled courses available through virtual classroom training Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Cloudera Developer Training for Apache Spark Cloudera, and local partner Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (London, Berlin, Paris, Stockholdm, Vilnius, Tallinn, Seville, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Rome, Prague, Munich, Hamburg, Krakow, Amsterdam) English, native language 3 days Data not available FT Instructor Led, virtual classroom Introduction to Spark, Spark Basics, Working with RDDs in Spark, Aggregating Data with Pair RDDs, Writing and Deploying Spark Applications, Parallel Processing, Spark RDD Persistence, Basic Spark Streaming, Advanced Spark Streaming, Common Patterns in Spark Data Processing, Improving Spark Performance, Spark SQL and DataFrames, Conclusion Data not available Spark, Hadoop Data not available Prices vary e.g.Virtual classrom: USD 2595, EUR 1995 Prices vary e.g.Virtual classrom: USD 2595, EUR 1995 Data not available Advanced. Data not available Data not available This course is best suited to developers and engineers with prior knowledge and experience with Hadoop. Course examples and exercises are presented in Python and Scala, so knowledge of one of these programming languages is required. Basic knowledge of Linux is assumed. Regularly scheduled courses available through virtual classroom training Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Cloudera Developer Training for MapReduce Cloudera, and local partner Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (London, Berlin, Paris, Stockholdm, Vilnius, Tallinn, Seville, Barcelona, Santiago de Compostela, Rome, Prague, Munich, Hamburg, Krakow, Amsterdam) English, native language 4 days Upon completion of the course, attendees are encouraged to continue their study and register for the Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop (CCDH) exam. Certification is a great differentiator; it helps establish you as a leader in the field, providing employers and customers with tangible evidence of your skills and expertise. FT Instructor Led, virtual classroom The internals of MapReduce and HDFS and how to write MapReduce code Best practices for Hadoop development, debugging, and implementation of workflows and common algorithms How to leverage Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, and other Hadoop ecosystem projects Creating custom components such as WritableComparables and InputFormats to manage complex data types Writing and executing joins to link data sets in MapReduce Advanced Hadoop API topics required for real-world data analysis Data not available Hive, Pig, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, and other Hadoop. MapReduce Data not available Prices vary e.g.Virtual classrom: USD 2595, EUR 1995 Prices vary e.g.Virtual classrom: USD 2595, EUR 1995 Data not available Advanced. Data not available Data not available This course is best suited to developers and engineers who have programming experience. Knowledge of Java is strongly recommended and is required to complete the hands-on exercises. Regularly scheduled courses available through virtual classroom training Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data On AWS Course Description NetCom Learning Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Data not available English, native language 3 days Data not available FT Data not available Module: 1 Overview of Big Data, Apache Hadoop, and the Benefits of Amazon EMR, Amazon EMR Architecture, Using Amazon EMR, Launching and Using an Amazon EMR Cluster, Hadoop Programming Frameworks Module: 2 Using Hive for Advertising Analytics, Using Streaming for Life Sciences Analytics, Overview: Spark and Shark for In-Memory Analytics, Using Spark and Shark for In-Memory Analytics, Managing Amazon EMR Costs, Overview of Amazon EMR Security, Data Ingestion, Transfer, and Compression, Using Amazon Kinesis for Real-Time Big Data Processing Module: 3 Using Amazon Kinesis for Real-Time Big Data Processing, AWS Data Storage Options, Using DynamoDB with Amazon EMR, Overview: Amazon Redshift and Big Data, Using Amazon Redshift for Big Data, Visualizing and Orchestrating Big Data, Using Tableau Desktop or Jaspersoft BI to Visualize Big Data Data not available Hadoop, AWS Data not available Not specified Not specified Data not available Individuals responsible for designing and implementing big data solutions, namely Solutions Architects and SysOps Administrators Data Scientists and Data Analysts interested in learning about big data solutions on AWS Data not available Data not available All prospective students need to take a FREE Skill Assessment test. These short, instructor-written tests are an objective measure of your current skills that help us determine whether or not you will be able to meet your goals by attending this course at your current skill level. Possible to organise local training session across Europe, contact provider Data not available Worldwide Training Partners
Short Course Professional Development HDP Data Science HortonWorks Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (London, Paris, Toulouse, Prague, Turin, Madrid) English, native language 3 days HDP certified course FT Data not available Setting Up a Development Environment, Using HDFS Commands, Using Mahout for Machine Learning, Getting Started with Pig, Exploring Data with Pig, Using the IPython Notebook, Data Analysis with Python, Interpolating Data Points, Define a Pig UDF in Python, Streaming Python with Pig, K-Nearest Neighbor, K-Means Clustering, Natural Language Processing, Running Data Science Algorithms using Spark MLlib Data not available Data not available Data not available Prices vary by location. e.g. London: GBP 1495, Prague:EUR 1200, Paris: EUR 2160 Prices vary by location. e.g. London: GBP 1495, Prague:EUR 1200, Paris: EUR 2160 Data not available Intermediate. Course is intended for professionals: Architects, software developers, analysts and data scientists who need to understand how to apply data science and machine learning on Hadoop will get the most from this course. Data not available Data not available Students must have: Experience with at least one programming or scripting language Knowledge of statistics and/or mathematics A basic understanding of big data and Hadoop principles Students new to Hadoop are encouraged to attend the Hadoop Essentials course. Regularly scheduled courses available across Europe. Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development HDP Developer: Apache Pig and Hive HortonWorks Multiple: Europe Multiple Cities across Europe (London, Paris, Toulouse, Prague, Turin, Madrid) English, native language 4 days This course prepares students for official HDP certification: HDP Certified Developer (HDPCD) FT Data not available Day 1: Understanding Hadoop 2.0, The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Inputting Data into HDFS, The MapReduce Framework and YARN Day 2: Introduction to Pig, Advanced Pig Programming Day 3: Hive Programming, Using HCatalog, Advanced Hive Programming Day 4: Advanced Hive Programming (cont.), Data Analysis and Statistics, Defining Workflow with Oozie Data not available Data not available Data not available Prices vary by location. e.g. London: GBP 2261, Prague:EUR 1600, Paris: EUR 2520 Prices vary by location. e.g. London: GBP 2261, Prague:EUR 1600, Paris: EUR 2520 Data not available Intermediate. Course is intended for professionals: Data Analysts, BI Analysts, BI Developers, SAS Developers and other types of analysts who need to answer questions and analyze Big Data stored in a Hadoop cluster. Data not available Data not available Students should be familiar with programming principles and have experience in software development. SQL knowledge is also helpful. No prior Hadoop knowledge is required. Regularly scheduled courses available across Europe. Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Fundamentals of Data Science Octo Technology France Paris Native language 3 days Data not available FT Data not available Day 1: Introduction To Big Data, Introduction To Data Science, Modeling Of A Problem, Identify Families Learning Algorithms Machine, Under The Hood Algorithms : Linear Regression, Under The Hood Algorithms : Logistics Regression, Box Tool Of Data Scientist Case Study 1: " Predict The Titanic Survivors " Day 2: Reminders And Review Of Day 1, What Is A Good Model?, Pitfalls Of Machine Learning, Data Cleaning, Feature Engineering, Case Study 2: " Predict The Titanic Survivors ", Data Display, Introduction Methods Ensemblist, Semi- Supervised Learning Day 3: Reminders And Revisions, Put Into Practice, Selection And Participation In A Competition Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 2,300.00 EUR 2,300.00 Data not available Intermediate. Course is intended for professionals: Analyst, Statistician, Architect, Developer. Data not available Data not available Basic knowledge of programming, scripting, statistics Regularly scheduled courses available. Check with provider for latest schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Foundation netmind Spain Madrid Native language 17 hours Cloud Credential Council (CCC) Big Data Foundation Exam offered at the end of course. FT Data not available Module 1: Course Introduction Module 2: Big Data Fundamentals Module 3: Big Data Sources Module 4: Data Mining � Concepts and Tools Module 5: Big Data Technologies � Hadoop Module 6: Big Data Technologies � MongoDB Module 7: Exam Preparation Guide Data not available Hadoop, MapReduce, MongoDB Data not available Not specified. Not specified. Data not available Intermediate. The course is best suited to Information Technology professionals who are looking to move into the area of Big Data: Software Engineers, Application Developers, IT architects, System administrators. The course can also be of benefit to other professionals, such as business analytics and research analytics, who possess strong Information Technology skills and have a deep interest in Big Data analytics and the benefits it can bring to an organization. Data not available Data not available Participants must possess intermediate to advanced programming, system administration, or relational database skills. Regularly scheduled courses available. Check with provider for latest schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Introduction to Data Science in the Big Data World Big Data Partnership United Kingdom Data not available English 3 days Data not available FT Data not available Day 1: Data Science in a Big Data world, Python Programming, Basic Statistics Day 2: Introduction to machine learning, Supervised learning Day 3: Unsupervised learning, Building a recommender system, Social network analysis using graph theory Data not available Data not available In house training can be arranged directly with the provider. Not specified. Not specified. Data not available Beginners. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Not specified. Check with provider for latest schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Big Data Concepts Big Data Partnership United Kingdom Data not available English 1 day Data not available FT Data not available Business, Technology and Delivery. Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 500 GBP 500 Data not available Beginners. Course has been developed for Management and Business Leaders. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Not specified. Contact provider directly to book latest courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Open Data Science Open Data Institute United Kingdom London English 1 day Data not available FT Data not available Define open data science Describe a number of key data science stories Identify the characteristics of open data science projects Apply tools to unlock and transform data available on the web Perform a number of statistical experiments using R Create a simple visualisation for communicating the value of data Assess strategies for implementing open data science principles in projects Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 299+VAT GBP 299+VAT Some discounts available. Check eligibility. Beginners. Course is for business and technology professionals, journalists, developers, architects, managers, executives, data analysts, performance engineers, project managers, public servants, teaching staff and anyone who wants to explore the world of data science and improve their technical skills. Data not available Data not available Participants must be comfortable with manipulating data in spreadsheet applications such as Excel. With the area still evolving rapidly, participants should come with an open mind and be ready to immerse themselves in a world of open data science. Participants must bring their own laptop. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Modern Data Science University College London United Kingdom London English 3 weeks Data not available FT Data not available Week One:Principles of research design;Probability framework and statistical inference;Linear regression models. Week Two: Classification models; Resampling methods; Model selection.Week Three:Non-linear models;Tree-based models;Unsupervised learning; Unstructured data analysis. Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 1,790 Data not available Some discounts available. Beginners. Data not available Data not available No prior subject knowledge is required for this module, but students are expected to have a keen interest in the area. UCL Summer School runs annually. Check for available modules online. July Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development IBM BigInsights Foundation Arrow ACE Multiple: Europe Multiple cities across northern Europe: London, Copenhagen, Houten, Paris English, native language 3 days Data not available FT Classroom Module 1: IBM BigInsights Overview Module 2: IBM Open Platform (IOP) with Apache Hadoop Data not available Hadoop, Hive, Oozie, IBM BigInsights, SQL, R, MapReduce In house training can also be arranged Prices vary by locations. e.g. London: GBP 1600+VAT, Paris: EUR 1950, Copenhagen: 18000 kr. Prices vary by locations. e.g. London: GBP 1600+VAT, Paris: EUR 1950, Copenhagen: 18000 kr. Data not available This training course is for those who want a foundation of IBM BigInsights technology for data science. Data not available Data not available There are no pre-requisites for this course but knowledge of Linux would be beneficial. Regular courses available at locations across Northern Europe. Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development IBM Open Platform with Apache Hadoop Arrow ACE Multiple: Europe Multiple cities across northern Europe: London, Copenhagen, Houten, Paris English, native language 3 days Data not available FT Classroom Unit 1: IBM Open Platform with Apache Hadoop Unit 2: Apache Ambari Unit 3: Hadoop Distributed File System Unit 4: MapReduce and Yarn Unit 5: Apache Spark Unit 6: Coordination, management, and governance Unit 7: Data Movement Unit 8: Storing and Accessing Data Unit 9: Advanced Topics Data not available Hadoop, Ambari, Spark, Zookeeper, R, Python, NoSQL, MapReduce and Yarn In house training can also be arranged Prices vary by locations. e.g. London: GBP 1600+VAT, Paris: EUR 1950, Copenhagen: 18000 kr. Prices vary by locations. e.g. London: GBP 1600+VAT, Paris: EUR 1950, Copenhagen: 18000 kr. Data not available This training course is for those who want a foundation of IBM BigInsights technology for data science. Data not available Data not available There are no pre-requisites for this course but knowledge of Linux would be beneficial. Regular courses available at locations across Northern Europe. Check with provider for latest local schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Hadoop for Business Analysts Training LearnQuest Multiple: Europe Multiple: Europe English 3 days Data not available FT Classroom Introduction to Hadoop HDFS Overview Map Reduce Overview Pig Hive BI Tools for Hadoop Data not available Hadoop, Pig, SQL, MapReduce In house training can also be arranged GBP 1,530 GBP 1,530 Data not available Intermediate. This course is intended for professional Business Analysts. Data not available Data not available Programming background with databases / SQL Basic knowledge of Linux (be able to navigate Linux command line, editing files with vi / nano) Courses organised according to demand. Sign up with provider to be notified about upcoming public courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Analytics for Health EIT Digital Professional School, Imperial College London United Kingdom London English 5 weeks Certificate Track: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) PT Blended learning Data analytics principles and methodologies Advanced data visualisation techniques Information governance for healthcare data Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 650 (NHS/Academic/Public Sector), GBP 950 (Corporate) GBP 650 (NHS/Academic/Public Sector), GBP 950 (Corporate) Discounts available for returning students. ICT and medical professionals who are at healthcare organisations looking to acquire new skills or certify their understanding of data analytics within their Domain. Data not available Data not available Regular professional courses available. Summer 2016. Check with EIT for latest courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Science Essentials for Health EIT Digital Professional School, Imperial College London United Kingdom London English 5 weeks Certificate Track: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) PT Blended learning Principles of data science, Health and how they collide Design Thinking, Infrastructure and Systems Implementation Fundamentals of Data Visualisation Information Governance and Data results deployment Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 650 (NHS/Academic/Public Sector), GBP 950 (Corporate) GBP 650 (NHS/Academic/Public Sector), GBP 950 (Corporate) Discounts available for returning students. ICT and medical professionals who are at healthcare organisations looking to acquire new skills or certify their understanding of data analytics within their Domain. Data not available Data not available Regular professional courses available. Summer 2016. Check with EIT for latest courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Shaping the data-driven company EIT Digital Professional School, iMinds Belgium London English 3 weeks Digital certificate of completion (which you can integrate in your LinkedIn profile) PT Blended learning Module 1: Business Perspective Module 2: Data perspective Module 3: Hands-on experience Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 49.00 EUR 49.00 Data not available People willing to understand how data science will impact businesses, people who would like to work in a data-driven business or who want to enhance the data knowledge they already have Academics who want to translate knowledge into practice or improve their technical skills Managers handling data-driven projects Executives interested in the impact of data science on their enterprise Data not available Data not available Regular professional courses available. Summer 2016. Check with EIT for latest courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Survey of Data Science and e-Health EIT Digital Professional School, Imperial College London United Kingdom London English 5 weeks Certificate Track: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) PT Blended learning Recognise key concepts and topics in healthcare data science and eHealth. Review the practical application of eHealth and data science tools and techniques in healthcare. Apply theoretical frameworks to eHealth and data science projects in healthcare. Analyse key approaches and methodologies used in the delivery of eHealth and data science projects in healthcare. Establish and manage a range of elements required for successful delivery of eHealth and data science initiatives in healthcare. Investigate a range of tools and methodologies for the achievement of critical outcomes in eHealth and data science initiatives. Data not available Data not available Data not available GBP 650 (NHS/Academic/Public Sector), GBP 950 (Corporate) GBP 650 (NHS/Academic/Public Sector), GBP 950 (Corporate) Discounts available for returning students. ICT and medical professionals who are at healthcare organisations looking to acquire new skills or certify their understanding of data analytics within their Domain. Data not available Data not available Regular professional courses available. Summer 2016. Check with EIT for latest courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Executive Course Professional Development Strategic Use of Big Data Copenhagen Business School Denmark Copenhagen Native language 4 days Data not available FT Instructor Led Customer strategy - how created and implemented this? Big Data and Performance Management The company's customer understanding, retention, -profitoptimering Processes and support for data collection Organizing the proactive work with data System support in the data Management, culture and support for knowledge sharing Morals and ethics in relation to data collection and use Challenges to interpret data and communicate these in the organization, so it makes a difference to the customer Data not available Data not available Data not available 23.300 Kr., - excl. VAT. 23.300 Kr., - excl. VAT. Data not available The course is for those who want to work strategically and tactically with your company's data and ensure that data used proactively to create mutual value for both the company, as the customer. The course is management-oriented and not a course in the more IT-based issues in the use of specific software systems or platforms. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Summer 2016. Check with provider for up-to-date courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Visualisation and R 56 North Denmark Copenhagen Native language 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led What are the principles behind a good visualization? What packages can I use to visualize my data? How do I create stunning graphics in R? How do I create interactive graphics in R? How do I export my graphics in R? Data not available Data not available Data not available 6318.75 Kr Data not available Data not available For professionals who already work with R and who want to become better visualize your data and analyzes. Data not available Data not available Proficiency in R is necessary or Basic Course in R (56 North) is recommended. Regular courses available. Check with provider for latest scheduled courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Lifelong Learning Courses for External Learners Data Science Tech Institute France Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Paris English 1 or 2 weeks Data not available FT Instructor Led Courses offered on: Machine and Deep Learning, Big Data Tools, Applied Data Science & Big Data Data not available Data not available Data not available Not specified Data not available Data not available For interested professionals. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Courses offered between March and December 2016. Contact provider for details of schedule and content. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Workshop Professional Development Introduction To Big Data Datarella Germany Munich Native language Data not available Data not available FT Instructor Led The Paradigm Shift, Hadoop, NoSQL, Open Data, Open Tools, Streetfighting Data Science, Social Media Monitoring, Trends, Ngrams, Correlate, APIs, Visualization Data not available Data not available Data not available Not specified Data not available Data not available For interested professionals. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Contact provider for details of schedule and content. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Workshop Professional Development Applied Data Science Datarella Germany Munich Native language Data not available Data not available FT Instructor Led Learn Data Science like you learn chemistry, Textmining, Predictive Modeling, Machine Learning, Working with state-of-the-art Data Science Tools Data not available Data not available Data not available Not specified Data not available Data not available For interested professionals. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Contact provider for details of schedule and content. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Workshop Professional Development Developing Big Data Products Datarella Germany Munich Native language Data not available Data not available FT Instructor Led Development of a Big Data strategy, From product ideas to finished products, Brainstorming, Group Work, Use Cases Data not available Data not available Data not available Not specified Data not available Data not available For interested professionals. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified. Contact provider for details of schedule and content. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Visual Journalism Akademie for Publizistik Hamburg Germany Hamburg Native language 18 days over 1 year Data not available PT Data not available Visual perception and communication Visual storytelling Data and visualizations Visual conception Final project Data not available Final Cut ProX, Excel, Data not available EUR 3,450.00 EUR 3,450.00 Data not available The course is aimed at a range of creative professionals such as journalists, photographers, technical writers, filmmakers, graphic designers, concept developers of editors and Corporate Communications / PR and to Agency employees. Data not available Data not available Prior knowledge of programming is not expected. Contact provider for details of next available course. 2015 No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development SoBigData Datathon So Big Data Italy tbc Data not available 1 day Data not available FT Data not available SoBigData explores and develops conventional and unconventional training experience for master and PhD students and post-doctoral trainees. These experiences include summer schools and datathons for matching research (and industrial) needs and people skills. Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available The datathon is aimed at young minds working in data science. Data not available Data not available Annual Scheduled for May 2017 and May 2018. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Executive Course Professional Development Leadership Challenges With Big Data - Turning Data Into Business Rotterdam School Of Management, Erasmus University The Netherlands Rotterdam English 8 days Data not available FT Erasmus Centre for Data Science and Business Analytics Module 1: Introduction to the leadership challenges of big data Module 2: Digital masters and big data (part 1) Module 3: Digital masters and big data (part 2) Module 4: Current technologies for data analysis Module 5: Technical architecture enabling data-driven organisations Module 6: Advanced technologies for data analysis, use of algorithms Module 7: Presenting, selling and visualising big data results Module 8: Company assignments: discussion using data analysis and visualisation tools Module 9: Business cases and data-driven business models Module 10: Ethical, legal and privacy challenges Module 11: Implementation � changing your company into a data-driven company Module 12: Learning from practice : what can incumbents learn from online players? Module 13: Recap, presentations and final discussions Module 14: Business transformation management Module 15: Presentations of company-specific cases Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 6,450 (excl. VAT) Data not available Group discounts available. Professionals in data science who are technically or methodology oriented and those in business analytics working with business models and applications, as well as senior executives and supervisors. Professionals in non-profit organisations and governments, particularly those who work on smart city concepts, may also benefit. Data not available Data not available No prerequisites specified Contact provider for details of schedule. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Lisbon Machine Learning School: Focus on NLP Summer School Committee Portugal Lisbon English 8 days Data not available FT Data not available Basic Tutorials On Probability Theory And Linear Algebra Introduction To Python Lecture 1: Introduction To Machine Learning: Linear Classifiers Practical Talk: Large-Scale Language Grounding With Vision: Lecture 2: Sequence Models Lecture 3: Learning Structured Predictors Practical Talk: Meaning In The Wild Lecture 4: Syntax And Parsing (Part1, Part2) Lecture 5:Learning With Big Data (Chris Dyer) Practical Talk: Multilingual Word Sense Disambiguation And Entity Linking Lecture 6: Deep Learning Practical Talk: Teaching Machines To Read And Comprehend Data not available Data not available Data not available EUR 250 for students (late registration: EUR 300) EUR 300 for professors or researchers affiliated to a university (late registration: EUR 350) EUR 350 for everyone else (late registration: EUR 400) Data not available Early bird discounts and scholarships available. Researchers and graduate students in the fields of NLP and Computational Linguistics; Computer scientists who have interests in statistics and machine learning; Industry practitioners who desire a more in depth understanding of these subjects. Data not available Data not available No deep previous knowledge of ML or NLP is required, but the attendants are assumed to have at least some basic background on probabilities and programming; Recommended reading is provided one month in advance, see the labs guide of 2014 as reference; Annual July Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Data Analysis with Apache Pig and Apache Hive MAPR Academy Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English, native language 2 days Official certification possible. Different certification tracks are available. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Describe how Apache Pig fits in the Hadoop ecosystem Extract, Transform, and Load Data with Apache Pig Manipulate Data with Apache Pig Describe how Apache Hive fits in the Hadoop Create tables and load data in Apache Hive Query data with Apache Hive Data not available Hadoop, Pig, Hive, SQL, HDFS Data not available Prices vary depending on location and participation mode: e.g. London: GBP 1000 (+VAT), Video stream: USD 1400 Prices vary depending on location and participation mode: e.g. London: GBP 1000 (+VAT), Video stream: USD 1400 Data not available Advanced. For data analysts and developers interested in the data pipeline For data scientists and business analysts who are familiar with SQL and want to use data on an HDFS This is a programming course; you must have some programming experience to do the exercises Data not available Data not available Programming experience is necssary to take this course: Familiarity with a command-line interface, such as a Unix shell. Familiarity with RDBMS database tools, such as SQL Access to, and the ability to use, a laptop with an internet connection and a terminal program installed (such as terminal on the Mac, or PuTTY on Windows). Regularly scheduled courses. Check with provider for latest scheduled courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development DEV 3000 - Developing Hadoop Applications MAPR Academy Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English, native language 3 days This course prepares you for the MapR Certified Hadoop Developer (MCHD) certification exam. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to Developing Hadoop Applications Job Execution Framework MapReduce v1 & v2 Lesson 3: Write a MapReduce Program Lesson 4: Use the MapReduce API Lesson 5: Managing, Monitoring, and Testing MapReduce Jobs Lesson 6: Characterizing and Improving MapReduce Job Performance Lesson 7: Working with Different Data Sources in MapReduce Lesson 8: Managing Multiple MapReduce Jobs Lesson 9: Using MapReduce Streaming Data not available MapReduce Data not available Not specified Not specified Data not available For application developers Data not available Data not available Required: The ability to use a text editor, such as vi, Basic to intermediate Linux knowledge, including familiarity with basic command-line options such a mv, cp, ssh, grep, cd, useradd, Access to, and the ability to use, a laptop with a browser and terminal program installed (such as terminal on the Mac, or PuTTY on Windows) Recommended: Completion of the on-demand course HDE 100 - Hadoop Essentials, Completion of the on-demand course HDE 110 - MapR Distribution Essentials Optional: Basic Hadoop knowledge Check with provider for latest scheduled courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development DEV 3100 - HBase for Analysts and Architects MAPR Academy Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Online only English, native language 6.5 hours This course helps prepare you for the MapR Certified HBase Developer (MCHBD) certification exam. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to HBase HBase Data Model HBase Architecture Basic Schema Design Design Schemas for Complex Data Structures Using Hive to Query HBase Data not available Data not available Data not available Not specified Not specified Data not available For Data Analysts and Enterprise Architects interested in designing HBase application schemas This is a non-programming course Data not available Data not available Required: Basic Linux knowledge, including familiarity with basic command-line options such a mv, cp, cd, ls, ssh, and scp, Access to, and the ability to use, a laptop with a terminal program installed (such as terminal on the Mac, or PuTTY and WinSCP Windows). Recommended: Completion of the on-demand course HDE 100 - Hadoop Essentials, Completion of the on-demand course HDE 110 - MapR Distribution Essentials Optional: Basic Hadoop and database knowledge Check with provider for latest scheduled courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development DEV 3200 - HBase Applications Design and Build MAPR Academy Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English, native language 3 days This course prepares you for the MapR Certified HBase Developer (MCHBD) certification exam. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Introduction to HBase, HBase Data Model, HBase Architecture, Basic Schema Design, Design Schemas for Complex Data Structures, Using Hive to Query HBase, Java Client API Part 1, Java API Part 2, Java Client API for Administrative Features, Advanced HBase Java API, Time Series Application with Flat Wide and Tall Narrow Implementations, MapReduce on HBase, Social Application, Bulk Loading of Data, Performance, Security Data not available Data not available Data not available Prices vary depending on location and participation mode: e.g. London: GBP 1695 (+VAT) Prices vary depending on location and participation mode: e.g. London: GBP 1695 (+VAT) Data not available For developers interested in designing and developing HBase applications This is a programming course; you must have Java programming experience to do the exercises. Data not available Data not available Required: Basic Linux knowledge, including familiarity with basic command-line options such a mv, cp, cd, ls, ssh, and scp, Access to, and the ability to use, a laptop with a terminal program installed (such as terminal on the Mac, or PuTTY and WinSCP Windows), Beginner-to-intermediate fluency with Java or object-oriented programming in an IDE such as Eclipse Recommended: Completion of the on-demand course HDE 100 - Hadoop Essentials, Completion of the on-demand course HDE 110 - MapR Distribution Essentials Optional: Basic Hadoop and database knowledge Check with provider for latest scheduled courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development DEV 3500 � Real-time Stream Processing with MapR MAPR Academy Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Data not available English, native language 1 day Data not available FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Lesson 1: Introduction to MapR Streams Lesson 2: MapR Streams Architecture Lesson 3: Introduction to Producers and Consumers Lesson 4: Producer and Consumer Details Data not available Data not available Data not available Not specified Not specified Data not available For developers interested in designing and developing MapR Streams applications. This is a programming course; you must have Java programming experience to do the exercises. Data not available Data not available Required: Basic to intermediate Linux knowledge, including the ability to use a text editor such as vi, and familiarity with basic command-line options such a mv, cp, ssh, grep, cd, useradd Knowledge of application development principles A Linux, Windows or MacOS computer with the MapR Sandbox installed (for the on-demand course) Connection to a Hadoop cluster via SSH and web browser (for the ILT and vILT course) Recommended: Knowledge of functional programming Knowledge of Java Knowledge of the MapR Converged Data Platform Check with provider for latest scheduled courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development DEV 3600 - Developing Apache Spark Applications MAPR Academy Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English, native language 3 days This course helps prepare you for the MCSD MapR Certified Spark Developer certification exam. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Lesson 1 Introduction to Apache Spark Lesson 2 � Load and Inspect Data in Spark Lesson 3 � Build a Simple Spark Application Lesson 4 � Work with Pair RDD Lesson 5 - Work with Spark DataFrames Lesson 6 - Monitor a Spark Application Lesson 7 � Introduction to Apache Spark Data Pipelines Lesson 8 � Create an Apache Spark Streaming Application Lesson 9 � Use Apache Spark GraphX to Analyze Flight Data Lesson 10 � Use Apache Spark MLlib to Predict Flight Delays Data not available Data not available Data not available Prices vary depending on location and participation mode: e.g. London: GBP 1725 (+VAT) Prices vary depending on location and participation mode: e.g. London: GBP 1725 (+VAT) Data not available For developers interested in designing and developing Spark applications. This is a programming course; you must have Java programming experience to do the exercises. Data not available Data not available Required Basic to intermediate Linux knowledge, including the ability to use a text editor such as vi, and familiarity with basic command-line options such a mv, cp, ssh, grep, cd, useradd Knowledge of application development principles A Linux, Windows or MacOS computer with the MapR Sandbox installed (for the on-demand course) Connection to a Hadoop cluster via SSH and web browser (for the ILT and vILT course) Recommended Knowledge of functional programming Knowledge of Scala or Python Beginner fluency with SQL Completion of HDE 100 - Hadoop Essentials Check with provider for latest scheduled courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development DA 4000 - Self-service SQL Analytics with Apache Drill MAPR Academy Multiple: Europe, Worldwide Data not available English, native language 2 days This course prepares you for the MapR Certified Hadoop Data Analyst (MCHDA) certification exam. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course Write familiar SQL queries on structured data, Write familiar SQL queries on a range of data types, Use Drill Explorer to explore semi-structured data, List the different types of data Drill can explore and query, Describe how Drill interacts with data and discovers its schema, Explore data to create queries using multiple data sources, Use views to visualize data in BI tools, Components of Drill, Drill execution, Optimization and flexibility of Drill, Lab Exercises Data not available Data not available Data not available Not specified Not specified Data not available For data analysts and data scientists who use SQL to perform data analysis. This is a data analysis course; You must have SQL experience to do the exercises. Data not available Data not available Required: Basic Linux knowledge, including familiarity with basic command-line options such a mv, cp, cd, ls, ssh, and scp, Access to, and the ability to use, a laptop with a terminal program installed (such as terminal on the Mac, or PuTTY and WinSCP on Windows), Beginner to intermediate fluency with SQL Recommended: Completion of the on-demand course HDE 100 - Hadoop Essentials, Completion of the on-demand course HDE 110 - MapR Distribution Essentials Optional: Basic Hadoop knowledge Check with provider for latest scheduled courses. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development On Demand Courses for training on popular Software platforms MAPR Academy Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English, native language 2-5 days Official certification possible. Different certification tracks are available. FT Self paced Data not available Data not available Hadoop, Pig, Hive, SQL, HDFS, Spark Data not available Free to register Free to register Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Self paced learning with 24 hour, 365 days per year access Data not available No evidence of industry partners
Short Course Professional Development Customised Private Corporate Training MAPR Academy Multiple: Europe, Worldwide London English, native language 2-4 days Official certification possible. Different certification tracks are available. FT Instructor Led or Video live streaming of course All courses Include: Certified MapR Instructor who is an SME in the topic, and is expert in classroom facilitation and course delivery techniques Collaboration and assistance for all students on completion of exercises Lab exercises, a lab guide, slide guide, job aids as appropriate Course Cluster for completing labs provided Certification exam fee included � one exam try only, done on the student�s own time (not in class) Data not available Data not available Data not available Prices vary by location. Indicative US pricing: USD 7000 per person, per day (instructor led classroom learning) USD 5000 per person, per day (video live streaming) Prices vary by location. Indicative US pricing: USD 7000 per person, per day (instructor led classroom learning) USD 5000 per person, per day (video live streaming) Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Contact provider to arrange content and timing. Data not available No evidence of industry partners
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